
Fangpan Professor

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology


  • Organization:Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Tel:+15926268742
  • Gender:female
  • Email:pfang@suda.edu.cn
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  • Graduate School:Fudan University
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  • Degree:Doctoral degree
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2012.9 – 2017.8

Ph.D.Fudan University, Shanghai, China. (Advisor: Prof. Pengyuan Yang)

2008.9 – 2012.6

B.S.in Biological Science, School of Life Science, Hubei University, Wuhan, China

Professional Experiences

Work Experience:

2021.10- now

Professor and Principle Investigator, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Soochow University Medical College, Suzhou, China

2020.10- 2021.09

Senior research engineer, Karolinska Institutet,Stockholm, Sweden 

2017.9 – 2020.9

Postdoctoral researcher,Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany.  




Research Field:

My research interests focus on developing state of the art mass spectrometry technologies for the analysis of glycoproteins. I have made great breakthroughs in qualitative and quantitative N-glycoproteomics. I further studied the roles of protein glycosylation in neurodegenerative diseases. Now Im working on drug discovery and development by proteome-wide orthogonal approaches. In the future, I will focus on the drug discovery targeting glycosylation and glycoprotein biomarker for neurological disorders. 


Open Course:

1. Supervisor of a master student for the lab rotation. Quantitative proteomic and phosphoproteomic analysis of ovarian follicles under luteinizing hormone treatment”, 2 months, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany (2020.3-2020.4)

2. Guest lecturer, graduate course, “Sequence analysis of protein post-translational modifications by ESI-MS”, 2 hours, Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Göttingen, Germany (2019.10-2019.12)

3. Teaching assistant, undergraduate class, “Analytical chemistry experiments”, ten classes, Fudan University (2012.3-2012.7)

4. Guest lecturer, undergraduate class,"Biochemistry", two classes, Soochow University


Research Project:



1. Pan Fang;Yanlong Ji;Ivan Silbern;Rosa Viner;Thomas Oellerich;Kuan-Ting Pan;Henning Urlaub*; Evaluation and Optimization of High-Field Asymmetric Waveform Ion Mobility Spectrometry for Multiplexed Quantitative Site-specific N-glycoproteomics,Analytical chemistry,2021. 93(25),8846-8855.

2. Ivan Silbern;Pan Fang;Yanlong Ji; Lenz Christof; Henning Urlaub;Kuan-Ting Pan;Relative Quantification of Phosphorylated and Glycosylated Peptides from the Same Sample Using Isobaric Chemical Labelling with a Two-Step Enrichment Strategy,Quantitative Methods in Proteomics. Methods in Molecular Biology2021, 2228. Humana, New York, NY.

3. Marie Wensien#;Fabian Rabe von Pappenheim#;Lisa-Marie Funk;Patrick Kloskowski;Ute Curth;Ulf Diederichsen;Jon Uranga;Jin Ye;Pan Fang;Kuan-Ting Pan;Henning Urlaub;Ricardo A. Mata;Viktor Sautner;Kai Tittmann*;A lysine-cysteine redox switch with an NOS bridge regulates enzyme function. Nature. 2021, 593(7859):460-464.

4. Pan Fang#Yanlong Ji#; Ivan Silbern; Carmen Doebele; Momchil Ninov;Christof Lenz; Thomas Oellerich; Kuan-Ting Pan*; Henning Urlaub*; Astreamlined pipeline for multiplexed quantitative site-specic Nglycoproteomics,Nature communications, 2020, 11(1): 5268.

5. Tina Ukmar-Godec#Pan Fang#; Alain Ibáñez de Opakua#; Fabian Henneberg; Aljaz Godec; Kuan-Ting Pan; M.-S. Cima-Omori; Ashwin Chari; Eckhard Mandelkow; Henning Urlaub; Markus Zweckstetter*; Proteasomal degradation of the intrinsically disordered protein tau at single-residue resolution, Science Advances2020, 6(30): eaba3916. 

6. Pan Fang#JuanJuan Xie#; Shaoming Sang; Lei Zhang; Mingqi Liu; LujieYang; Yiteng Xu; Guoquan Yan; Jun Yao; Xing Gao; Wenjing Qian; Zhongfeng Wang; Yang Zhang*; Pengyuan Yang*; Huali Shen*; Multilayered N-Glycoproteome Proling Reveals Highly Heterogeneous and Dysregulated Protein N-Glycosylation Related to Alzheimer’s Disease, Analytical chemistry2020, 92(1): 867-874.

7. Yu Xue; Juanjuan Xie; Pan Fang; Jun Yao; Guoquan Yan; Huali Shen*; Pengyuan Yang*; Study on behaviors and performances of universal Nglycopeptide enrichment methods, Analyst2018, 143(8): 1870-1880.

8. Ming-Qi Liu#; Wen-Feng Zeng#Pan Fang#; Wei-Qian Cao#; Chao Liu#; GuoQuan Yan; Yang Zhang; Chao Peng; Jian-Qiang Wu; Xiao-Jin Zhang; Hui-Jun Tu; Hao Chi; Rui-Xiang Sun; Yong Cao; Meng-Qiu Dong; Bi-Yun Jiang; Jiang-Ming Huang; Hua-Li Shen; Catherine C.L. Wong*; Si-Min He*; Peng-Yuan Yang*; pGlyco 2.0 enables precision N-glycoproteomics with comprehensive quality control and one-step mass spectrometry for intact glycopeptide identication, Nature communications2017, 8: 438.

9. Pan Fang; Xin-jian Wang; Yu Xue; Ming-qi Liu; Wen-feng Zeng; Yang Zhang; Lei Zhang; Xing Gao; Guo-quan Yan; Jun Yao; Hua-li Shen*; Peng-yuan Yang*; In-depth mapping of the mouse brain N-glycoproteome reveals widespread N-glycosylation of diverse brain proteins, Oncotarget2016, 7(25): 38796-38809. 

10. Wen-Feng Zeng#; Ming-Qi Liu#; Yang Zhang; Jian-Qiang Wu; Pan Fang; Chao Peng; Aiying Nie; Guoquan Yan; Weiqian Cao; Chao Liu; Hao Chi; RuiXiang Sun; Catherine C. L. Wong*; Si-Min He*; Pengyuan Yang*; pGlyco: a pipeline for the identification of intact N-glycopeptides by using HCD- and CID-MS/MS and MS3, Scientific reports2016, 6: 25102.

11. Pan Fang; Mingqi Liu; Yu Xue; Jun Yao; Yang Zhang; Huali Shen*; Pengyuan Yang*; Controlling nonspecic trypsin cleavages in LC-MS/MS-based shotgun proteomics using optimized experimental conditions, Analyst2015, 140(22): 7613-7621.

12. Hong Li; Huali Shen; Guoquan Yan; Yang Zhang; Mingqi Liu; Pan Fang; Hongxiu Yu*; Pengyun Yang*; Site-specific structural characterization of Oglycosylation and identification of phosphorylation sites of recombinant osteopontin, BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS2015, 1854(6): 581-591.

13. Hong Li; Liming Wei*; Pan Fang; Pengyuan Yang*; Recent advances in the fabrication and detection of lectin microarrays and their application in glycobiology analysis, Analytical Methods2014, 6(7): 2003-2014.


Books Writings: Patents Patent:


Honor Reward:

1. Manfred Eigen Fellowship for postdoctoral fellows in Max Planck Institute for Biophysical Chemistry (2017.09–2020.01)

2. National Scholarship for Distinguished Doctoral Student (2015–2016).



Degree:Doctoral degree

Graduate School:Fudan University


Office Location:


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