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张昕,工学博士,师资博士后。20226月获得18新利体育 纺织材料与纺织品设计专业博士学位。主要从事废旧纺织品的高值化再生利用及新型纤维的开发利用等研究工作。目前已发表多篇SCI论文,及申请多项国家发明专利。


1. 废旧纺织品的高值化再生利用

2. 新型纤维的开发利用


1. 18新利体育 优秀毕业生(2022

2. 18新利体育 优秀研究生(2021



1.X. Zang, Z. Pan*, Preparation and Formation Mechanism Analysis of Regenerated Silk Fibroin/ Polyvinyl Alcohol Blended Fibers with Waste Silk Quilt. Fibers and Polymers, 2022,23 (8), 2090-2102.

2.X. Zang, Z. Pan*, Rheological Behavior of Regenerated Silk Fibroin/ Polyvinyl Alcohol Blended Solutions in Steady and Dynamic State and the Effect of Temperature. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55 (31), 15350-15363.

3.X. Zang, Z. Pan*, Microstructure Transitions and Dry-Wet Spinnability of Silk Fibroin Protein from Waste Silk Quilt. Polymers, 2019, 10 (11), 1622.

4.张昕, 潘志娟, 废旧蚕丝的回收利用现状分析, 丝绸,2019, 56(8):25-30.

5.YQ Wang, X. Zang, Z. Pan*, A Novel Method to Fabricate High Strength Nanofiber Filaments: Morphology, Crystalline Structure, and Thermal and Mechanical Properties. Fibers and Polymers, 2018, 19 (6), 1245-1254.

6.CC Zhao, X. Zang, AYJiang, Z. Pan*, Adhesion and Protective Properties of Polyvinyl Alcohol Nanofibrous Composite Fabric. Journal of the Textile Institute, 2018, 109 (10), 1263-1269.


[1] 一种柔性丝素蛋白/聚乙烯醇复合纤维及其制备方法[P],专利号:CN 113005560 A

[2] 一种长效抗菌型再生丝素蛋白基复合手术缝合线的制备方法[P]. 专利号:202211100829.X

