
Jilijun Professor



  • Organization:Mathematics
  • Tel:86-0512-65112637
  • Gender:male
  • Email:jilijun@suda.edu.cn
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  • Office Location:
  • Graduate School:Soochow University
  • Address:No.1 Shizi Street, Suzhou, China
  • Degree:PhD
  • PostCode:215006
  • Academic Credentials:
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B.S., Mathematics, Soochow University, Suzhou, China, 1994-1998.

Ph.D., Mathematics, Soochow University, Suzhou, China, 2000-2003. (Advisor: Professor Zhu Lie)

Professional Experiences

Work Experience:

2003,8 - 2006,6: Lecturer, Department of Mathematics, Soochow


2006,7 - 2010,7: Associate Professor, Department of

Mathematics, Soochow University.

2010,8 - present:  Professor, Department of

Mathematics, Soochow University



I received his Ph.D. degree from Soochow University in China in 2003. My research interest lies in combinatorial design theory and its applications. 


Research Field:

Research interest lies in combinatorial design theory and its applications, such as: three wise balanced designs, Steiner quadruple systems with desired properties, large sets of triple systems, transversal 3-designs, covering arrays, optical networks, authentication codes, constant weight codes, frameproof codes and Armstrong codes, frequency hopping sequences.


Open Course:

Linear Algebra, Abstract Algebra, Combinatroial Design Theory, Coding Theory, Finite Fields.


Research Project:

1. 2005-2007: Natural Science Foundation of Universities of Jiangsu Province

   Grant No. 05KJB110111.

2. 2006.1-2006.12: Tianyuan Mathematics Foundation of NSFC Grant No. 10526032.

3. 2008-2010: Natural Science Foundation of China grant No. 10701060.

4. 2013-2015: Natural Science Foundation of China grant No. 11222113.

5. 2009-2012: Natural Science Foundation of China grant No. 10831002.

(Joint with Jianxing Yin, Yanxun Chang, Jianguo Lei, Junlin Zhou and Xiulin Shan)

6. 2015-2019: Natural Science Foundation of China grant No. 11431003.

(joint with Yanxun Chang, Genian Ge, Jianxing Yin, Junlin Zhou and Xuesong Ma)

7. 2019-2022: Natural Science Foundation of China grant No. 11871363.



1. Shen, Cong; Cao, Haitao; Ji, Lijun; The existence of large set of symmetric partitioned incomplete latin squares. J. Combin. Des. 28 (2020), no. 5, 384-406.

2. Ji, Lijun; Existence of Steiner quadruple systems with an almost spanning block design. Discrete Math.  343  (2020),  no. 6, 111708, 14 pp.

3. Wang, Xin; Cui, Jie; Ji, Lijun Linear $(2,p,p)$-AONTs exist for all primes $p$. Des. Codes Cryptogr.  87  (2019),  no. 10, 2185-2197. 

4. Liang, Miao; Ji, Lijun; On $(t, L)$-fold perfect authentication and secrecy codes with arbitration. Des. Codes Cryptogr.  87  (2019),  no. 9, 2003-2026. 

5. Bao, Jingjun; Ji, Lijun Two orthogonal 4-cycle-free one-factorizations of complete graphs. Graphs Combin.  35  (2019),  no. 2, 373–392. 

6. Liang, Miao; Ji, Lijun; Optimal ternary constant-composition codes with weight four and distance three. Discrete Math.  342  (2019),  no. 4, 1079-1088. 94B25 MR3898264

7. Ji, Lijun A complete solution to existence of H  designs. J. Combin. Des.  27  (2019),  no. 2, 75-81. 


Books Writings: Patents Patent:


Honor Reward:ICA 2015 Hall Medal




Graduate School:Soochow University


Office Location:


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