
903 访问



  • 院部/部门:苏州医学院基础医学与生物科学学院
  • 联系电话:0512-65883508
  • 电子邮箱:hwyao@suda.edu.cn
  • 专业技术职务:
  • 办公地址:18新利体育 独墅湖校区702-2215
  • 通讯地址:苏州工业园区仁爱路199号
  • 邮编:215123
  • 传真:


  • 1999.09-2003.07,南京大学生命科学学院,理学学士
  • 2003.09-2009.07,中国科学院生物物理研究所,理学博士


  • 2009.07-2011.07,清华大学生命科学学院,博士后
  • 2011.07-2014.07,美国爱荷华州立大学化学系,博士后
  • 2014.07-2016.07,美国麻省理工学院化学系,博士后
  • 2016.11-2019.06,厦门大学化学化工学院,高级工程师
  • 2019.07-至今,18新利体育 基础医学与生物科学学院,特聘教授













  • 1、甲型流感病毒HA跨膜区的结构以及与膜脂相互作用的核磁共振研究,2019.01-2022.12,姚宏伟,国家自然科学基金委面上项目,59万,31870735
  • 2、NMR技术在多糖蛋白质结合疫苗质量控制中应用,2019.12-2021.06,姚宏伟,横向项目,18新利体育


  • 1、NMR-based investigation into protein phosphorylation,2020,Biling Huang,Yan Liu,Hongwei Yao#, Yufeng Zhao#,Int J Biol Macromol, 145:53-63
  • 2、Crystal structure of the N domain of Lon protease from Mycobacterium avium complex,2019,Xiaoyan Chen,Shijun Zhang, Fangkai Bi,Chenyun Guo,Liubin Feng, Huilin Wang,Hongwei Yao#, Donghai Lin#,Protein Sci, 28(9):1720-1726
  • 3、Alternative σI/anti-σI factors represent a unique form of bacterial σ/anti-σ complex,2019,Zhen Wei,Chao Chen, Ya-Jun Liu, Sheng Dong, Jie Li, Kuan Qi, Shiyue Liu, Xiaoke Ding, et al.,Yingang Feng,Nucleic Acids Res, 47(11):5988-5997
  • 4、Structural and Functional Insights into Host Death Domains Inactivation by the Bacterial Arginine GlcNAcyltransferase Effector,2019,Jingjin Ding, Xing Pan, Lijie Du, Qing Yao, Juan Xue,Hongwei Yao, Da-Cheng, Wang Shan Li ,Feng Shao,Mol Cell, 74(5):922-935.e6
  • 5、Ordered and Isomerically Stable Bicyclic Peptide Scaffolds Constrained through Cystine Bridges and Proline Turns,2019,Ping Lin, Hongwei Yao,Jun Zha,Yibing Zhao,Chuanliu Wu,Chembiochem, 20(12):1514-1518
  • 6、A phage display-based strategy for the de novo creation of disulfide-constrained and isomer-free bicyclic peptide affinity reagents,2018,Mirao Zha, Ping Lin,Hongwei Yao, Yibing Zhao,Chuanliu Wu,Chem Commun, 54(32):4029-4032
  • 7、Backbone and side-chain 1H, 15N and 13C resonance assignments of two Sac10b family members Mvo10b and Mth10bTQQA from archaea,2017,Jinsong Xuan, Hongwei Yao,Yingang Feng, Jinfeng Wang ,Biomol NMR Assign, 11(2):269-273
  • 8、Amplitude Estimation and Source Separation for Harmonics Within Two Mixtures Based on a Min-Rank Criterion,2019,Yu Yang, Hongwei Yao, Jiyang Dong, Xiaobo Qu, Zhong Chen,IEEE T INSTRUM MEAS, 68(12):4618 - 4628
  • 9、Conformation and Trimer Association of the Transmembrane Domain of the Parainfluenza Virus Fusion Protein in Lipid Bilayers from Solid-State NMR: Insights into the Sequence Determinants of Trimer Structure and Fusion Activity,2018,Myungwoon Lee,Hongwei Yao, Byungsu Kwon,Alan J.Waring, Peter Ruchala, Chandan Singh,Mei Hong,J Mol Biol, 430(5):695-709
  • 10、Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Investigation of the Structural Topology and Lipid Interactions of a Viral Fusion Protein Chimera Containing the Fusion Peptide and Transmembrane Domain,2016,Hongwei Yao,Myungwoon Lee,Shu-Yu Liao,Mei Hong,Biochemistry, 55(49):6787-6800
  • 11、Viral fusion protein transmembrane domain adopts β-strand structure to facilitate membrane topological changes for virus-cell fusion,2015,Hongwei Yao,Michelle W. Lee, Alan J. Waring,Gerard C. L. Wong,Mei Hong,Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 112(35):10926-31
  • 12、Distinguishing bicontinuous lipid cubic phases from isotropic membrane morphologies using (31)P solid-state NMR spectroscopy,2015,Yu Yang,Hongwei Yao,Mei Hong,J Phys Chem B, 119(15):4993-5001
  • 13、Conformation and lipid interaction of the fusion peptide of the paramyxovirus PIV5 in anionic and negative-curvature membranes from solid-state NMR,2014,Hongwei Yao,Mei Hong,J Am Chem Soc, 136(6):2611-24
  • 14、Membrane-dependent conformation, dynamics, and lipid interactions of the fusion peptide of the paramyxovirus PIV5 from solid-state NMR,2013,Hongwei Yao,Mei Hong,J Mol Biol, 425(3):563-76
  • 15、Determining the depth of insertion of dynamically invisible membrane peptides by gel-phase H-1 spin diffusion heteronuclear correlation NMR,2013,Tuo Wang,Hongwei Yao,Mei Hong,J Biomol NMR, 56(2):139-48
  • 16、Anti-apoptosis proteins Mcl-1 and Bcl-xL have different p53-binding profiles,2013,Hongwei Yao, Shuofu Mi,Weibin Gong, Jian Lin, Nuo Xu,Sarah Perrett, Bin Xia,Jinfeng Wang, Yingang Feng,Biochemistry, 52(37):6324-34
  • 17、NMR studies of the interaction between human programmed cell death 5 and human p53,2012,Hongwei Yao,Yingang Feng, Tao Zhou,Jinfeng Wang, Zhi-Xin Wang,Biochemistry, 51(13):2684-93
  • 18、Crystal structure of the crenarchaeal conserved chromatin protein Cren7 and double-stranded DNA complex,2010,Yingang Feng,Hongwei Yao,Jinfeng Wang,Protein Sci, 19(6):1253-7
  • 19、Importance of the C-terminal loop L137-S141 for the folding and folding stability of staphylococcal nuclease,2010,Min Wang,Yingang Feng,Hongwei Yao,Jinfeng Wang,Biochemistry, 49(20):4318-26
  • 20、Solution structure and calcium binding of protein SSO6904 from the hyperthermophilic archaeon Sulfolobus solfataricus,2010,Yingang Feng,Hongwei Yao,Jinfeng Wang,Proteins, 78(2):474-9
  • 21、Structure-function correlation of human programmed cell death 5 protein,2009,Hongwei Yao, Lanjun Xu,Yingang Feng,Dongsheng Liu,Yingyu Chen, Jinfeng Wang,Arch Biochem Biophys, 486(2):141-9
  • 22、Cloning, expression and purification of DNA-binding protein Mvo10b from Methanococcus voltae,2009,Jinsong Xuan,Hongwei Yao,Yingang Feng,Jinfeng Wang,Protein Expr Purif, 64(2):162-6
  • 23、Biochemical and structural characterization of Cren7, a novel chromatin protein conserved among Crenarchaea.,2008,Li Guo, Yingang Feng,Zhenfeng Zhang,Hongwei Yao, Yuanming Luo,Jinfeng Wang, Li Huang,Nucleic Acids Res, 36(4):1129-37
  • 24、Solution structure and mapping of a very weak calcium-binding site of human translationally controlled tumor protein by NMR,2007,Yingang Feng,Dongsheng Liu,Hongwei Yao,Jinfeng Wang,Arch Biochem Biophys, 467(1):48-57
  • 25、The N-terminal 26-residue fragment of human programmed cell death 5 protein can form a stable alpha-helix having unique electrostatic potential character,2005,Dongsheng Liu, Hongwei Yao,Yaoyao Chen,Yingang Feng, Yingyu Chen,Jinfeng Wang,Biochem J, 392(Pt 1):47-54
  • 26、Use of Ssp dnaB derived mini-intein as a fusion partner for production of recombinant human brain natriuretic peptide in Escherichia coli,2005,Ziyong Sun,Junyong Chen, Hongwei Yao,Lili Liu, Jing Wang, Jing Zhang,Jian-Ning Liu,Protein Expr Purif, 43(1):26-32


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