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  • Department:Institute of Molecular Enzymology
  • Tel:+86-512-65883508
  • Gender:male
  • Email:hwyao@suda.edu.cn
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  • Office Location:Dushu Lake Campus 702-2215
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  • Address:NO.199 Ren-ai Road, Suzhou Industrial Park
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  • PostCode:215123
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2003 – 2009      Ph.D., Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
1999 – 2003      B. A., Nanjing University

Professional Experiences

Work Experience:

2019 –             Professor, Soochow University
2016 – 2019    Senior Engineer, Xiamen University
2014 – 2016    Postdoctoral Associate, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2011 – 2014    Postdoctoral Associate, Iowa State University
2009 – 2011    Postdoctoral Associate, Tsinghua University



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Research Project:


  1. Huang, Biling; Liu, Yan; Yao, Hongwei*; Zhao, Yufen* (2020) NMR-based investigation into protein phosphorylation. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 145:53-63. (*co-corresponding author)

  2. Chen, Xiaoyan; Zhang, Shijun; Bi, Fangkai; Guo, Chenyun; Feng, Liubin; Wang, Huilin; Yao, Hongwei*; Lin, Donghai* (2019) Crystal structure of the N domain of Lon protease from Mycobacterium avium complex. Protein Science, 28(9): 1720-1726. (*co-corresponding author)

  3. Wei, Zhen; Chen, Chao; Liu, Ya-Jun; Dong, Sheng; Li, Jie; Qi, Kuan; Liu, Shiyue; Ding, Xiaoke; de Ora, Lizett Ortiz; Munoz-Gutierrez, Ivan; Li, Yifei ; Yao, Hongwei; Lamed, Raphael; Bayer, Edward A.; Cui, Qiu; Feng, Yingang (2019) Alternative sigma(I)/anti-sigma(I) factors represent a unique form of bacterial sigma/anti-sigma complex. Nucleic Acids Research, 47(11): 5988-5997.

  4. Lin, Ping#; Yao, Hongwei#; Zha, Jun; Zhao, Yibing and Wu, Chuanliu (2019) Ordered and Isomerically-Stable Bicyclic Peptide Scaffolds Constrained through Cystine Bridges and Proline Turns. ChemBioChem, 20(12): 1514-1518. (#co-first author)

  5. Yang, Yu; Yao, Hongwei; Dong, Jiyang; Qu, Xiaobo; Chen, Zhong (2019) Amplitude Estimation and Source Separation for Harmonics Within Two Mixtures Based on a Min-Rank Criterion. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, DOI: 10.1109/TIM.2019.2897036

  6. Ding, Jingjin; Pan, Xing; Du, Lijie; Yao, Qing; Xue, Juan; Yao, Hongwei; Wang, Da-Cheng; Li, Shan; Shao, Feng (2019)Structural and Functional Insights into Host Death Domains Inactivation by the Bacterial Arginine GlcNAcyltransferase Effector. Molecular Cell, 75(5): 922-935

  7. Zha, Mirao; Lin, Ping; Yao, Hongwei; Zhao, Yibing and Wu, Chuanliu (2018) A phage display-based strategy for the de novo creation of disulfide-constrained and isomer-free bicyclic peptide affinity reagents. Chemical Communications, 54(32): 4029-4032.

  8. Lee, Myungwoon; Yao, Hongwei; Kwon, Byungsu; Waring, Alan J.; Ruchala, Peter; Singh, Chandan and Hong, Mei (2018) Conformation and Trimer Association of the Transmembrane Domain of the Parainfluenza Virus Fusion Protein in Lipid Bilayers from Solid-State NMR: Insights into the Sequence Determinants of Trimer Structure and Fusion Activity. Journal of Molecular Biology, 430(5): 695-709.

  9. Xuan, Jinsong#; Yao, Hongwei#; Feng, Yingang and Wang, Jinfeng (2017) Backbone and side-chain H-1, N-15 and C-13 resonance assignments of two Sac10b family members Mvo10b and Mth10bTQQA from archaea. Biomolecular NMR Assignments, 11(2): 269-273. (#co-first author)

  10. Yao, Hongwei; Lee, Myungwoon; Liao, Shu-Yu and Hong, Mei (2016) Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of the Structural Topology and Lipid Interactions of a Viral Fusion Protein Chimera Containing the Fusion Peptide and Transmembrane Domain. Biochemistry, 55(49): 6787-6800.

  11. Yao, Hongwei; Lee, Michelle W.; Waring, Alan J.; Wong, Gerard C. L. and Hong, Mei (2015) Viral fusion protein transmembrane domain adopts beta-strand structure to facilitate membrane topological changes for virus-cell fusion. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 112(35): 10926-10931.

  12. Yang, Yu; Yao, Hongwei and Hong, Mei (2015) Distinguishing Bicontinuous Lipid Cubic Phases from Isotropic Membrane Morphologies Using P-31 Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 119(15): 4993-5001.

  13. Yao, Hongwei and Hong, Mei (2014) Conformation and Lipid Interaction of the Fusion Peptide of the Paramyxovirus PIV5 in Anionic and Negative-Curvature Membranes from Solid-State NMR. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 136(6): 2611-2624.

  14. Wang, Tuo; Yao, Hongwei and Hong, Mei (2013) Determining the depth of insertion of dynamically invisible membrane peptides by gel-phase H-1 spin diffusion heteronuclear correlation NMR. Journal of Biomolecular NMR, 56(2): 139-148.

  15. Yao, Hongwei and Hong, Mei (2013) Membrane-Dependent Conformation, Dynamics, and Lipid Interactions of the Fusion Peptide of the Paramyxovirus PIV5 from Solid-State NMR. Journal of Molecular Biology, 425(3): 563-576.

  16. Yao, Hongwei#; Mi, Shuofu#; Gong, Weibin; Lin, Jian; Xu, Nuo; Perrett, Sarah; Xia, Bin; Wang, Jinfeng and Feng, Yingang (2013) Anti-apoptosis Proteins Mcl-1 and BcI-xL Have Different p53-Binding Profiles. Biochemistry, 52(37): 6324-6334. (#co-first author)

  17. Yao, Hongwei; Feng, Yingang; Zhou, Tao; Wang, Jinfeng and Wang, Zhi-Xin (2012) NMR Studies of the Interaction between Human Programmed Cell Death 5 and Human p53. Biochemistry, 51(13): 2684-2693.

  18. Yao, Hongwei; Feng, Yingang and Wang, Jinfeng (2012) Dimer Form of Archaeal Protein SSO6904 Identified by NMR. Chinese Journal of Magnetic Resonance, 29(2): 224-230.

  19. Wang, Min; Feng, Yingang; Yao, Hongwei and Wang, Jinfeng (2010) Importance of the C-Terminal Loop L137-S141 for the Folding and Folding Stability of Staphylococcal Nuclease. Biochemistry, 49(20): 4318-4326.

  20. Feng, Yingang; Yao, Hongwei and Wang, Jinfeng (2010) Crystal structure of the crenarchaeal conserved chromatin protein Cren7 and double-stranded DNA complex. Protein Science, 19(6): 1253-1257.

  21. Feng, Yingang; Yao, Hongwei and Wang, Jinfeng (2010) Solution structure and calcium binding of protein SSO6904 from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus. Proteins-Structure Function and Bioinformatics, 78(2): 474-479.

  22. Yao, Hongwei#; Xu, Lanjun#; Feng, Yingang; Liu, Dongsheng; Chen, Yingyu and Wang, Jinfeng (2009) Structure-function correlation of human programmed cell death 5 protein. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 486(2): 141-149. (#co-first author)

  23. Xuan, Jinsong; Yao, Hongwei; Feng, Yingang and Wang, Jinfeng (2009) Cloning, expression and purification of DNA-binding protein Mvo10b from Methanococcus voltae. Protein Expression and Purification, 64(2): 162-166.

  24. Guo, Li; Feng, Yingang; Zhang, Zhenfeng; Yao, Hongwei; Luo, Yuanming; Wang, Jinfeng and Huang, Li (2008) Biochemical and structural characterization of Cren7, a novel chromatin protein conserved among Crenarchaea. Nucleic Acids Research, 36(4): 1129-1137.

  25. Feng, Yingang; Liu, Dongsheng; Yao, Hongwei and Wang, Jinfeng (2007) Solution structure and mapping of a very weak calcium-binding site of human translationally controlled tumor protein by NMR. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 467(1): 48-57.

  26. Liu, Dongsheng#; Yao, Hongwei#; Chen, Yingyu; Feng, Yingang and Wang, Jinfeng (2005) The N-terminal 26-residue fragment of human programmed cell death 5 protein can form a stable alpha-helix having unique electrostatic potential character. Biochemical Journal, 392: 47-54. (#co-first author)

  27. Sun, Ziyong; Chen, Junyong; Yao, Hongwei; Liu, Lili; Wang, Jing; Zhang, Jing and Liu, Jian-Ning (2005) Use of Ssp dnaB derived mini-intein as a fusion partner for production of recombinant human brain natriuretic peptide in Escherichia coli. Protein Expression and Purification, 43(1): 26-32.


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