
Yin Xu Associate professor

School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering


  • Organization:School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering
  • Tel:15251869461
  • Gender:male
  • Email:yinxu@suda.edu.cn
  • Post:
  • Office Location:Office 405, Laser Building, Tiancizhuang Campus
  • Graduate School:Southeast University
  • Address:No. 1, Shizi Roda, Gusu District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province
  • Degree:PhD
  • PostCode:215006
  • Academic Credentials:
  • Fax:



2011.08—2017.03, Ph.D  Southeast University, School of Electronic Science and Engineering

2007.09—2011.06, B.S.  Jiangsu University, Faculty of Science 

Professional Experiences

Work Experience:

2017.06—2019.01 Postdoc.  The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Department of Electrical Engineering

2019.01—2022.12 Assoc. Prof.  Jiangnan University, School of IoT Engineering

2023.01—now Assoc. Prof.  Soochow University, School of Optoelectric Science and Engineering



Yin Xu, PhD/Associate professor, Outstanding Young Scholar of Soochow University, Master Supervisor. He received his Doctor's degree in Physical Electronics from Southeast University in March 2017. From June 2017 to January 2019, he worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Photonics Research Center of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. From January 2019 to December 2022, he worked as a teaching and scientific researcher at the School of IoT Engineering of Jiangnan University. In January 2023, he joined the School of Optoelectronic Science and Engineering of Soochow University. He is mainly engaged in the basic and applied research in the fields of integrated optics, silicon photonics, optoelectronic integrated chips, and on-chip optical frequency combs. He has published over 30 papers as a first or corresponding author in the journals of Optics Letters, Optics Express, Journal of Lightwave Technology, Optics and Laser Technology, Nanomaterials and so on. Also, he has granted 12 national invention patents. He presided over the National Natural Science Foundation of China and the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, participated in the key research and development program of the Ministry of Science and Technology. He has also received the title of Doctor of Mass Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Jiangsu Province (2020).


Research Field:

Integrated optics

Silicon photonics

Optoelectric integrated chips

Thin film lithium niobate based multi-physical field coupled chips

On-chip optical frequency comb


Open Course:


Research Project:

National Natural Science Foundation of China, 62205129, 2023.01—2025.12, PI

Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, BK20200592, 2020.07—2023.06, PI



[1]     Yin Xu, Luping Liu, Xin Hu, Yue Dong, Bo Zhang, and Yi Ni, “Scalable silicon-based mode-order converters assisted by tapered metal strip layer,” Optics and Laser Technology, 151, 108028 (2022).

[2]     Yin Xu, Luping Liu, Xin Hu, Yue Dong, Bo Zhang, and Yi Ni, “Metal plasmonic assisted silicon-based TE0-to-TM1 mode-order converter with 3.5 µm length,” Optics and Laser Technology, 142, 107251 (2021).

[3]     Yin Xu, Chenxi Zhu, Xin Hu, Yue Dong, Bo Zhang, and Yi Ni, “On-chip silicon shallowly etched TM0-to-TM1 mode-order converter with high conversion efficiency and low modal crosstalk,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 37, 1290 (2020).

[4]     Yin Xu, Xin Hu, Yue Dong, Bo Zhang, and Yi Ni, “Highly-efficient, ultra-compact and polarization-insensitive electro-absorption modulator driven by hybrid silicon-indium tin oxide-based MOS capacitors,” IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics, 56, 5200309 (2020).

[5]     Yin Xu, Feng Li, Zhe Kang, Dongmei Huang, Xianting Zhang, Hwa-Yaw Tam, and Ping-kong Alexander Wai, “Hybrid graphene-silicon based polarization-insensitive electro-absorption modulator with high-modulation efficiency and ultra-broad bandwidth,” Nanomaterials 9, 157 (2019).

[6]     Yin Xu and Jinbiao Xiao, “Compact and high extinction ratio polarization beam splitter using subwavelength grating couplers,” Optics Letters, 41, 773 (2016).

[7]     Yin Xu and Jinbiao Xiao, “Design and numerical study of a compact, broadband and low-loss TE-pass polarizer using transparent conducting oxides,” Optics Express, 24, 15373 (2016).

[8]     Yedeng Fei, Yin Xu*, Dongmei Huang, Yue Dong, Bo Zhang, Yi Ni, and Ping-kong Alexander Wai, “On-chip reconfigurable and ultracompact silicon waveguide mode converters based on nonvolatile optical phase change materials,” Nanomaterials, 12, 4225 (2022).

[9]     Haoyang Sun, Yin Xu*, Yue Dong, Bo Zhang, and Yi Ni, “Compact and broadband on-chip silicon polarization beam splitter based on tilted subwavelength grating,” Journal of the Optical Society of America B, 39, 3049 (2022).

[10]  Yang Yang, Yin Xu*, Dongmei Huang, Feng Li, Yue Dong, Bo Zhang, Yi Ni, and Ping-kong Alexander Wai, “Thin-film lithium niobate based acousto-optic modulation working at higher-order TE1 mode,” Photonics, 9, 12 (2022).


Books Writings: Patents Patent:

[1]     徐银,刘路平,倪屹. 一种基于表面等离子激元的硅基模阶数转换器的设计方法. ZL202010716604.1 申请日期:2020.07.23,授权公告日:2021.10.29。发明专利

[2]     徐银,朱晨曦,倪屹. 一种片上集成基于硅基波导的TM0-TM3模序数转换器. ZL202011022928.1 申请日期:2020.09.25,授权公告日:2021.06.04。发明专利

[3]     徐银,费耶灯,倪屹. 一种非易失相变的可重构硅基模式转换器及制作方法. ZL202210432149.1 申请日期:2022.04.22,授权公告日:2022.11.29。发明专利

[4]     徐银,高铭阳,倪屹. 一种基于硅基平台的单模90°弯曲波导及制作方法. 202210822722.X 申请日期:2022.07.12。发明专利,实审中


Honor Reward:



Graduate and undergrated students with major backgounds of physics, optics, electronics are all welcome. 

Please contact: Yin Xu

Email: yinxu@suda.edu.cn


Graduate School:Southeast University


Office Location:Office 405, Laser Building, Tiancizhuang Campus


10 Access

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