

江苏省应用数学(18新利体育 )中心




[履历][教学][研究兴趣][发表论文][参加会议]     [English]


2019.8-至今 18新利体育 数学科学学院 教授

2014-2019 18新利体育 数学科学学院 副教授

2010-2014 18新利体育 数学科学学院 讲师

2012.4-2013.8 东京大学 博士后研究员

2012.1-2012.2 香港城市大学 访问学者

2005-2010 复旦大学 博士研究生

2001-2005 复旦大学 本科



数据结构 2013F,2016F,2017S,2017F,2018S,2018F,2019S,2019F,2020S,2021S,2022S, 2023S

离散数学 2014F,2015S,2015F,2016S

概率论与数理统计 2014S,2015S


线性代数 2011F

数学分析II (TA) 2011S

数学分析I (TA) 2010F







J. Xia, J-Y. Chu, S-Y. Leng, and H-F. Ma, "Reservoir Computing Decoupling Memory-Nonlinearity Trade-Off", Chaos 33 (11) : 113120, Nov.2023. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0156224

X-Y. Duan, X. Ying, S-Y. Leng, J. Kurths, W. Lin, and H-F. Ma, "Embedding Theory of Reservoir Computing and Reducing Reservoir Network Using Time Delays", Physical Review Research, 5, L022041 ,May 2023, https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevResearch.5.L022041

D. Shao, J. Chu, L. Chen, and H-F. Ma, "Data Assimilation with Hybrid Modelling",  Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 167, 113069, Feb. 2023.DOI:10.1016/j.chaos.2022.113069

B. Ren, H-F. Ma, "Global optimization of hyper-parameters in reservoir computing",  Electronic Research Archive, 30(7), 2022, 2719-2729.doi:10.3934/era.2022139

X. Ying, S-Y. Leng, H-F. Ma, Q. Nie, Y-C. Lai, W. Lin, "Continuity Scaling: A Rigorous Framework for Detecting and Quantifying Causality Accurately", Research, vol. 2022, Article ID 9870149, 2022. https://doi.org/10.34133/2022/9870149

J-W. Hou#, H-F. Ma#, D. He, J. Sun, Q. Nie, and W. Lin, "Harvesting random embedding for high-frequency change-point detection in temporal complex systems" , National Science Review,Vol 9, Issue 4, April 2022, nwab228, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwab228 (# Equally contributed)

H. F. Ma, S. Y. Leng, and L.Chen, "Detecting High-Dimensional Causal Networks using Randomly Conditioned Granger Causality", CSIAM transactions on applied mathematics, Vol 2, Issue 4, 680-696, 2021, doi:10.4208/csiam-am.2020-0184

S.Y. Leng, H.F. Ma, J. Kurths, Y-C. Lai , W. Lin, K. Aihara , and L. Chen, "Partial cross mapping eliminates indirect causal influences", Nature Communications, 11, 2632, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-020-16238-0

D. Sun, F. Liu, S. E. Mitchell, H. F. Ma, D. Derous, Y. Wang, Y, J. Han, D. Promislow, D. Lusseau, A. Douglas, J.R. Speakman, L. Chen, "The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction XV: phase space attractors reveal distinct behavioral phenotypes", The Journals of Gerontology. Series A, Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, Vol 75, Issue 5, pp. 858–866, May 2020,  https://doi.org/10.1093/gerona/glaa055

C. Chen, R. Li, L. Shu, Z. He, J. Wang, C. Zhang, H.F. Ma, K. Aihara, and L. Chen, "Predicting future dynamics from short-term time series by anticipated learning machine", National Science Review, nwaa025,Vol. 7, Issue 6, pp. 1079–1091, June 2020, https://doi.org/10.1093/nsr/nwaa025

S.Y. Leng, Z.W. Xu, and H.F. Ma, "Reconstructing Directional Causal Networks with Random Forest: Causality Meeting Machine Learning" , CHAOS, Vol. 29, 093130, 2019 https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5120778

Q. Zhu, H.F. Ma, and W. Lin, "Detecting unstable periodic orbits based only on time series: When adaptive
delayed feedback control meets reservoir computing" , CHAOS, Vol. 29,093125, 2019  https://doi.org/10.1063/1.5120867

H.F. Ma, S.Y. Leng, K. Aihara, W. Lin, and L.N. Chen, " Randomly distributed embedding making short-term high-dimensional data predictable",Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 115(43) E9994-E10002, Oct 2018. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1802987115

H.F. Ma, S.Y. Leng, and L.N. Chen, "Data-based prediction and causality inference of nonlinear dynamics" , Science China Mathematics, Vol.61, pp.404, 2018. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11425-017-9177-0

H.F. Ma, S.Y. Leng, C.Y. Tao, X. Ying, J. Kurths, Y-C Lai, and W. Lin "Detection of time delays and directional interactions based on time series from complex dynamical systems" , Physical Review E, vol 96, 012221, 2017.

H.F. Ma, D. W. C. Ho, Y-C Lai, and W. Lin "Detection meeting control: Unstable steady states in high-dimensional nonlinear dynamical systems", Physical Review E,vol 92, 042902, Oct 2015.

H.F. Ma, T.S. Zhou, K. Aihara, and L.N. Chen, "Predicting Time Series from Short-Term High-Dimensional Data", International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, Vol. 24, No. 12, 1430033, Dec. 2014.

H.F. Ma, K. Aihara, and L.N. Chen, "Detecting Causality from Nonlinear Dynamics with Short-term Time Series", Scientific Reports, vol. 4, No. 7464, Dec. 2014. Open Access: http://www.nature.com/srep/2014/141212/srep07464/full/srep07464.html

H.F. Ma and W. Lin, "Realization of Parameters Identification in Only Locally Lipschitzian Dynamical Systems with Multiple Types of Time Delays", SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization,vol. 51,pp. 3692-3721, Sep. 2013.

H.F. Ma, W. Lin and Y-C Lai, "Detecting unstable periodic orbits in high-dimensional chaotic systems from time series: Reconstruction meeting with adaptation", Physical Review E Rapid Communication, vol. 87, 050901(R), May, 2013.

H.F. Ma and H.B. Kan, "A new scheme of digital communication using chaotic signals in MIMO channels," SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences, vol. 54, pp. 1-11, 2011.

H.F. Ma, B. Xu, W. Lin and J. Feng, "Adaptive identification of time delays in nonlinear dynamical models," Physical Review E, vol. 82, 066210, Dec 2010.

W. Lin, H. Ma, J. Feng and G. Chen, "Locating unstable periodic orbits: When adaptation integrates into delayed feedback control," Physical Review E, vol. 82, 046214, Oct 2010

W. Lin and H.F. Ma, "Synchronization Between Adaptively Coupled Systems With Discrete and Distributed Time-Delays," IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 55, pp. 819-830, Apr 2010.

H.F. Ma and W. Lin, "Nonlinear adaptive synchronization rule for identification of a large amount of parameters in dynamical models," Physics Letters A, vol. 374, pp. 161-168, Dec 2009.

W. Lin and H.F. Ma, "Failure of parameter identification based on adaptive synchronization techniques," Physical Review E, vol. 75, 066212,Jun 2007.



2023.10 第三届数学生命科学大会,无锡,分会报告

2023. 8 10th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics (ICIAM 2023), Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan, Minisymposia Talk

2023. 7 The 9th Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications (SNSA23'), Zhangye, Session Talk

2023. 4 Workshop on Collective Dynamics and Networks, Duke Kunshan University,Invited Talk

2023. 4 第十届计算系统生物学学术研讨会,云南民族大学,昆明,邀请报告

2021.10 第十七届全国复杂网络学术会议,北京,大会青年报告

2021.10 中国工业与应用数学学会第十九届年会,合肥,分会报告

2021.08 第二届数学生命科学大会, 武汉大学, 分会邀请报告

2021.06 第九届计算系统生物学研讨会, 天津工业大学 , 邀请报告

2021.06 Mathematics In Action 2021, Duke Kunshan University, Invited Talk

2020.12 GMT Morning Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Statistics, Zoom Meeting, Invited Talk

2020.11 Suzhou Area Youth Mathematicians 1st Annual Workshop, Duke Kunshan University, Invited Talk

2020.10 Zoom Meeting, QMNET(quantitative methods network) group, the University of Melbourne, Invited Talk

2020.10 中国运筹学会第十一次会员代表大会暨第十五次学术交流会(ORSC2020), 合肥, 邀请专题报告

2020.9 The 13th International Conference on Computational Systems Biology (ISB 2020),Haikou, Highlight Track Talk

2019.11 中国数学会第十三次全国会员代表大会暨2019年学术年会,佛山,推荐报告

2019. 9 第一届全国系统生物学大会, 上海交通大学, 上海

2019.5 A3 Workshop on Mathematical Life Science, Peking University, Beijing ,Invited talk

2019.4 东方科技论坛--青年学者论坛“计算系统生物学前沿问题论坛”(全国第八届计算系统生物学研讨会), 上海大学,上海,邀请报告

2019.4 计算系统生物学学术研讨会, 武汉纺织大学, 武汉,邀请报告

2019.4 基于动力学不稳定性理论的健康临界状态评估方法专题研讨会, 西安交通大学,西安,邀请报告

2018.12 第一届数学生命科学大会暨CSIAM数学生命科学分会成立大会,中山大学,广州,邀请报告

2018.11 数据驱动的生物数学建模与分析会议, 淮阴师范学院,淮安,邀请报告

2018.11 计算系统生物学学术研讨会, 华南理工大学,广州, 邀请报告

2018.9 中国工业与应用数学学会第十六届年会(CSIAM 2018), 成都

2018.8 The 8th Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, Qingdao

2018.7 Workshop on Differential Equations on Networks and Related Problems, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou , invited talk

2017.10 中国工业与应用数学学会第十五届年会(CSIAM 2017), 青岛

2017.9 首届生物网络的动力学与功能研讨会, 南京大学, 邀请报告

2017.8 The IEEE 11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2017), Shenzhen

2017.4 全国第六届计算系统生物学研讨会,苏州

2016.8 The IEEE 10th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2016), Weihai

2016.7 The 11th AIMS Conference on Dynamical Systems, Differential Equations and Applications, Orlando, FL, USA

2016.6 Mathematics in Action 2016: Modeling and analysis in molecular biology and electrophysiology, Soochow University, Suzhou

2016.3 Symposium of Biodynamical Systems, South University of Science and Technology of China, Shenzhen

2015.8 The IEEE 9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2015), Luoyang

2014.10 The IEEE 8th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2014), Qingdao

2014.6 The 6th Shanghai International Symposium on Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, Zhoushan

2013.10 生物统计与系统生物学进展研讨会,苏州

2013.6 XXXIII Dynamics Days Europe, Madrid, Spain

2012.10 第八届全国复杂网络学术会议,南京

2012.8 The IEEE 6th International Conference on Systems Biology (ISB 2012), Xi'an

2012.5 The 2rd International Symposium on Innovative Mathematical Modelling, Tokyo, Japan

2011.9 International Conference on Modelling Life Sciences, Fudan University, Shanghai

2009.6 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC09), Dresden, Germany