1.       Jiujun Deng, Xiaoxin Lv, Jinyin Liu, Hui Zhang, Kaiqi Nie, C. Hong, Jian Wang, Xuhui Sun*, Jun Zhong*, Shuit-Tong Lee, “Thin-Layer Fe2TiO5 on Hematite for Efficient Solar Water Oxidation” ACS Nano 2015, 9, 5348-5356.
2.       Xiaoxin Lv, Jiujun Deng, Jian Wang, Jun Zhong* and Xuhui Sun*, “Carbon-coated a-Fe2O3 Nanostructures for Efficient Anode of Li-ion Battery” Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2015, 3, 5183-5188.
3.       Qi-Qi Zhuo, Qi Wang, Yi-Ping Zhang, Duo Zhang, Qin-Liang Li, Chun-Hong Gao, Yan-Qiu Sun, Lei Ding, Qi-Jun Sun, Sui-Dong Wang, Jun Zhong, Xu-Hui Sun,* and Shuit-Tong Lee, “Transfer-Free Synthesis of Doped and 
Patterned Graphene Films”, ACS Nano, 2015, 9, 594-601.
4.       Hui Zhang, Jinyin Liu, Guanqi Zhao, Yongjun Gao, Tolek Tyliszczak, Per-Anders Glans, Jinghua Guo*, Ding Ma*, Xu-Hui Sun, and Jun Zhong*, “Probing the Interfacial Interaction in Layered-Carbon-Stabilized Iron Oxide Nanostructures: A Soft X-ray Spectroscopic Study”, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 2015, 7 7863-7868.
5.        Yongcheng Wang, Kun Jiang, Hui Zhang, Tong Zhou, Jiwei Wang, Wei Wei, Zhongqin Yang, Xuhui Sun, Wen-Bin Cai,* and Gengfeng Zheng*, “Bio-Inspired Leaf-Mimicking Nanosheet/Nanotube Heterostructure as Highly Efficient Oxygen Evolution Catalyst”, Advance Science, 2015, 2, 1500003. (Cover)
6.        Y. Hao, J. Deng, L. Zhou, X. H. Sun, J. Zhong*, “Depth-reduction Induced Low Onset Potential of Hematite Photoanodes for Solar Water Oxidation”,RSC Adv.2015, 5, 31086-31090.
7.       G. Q. Zhao, J. Wang, X. H. Sun, J. Zhong*, “Detecting the Hollow Structure of Thick Carbon Nanotubes by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy”, RSC Adv. 2015, 5, 46904-46907.
8.       G. Zhao, J. Zhong*, J. Wang, T. K. Sham, X. H. Sun*, S. T. Lee Revealing the Synergetic Effects in Ni Nanoparticle-Carbon Nanotube Hybrids by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy and Their Application in the Hydrolysis of Ammonia Borane”,Nanoscale2015, 7, 9715-9722.
9.       Daniel Vaccarello, Lijia Liu, Jigang Zhou, Tsun-Kong Sham, and Zhifeng Ding, “Photoelectrochemical and Physical Insight into Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanocrystals using Synchrotron Radiation”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2015, DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b01049
10.   Jun Li, Lijia Liu, and Tsun-Kong Sham, “2D XANES–XEOL Spectroscopy Studies of Morphology-Dependent Phase Transformation and Corresponding Luminescence from Hierarchical TiO2Nanostructures”, Chem. Mater., 2015, 27, 3021-3029
11.   Dongniu Wang, Lijia Liu, Xueliang Sun, and Tsun-kong Sham, “Observation of lithiation induced structural variation in TiO2 nanotube arrays by X-ray absorption fine structures”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 412.
12.   C. Musumeci, I. Salzmann, S. Bonacchi, C. Röthel, S. Duhm, N. Koch and P. Samorì*, “The Relationship between Structural and Electrical Characteristics in Perylenecarboxydiimide-Based Nanoarchitectures”, Adv. Funct. Mater., 2015, 25, 2501.
13.   C. H. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Y. Zhou, X. L. Cai, Y. Lu, X. Gao, and S. D. Wang*, “Small and uniform Pd monometallic/bimetallic nanoparticles decorated on multi-walled carbon nanotubes for efficient reduction of 4-nitrophenol”, Carbon, 2015, 94, 295-300.
14.   J. B. Chang, C. H. Liu, J. Liu, Y. Y. Zhou, X. Gao, and S. D. Wang*, “Green-chemistry compatible approach to TiO2-supported PdAu bimetallic nanoparticles for solvent-free 1-phenylethanol oxidation under mild conditions”, Nano-Micro Letters, 2015, 7, 307-315.
15.   C. H. Liu, R. H. Liu, Q. J. Sun, J. B. Chang, X. Gao, Y. Liu, S. T. Lee*, Z. H. Kang*, and S. D. Wang*, “Controlled synthesis and synergistic effect of graphene-supported PdAu bimetallic nanoparticles with tunable catalytic properties”, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 6356-6362.
16.   S. H. Wei, Y. Y. Zhang, J. Liu, X. H. Li, Y. J. Wu, Y. Y. Weng, X. Gao, Y. N. Li, S. D. Wang*, and Z. J. Hu*, “Large modulation of charge transport anisotropy by controlling the alignment of p-p stacks in diketopyrrolopyrrole-based polymers”, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 2015, In Press, DOI: 10.1002/admi.201500153.
17.   A. Pu, J. Deng, M. Li, J. Gao, H. Zhang, Y. Hao, J. Zhong*, X. H. Sun*, “Coupling Ti-doping and Oxygen Vacancies in Hematite Nanostructures for Solar Water Oxidation with High Efficiency”, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2014, 2491-2497.
18.   Hui Zhang, Wei-Cheng Wang, Per-Anders Glans-Suzuki, Yi-Sheng Liu, Mukes Kapilashrami, Jen-Lung Chen, Chinglin Chang, Miquel Salmeron, Carlos Escudero, Elzbieta Pach, Anders Tuxen, Mahati Chintapalli, Sophie Carenco, Xuhui Sun*, Jinghua Guo*, “Developing soft X-ray spectroscopy for in situ characterization of nanocatalysts in catalytic reactions”, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena, 2014, 197, 118-123.
19.   Shuai Wang, Duo Zhang, Yanyun Ma, Hui Zhang, Jin Gao, Yuting Nie, Xuhui Sun*, ”Aqueous Solution Synthesis of Pt−M (M = Fe, Co, Ni) Bimetallic Nanoparticles and Their Catalysis for the Hydrolytic Dehydrogenation of Ammonia Borane”, ACS Applied Materials & Interface, 2014, 6, 12429-12435.
20.   B. H. Mao, R. Chang, L. Shi, Q. Q. Zhuo, S. Rani, X. S. Liu, E. C. Tyo, S. Vajda, S. D. Wang*, and Z. Liu*, “A near ambient pressure XPS study of subnanometer silver clusters on Al2O3 and TiO2 ultrathin film supports”, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2014, 16, 26645-26652.
21.   M. Li, J. J. Deng, A. W. Pu, P. P. Zhang, H. Zhang, J. Gao, Y. Y. Hao, J. Zhong* and X. H. Sun*, 'Hydrogen-Treated Hematite Nanostructures with Low Onset Potential for Highly Efficient Solar Water Oxidation', Journal of Materials Chemistry A (Front Cover), 2014, 2, 6727–6733.
22.   J. Zhong, H. Zhang, X. H. Sun*, S. T. Lee*, “Synchrotron Soft X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Study of Carbon and Silicon Nanostructures for Energy Applications”, Adv. Mater. (Invited Review), 2014, 26, 7786-7806.
23.   A. Pu, J. Deng, Y. Hao, X. H. Sun, J. Zhong*, “Thickness Effect of Hematite Nanostructures Prepared by Hydrothermal Method for Solar Water Splitting”, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 320, 213-217.
24.   J. Liu, L. Bai, J. Wang, G. Zhao, X. H. Sun*, J. Zhong*, “Measuring inside damage of individual multi-walled carbon nanotubes using scanning transmission X-ray microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2014, 104, 241602.
25.   Jian Wang, Zhiqiang Wang, Hyunjin Cho, Myung Jong Kim, T. K. Sham, Xuhui Sun*, “Layer speciation and electronic structure investigation of freestanding hexagonal boron nitride nanosheets”, Nanoscale, 2014, DOI: 10.1039/C4NR04445B.
26.   Michael Murphy, Yun Mui Yiu, Matthew J. Ward, Lijia Liu, Yongfeng Hu, Juan Antonio Zapian, Y. K. Lui, Tsun-Kong Sham, “Electronic Structure and Optical Properties of CdSxSe1-x Solid Solution Nanostructures from XANES, XEOL and DFT Investigation”, J. App. Phys., 2014, 116, 193709.
27.   John A. McLeod, Zhongwei Wu, Pengfei Shen, Baoquan Sun, and Lijia Liu “Self-Alignment of the Methylammonium Cations in Thin-Film Organometal Perovskites”. J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 2014, 5, 2863-2867.
28.   Lijia Liu, Jun Li, and Tsun-Kong Sham, “Near-bandgap Luminescence From TiO2 Nanograss-Nanotube Hierarchical Membranes”. Can. J. Chem., 2014, Accepted (DOI: 10.1139/cjc-2014-0254)
29.   Chang-Hai Liu, Xiao-Qi Chen, Yong-Feng Hu, Tsun-Kong Sham, Qi-Jun Sun, Jian-Bing Chang, Xu Gao, Xu-Hui Sun and Sui-Dong Wang*, “One-Pot Environmentally Friendly Approach toward Highly Catalytically Active Bimetal-Nanoparticle-Graphene Hybrids”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2013, 5, 5072−5079.
30.   Bao-Hua Mao, Chang-Hai Liu, Xu Gao, Rui Chang, Zhi Liu*,Sui-Dong Wang*, “In Situ Characterization of Catalytic Activity of Graphene Stabilized small-sized Pd Nanoparticles for CO Oxidation”, Applied Surface Science, 2013, 283, 1076-1079.
31.   Bao-Hua Mao, Rui Chang, Sungsik Lee, Stephanus Axnanda, Ethan Crumlin, Michael E. Grass, Sui-Dong Wang*, Stefan Vajda, and Zhi Liu*,“Oxidation and Reduction of Size-selected Subnanometer Pd Clusters on Al2O3 Surface”, TheJournal of Chemical Physics, 2013, 138, 214304.
32.   Jun Zhong, Jian Wang, Ji-Gang Zhou, Bao-Hua Mao, Chang-Hai Liu, Hui-Biao Liu, Yu-Liang Li, Tsun-Kong Sham*, Xu-Hui Sun* and Sui-Dong Wang*, “Electronic Structure of Graphdiyne Probed by X‑ray Absorption Spectroscopy and Scanning Transmission X‑ray Microscopy”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 2013, 117, 5931−5936.
33.   L. Bai, J. Liu, G. Zhao, J. Gao, X. H. Sun*, J. Zhong*, “Probing the Electronic Structure of Graphene Sheets with Various Thicknesses by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 2013, 103, 253110.
34.   M. Li, J.Gao, L. Bai, A. Pu, J. Liu, G. Zhao, X. H. Sun, J. Zhong*, “Facile Synthesis of Carbon-coated Hematite Nanostructures for Solar Water Splitting”, Applied Surface Science, 2013, 285, 874-878.
35.   J. Deng, X. Lv, J. Gao, A. Pu, M. Li, X. H. Sun*, J. Zhong*, “Facile Synthesis of Carbon-coated Hematite Nanostructures for Solar Water Splitting”, Energy Environ. Sci., 2013, 6, 1965-1970.
36.   Y. Nie, L. Bai, J. Gao, J. Liu, G. Zhao, T. Xie, X. H.Sun, J. Zhong*, “Imaging the Electronic Structure of Carbon Nanotubes Decorated with Fe2O3 Nanoparticles”, Applied Surface Science, 2013, 273, 386-390.
37.   Steffen Duhm*, ChristophBurker, Jens Niederhausen, Ingo Salzmann, Takuya Hosokai, JulienDuvernay, Satoshi Kera,Frank Schreiber, Norbert Koch, Nobuo Ueno,and Alexander Gerlach* ,“Pentacene on Ag(111): Correlation of Bonding Distance withIntermolecular Interaction and Order”, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces  2013, 5, 9377−9381.
38.   Jing Gao, Jun Zhong*, Lili Bai, Jinyin Liu, Guanqi Zhao, Xuhui Sun*, “Revealing the Role of Catalysts in Carbon Nanotubes and Nanofibers by Scanning Transmission X-ray Microscopy”, Scientific Reports, 2013, 4, 3606; DOI: 10.1038/srep03606 (2014).
Book Contribution:
S. Duhm*, C. Bürker, T. Hosokai and A. Gerlach*, “Vertical Bonding Distances Impact Organic-Metal Interface Energetics”, in “Electronic Processes in Organic Electronics” edited by H. Ishii, K. Kudo, T. Nakayama and N. Ueno, Springer Series in Materials Science 209 (2015), pp. 89-107


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