

Career:Associate professor



Graduate School:State University of New York at Stony Brook


Office Location:1005-5501

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  • Department:History
  • Gender:male
  • Email:tao.wei82@outlook.com
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  • Office Location:1005-5501
  • Graduate School:State University of New York at Stony Brook
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  • Degree:PhD
  • Academic Credentials:PhD



Ph. D. State University of New York at Stony Brook, American history, USA, August 2016.

M. A. Peking University, American history, China, 2008.

B. A., Huanggang Normal University, Politics and Administration, China, 2005.

Professional Experiences

Professional Experiences:

Associate Professor

Soochow University

History Department 

Assistant Professor, 

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences University, School of History

2020 Fall, Survey of American History

2021 Fall, Survey of American History

Assistant Researcher, 2017-2023

Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, The Institute of World History

Instructor: State University of New York at Stony Brook, History Department 

Summer 2016: Topics in American History (1450-1850)

Winter 2015: Pirates, Sailors, and Motley Crew in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World.

Research Assistant: 

State University of New York at Stony Brook, Department of Asian and Asian American Studies

Spring 2015: Family, Marriage, and Kinship in China.

Fall 2014: History of Ancient China.

Teaching Assistant: 

State University of New York at Stony Brook, History Department 

Spring 2015: Global History and Geography.

Fall 2014: History of the Early Republic.

Spring 2014: Civil War and Reconstruction.

Fall 2013: Identity in European History.

Spring 2013: Politics, Authority and Culture in Early Modern Europe.

Fall 2012: Wealth and Inequality in the Modern Corporate Age.

Spring 2012: Egypt of the Pharaohs.

Fall 2011: The Second World War, 1939-1945.

Spring 2011: American Politics and Diplomacy to 1898.

Fall 2010: American History to 1877.

Spring 2010: Age of the American Revolution.

Fall 2009: Marriage, Sexuality, and the Family in Colonial America.

Conferences and Presentations (Selected):

1. “‘We Are Born to Die’: Charleston Merchants, Sick Slave Trade, and the Exchange of Medical Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic World, 1733-1763,” presented at the 2015 Joint Conference sponsored by the Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture and the Society of Early Americanists, Chicago, Illinois, June 18–21, 2015.

2. “‘We Are Born to Die’: Charleston Merchants, Sick Slaves, and the Exchange of Medical Knowledge in Eighteenth-Century British Atlantic World, 1733-1763,” presentedat the 2015 Mid-Atlantic Conference for British Studies sponsored by Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, March 27-28, 2015.

3. “British Dissenters, Dutch Radicals, and the Radical Networks in the Atlantic World: The Case of Henry Laurens, 1779-1784,” presented at the 2015 Organization ofAmerican Historians Annual Meeting, St. Louis, MO, April 16-19, 2015.

4. “Dutch Radicals, British Dissenters, and the Radical Networks in the Atlantic World: The Case of Henry Laurens, 1779-1784,” presented at the “The Politics of Protest: Dissent, Interest Groups, and the Loyal and Disloyal Opposition in U.S. Political History” conference, Boston University, Boston, MA, April 11-12, 2014.

5. “Enlistment and the Experiences of African American Soldiers in the CivilWar,” presented at Stony Brook University, Stony Brook, NY, April 2, 2014.

6. “Metropole, Colony, and the Slave Trade in British Atlantic World: The Case of Henry Laurens, 1744-1765,” presented at the “2014 ESA Conference: Currents of the Black Atlantic,” The Graduate Center at the City University of New York, New York, NY, March 13-14, 2014.

7. “Christian Enlightenment and the Anti-Slavery Debate in Pre-Revolutionary Philadelphia: The Case of Benjamin Rush,” presented at the conference of

8. “The Republics of Benjamin Rush” sponsored by the Dickinson College and The McNeil Center for Early American Studies at the University of Pennsylvania,Carlisle, PA, March 21-23, 2014.

9. “‘This Voyage to London Should Polish Me & Make Me Quite Polite:’ Metropole,Colony, and the Commercial Encounters of Henry Laurens in the British AtlanticWorld, 1744-1765,” presented at the Fourteenth Annual International Graduate Student Conference on Transatlantic History at University of Texas at Arlington,Arlington, TX, October 25-26, 2013.

10. “‘All Mankind as Equal:’ Benjamin Rush and the Slavery Debate in Pre-Revolutionary Philadelphia,” presented at the eighteenth James A. Barnes Graduate Student Conference at Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, March 22, 2013.

11.  “Between Revival and Beyond: Republican Revisionism and the Contested Cannons inAmerican Historiography,” presented at International Center of Jefferson Studies Forum, Monticello, VA, April 2008.



Research fields: Early American history, British imperial history, Atlantic history, South Carolina history 

Professional Service

Professional Service:





大西洋中部地区英国史研究会(Mid-Atlantic Conference for British Studies

美洲早期学者协会(Society of Early Americanists

南卡罗来纳历史协会(South Carolina Historical Society

南方历史协会(Southern Historical Association

美国共和国早期史协会(Society for Historians of the Early American Republic



Work-in-Progress Book Projects:

1. 魏涛《多维视野下的美国早期史研究:美国历史学家访谈》。我正在对美国历史学家Ned C. Landsman, Marcus Rediker, Rosemarie Zagarri, Michael W. Zuckerman以及Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy等进行采访。英文访谈已完成。正在翻译并联系出版社。





Work-in-Progress Book Projects:

1. Tao Wei, Varieties of Early American History:Interviews with American Historians. I am doing oral histories and interviews with American historians such as Ned C. Landsman, Marcus Rediker, Rosemarie Zagarri, Michael W. Zuckerman, and Andrew Jackson O’Shaughnessy. Forthcoming (2024).



Academic Articles:

1. 魏涛:《从区域走向全球:二战以来欧美学界大西洋史的研究路径和发展趋势》,《世界历史》(CSSCI 期刊),2022年第3期,第98-114页。2万字。被《中国社会科学文摘》2023年第1期转载。

2. 魏涛:《从区域走向全球:二战以来欧美学界大西洋史的研究路径和发展趋势》,《世界历史》(CSSCI 期刊),2022年第3期,第98-114页。2万字。被《新华文摘》2022年第18期部分转载。

3. 魏涛:《美国早期史的全球转向》,《欧美史研究》第4辑,中国社会科学出版社,2021年10月。1.6万字。

4. 魏涛:《连接宏观和微观:大西洋史学的研究路径》,《欧美史研究》第4辑,中国社会科学出版社,2021年10月。0.6万字。

5. 魏涛:《英帝国与美国革命初期的黑人军队》,《北京社会科学》(CSSCI 期刊),2021年第1期,1.6万字。

6. 魏涛:《一个福柯式的解构主义者海登·怀特对历史学学科化的思考》,《世界历史评论》,上海:上海人民出版社,2020年8月

7. 魏涛:《大西洋史学与美国早期史的区域整合》,《理论与史学》第五辑,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2019年12月。

8. 魏涛:《伯纳德·贝林与美国早期史领域的移民史研究》,《史学理论研究》(CSSCI 期刊)2019年第1期。

9. 魏涛:《大西野与美国早期史究:马库斯·雷迪克访谈录》,《史学理论研究》(CSSCI 期刊),2017年第3期

10. “‘All Mankind as Equal’: Slavery and Benjamin Rush’s Radical Enlightenment in the Eighteenth-Century Atlantic World,” World History Studies,Vol.2, 2018 December, 57-82.

11. “Will and the Distribution of Property of a Southern Planter in Revolutionary America: The Case of George Galphin, 1776-1780,” Luojia Historical Journal, Wuhan: Wuhan University Press, 2015: 366-385.

12. “Rethinking Early American History Since the 1960s: A Conversation with Michael W. Zuckerman,” Peking University Historical Journal, (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2015), China.

13. “Rethinking Early American History from Global Perspectives: An Interview with Michael W. Zuckerman,” New Historical Journal, (Zhengzhou: Daxiang Press, 2015), China.

14. “Patriots, Loyalists and Governance in Pre-Revolutionary South Carolina: The Case of Thomas Jeremiah,” Peking University Historical Journal (Beijing: Peking University Press, 2013): 345-368.

Encyclopedia Articles:

1. “Citizenship,” The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives, Paul Joseph ed., (SAGE Reference, 2017), 283-284.

2. “United States,” The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives, Paul Joseph ed., (SAGE Reference, 2017), 1752-1754.

3. “East India Company,” “Anti-Slavery Society,” “Royal African Society,” “British Museum,” and “Opium Wars,” in Encyclopedia of British Empire, ed. Mark Doyle, 2 vols., (ABC-CLIO, 2017), forthcoming.

Book Reviews:

1. Review of Rebecca Brannon, From Revolution to Reunion: The Reintegration of theSouth Carolina Loyalists (Columbia: University of South Carolina Press, 2016), in Journal of Southern History, Volume 83, Number 4, November 2017, pp. 944-945.

2. Review of Sven Beckert, Empire of Cotton: A Global History(New York: Alfred A. Knopf2014), in Global History Review (Beijing: China Social Science Press, 2016):355-359.

3. Review of Catherine Hall, Macaulay and Son: Architects of Imperial Britain (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2012), in Essays in History, Charlottesville, Virginia, October 2014.

4. Review of James Epstein, Scandal of Colonial Rule: Power and Subversion in the BritishAtlantic during the Age of Revolution (Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2012), in International Journal of Maritime History, August 2014 26: 636-638.

5. Review of Justin Roberts, Slavery and the Enlightenment in the British Atlantic, 1750-1807 (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), in The Middle Ground Journal: World History and Global Studies, No. 9, Fall, 2014, Duluth, Minnesota.

6. Review of Bernard Bailyn, The Barbarous Years: The Peopling of British North America: The Conflict of Civilizations, 1600-1675New York: Alfred A. Knopf,2012)],” Intellectual History Review.


Books Books:

Tao Wei, Henry Laurens and His Transatlantic Voyages in the Eighteenth CenturyBeijing: Social Sciences Literature Press, 2022.




1. State University of New York at Stony Brook Scholarship, 2009-2016.

2. Organization of Society for Historians of the Early American RepublicMentorship Program, July 2016.

3. Organization of American Historians President’s Travel Fund for Emerging Historians, April 2015.

4. Organization of American Historians Mentorship Program, June 2015.

5. Bernard Semmel Award Fellowship, Stony Brook University, June and July 2014.

6. David Library of the American Revolution Fellowship, Washington Crossing, PA, 2014.

7. Robert H. Smith International Center for Jefferson Studies Fellowship, Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, Charlottesville, VA, March & April 2008.

