Member of suzhou university

Dr. Zhenhui Kang

Date:2019-01-09      Views:1011

Zhenhui Kang


B. Sc. in Applied Chemistry Major, Northeast Normal University(China), 1999

Ph.D.in Inorganic Chemistry Major, Northeast Normal University(China),2005

Postdoctoral research, City University of HongKong, 2006-2008

Professor, Soochow University, since 2008

TEL: 0512-65880957

Email: zhkang@suda.edu.cn


Research interests:

Carbon nanomaterials and their applications in photocatalysis, electrocatalysis, solar cells, fuel cells and biotechnology.

Development and application of synchrotron radiation techniques in nanomaterials study.


Main contributions and projects:

Prof. Kang is chiefly engaged in the study of the catalytic properties of carbon quantum dots (CQDs). A well-controlled electrochemical etching method for achieving high quality of CQDs was established. The relationships between the structure, surface composition and photoelectrochemical properties of CQDs were clarified. A series of high-efficient photoelectrical catalysts based on CQDs have been designed and fabricated. Prof. Kang have published over 200 papers in authoritative academic journals including Science. One of our paper published in Science was selected as 2015 China's most influential international academic papers. Our work on solar water splitting with carbon dots was rated as Top ten Science Progress of China in 2015. Awards: Fellow of the Royal Society of Chemistry (2018); Global highly Cited Scientists (cross-field category) (2018); Distinguished Professor in Jiangsu Province (2018); National Distinguished Young Scholars (2017); NSFC Outstanding Youth Fund (2014); National Youth Outstanding Talent Support Program (2012); National Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award (2008); Funds: National Science Foundation of China, National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program), National Youth Outstanding Talent Support Program, etc.

Selected publications:

1. Metal-free efficient photocatalyst for stable visible water splitting via a two-electron pathway. Juan Liu, Yang Liu, Naiyun Liu, Yuzhi Han, Xing Zhang, Hui Huang, Yeshayahu Lifshitz,* Shuit-Tong Lee,* Jun Zhong, Zhenhui Kang*. SCIENCE, 347(2015) 970-974.

2. A g-C3N4 based photoelectrochemical cell using O2/H2O redox couples. Naiyun Liu, Mumei Han, Yue Sun, Cheng Zhu, Yunjie Zhou, Yalin Zhang, Hui Huang, Vladimir Kremnican, Yang Liu,* Yeshayahu Lifshitz,* Zhenhui Kang*. Energy & Environmental Science, 2018, 11, 1841-1847.

3. High efficient hydrogen evolution triggered by a multi-interfacial Ni/WC hybrid electrocatalyst. Yuanyuan Ma, Zhongling Lang, Likai Yan, Yonghui Wang, Huaqiao Tan, Kunfeng, Yujian Xia, Jun Zhong, Yang Liu, Zhenhui Kang,* Yang-Guang Li,* ENERGY & ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE, 11(2018), 2114-2123.

4. Carbon Dots as Fillers Inducing Healing/Self-Healing and Anticorrosion Properties in Polymers. Cheng Zhu, Yijun Fu, Chang’an Liu, Yang Liu,* Lulu Hu, Juan Liu, Igor Bello, Hao Li, Naiyun Liu, Sijie Guo, Hui Huang, Yeshayahu Lifshitz,* Shuit-Tong Lee,* Zhenhui Kang*. ADV. MATER., 2017, 29, 1701399.

5. A Co3O4-CDots-C3N4 three component electrocatalyst design concept for efficient and tunable CO2 reduction to syngas. Sijie Guo, Siqi Zhao, Xiuqin Wu, Hao Li, Yunjie Zhou, Cheng Zhu, Nianjun Yang, Xin Jiang, Jin Gao, Liang Bai, Yang Liu,* Yeshayahu Lifshitz,* Shuit-Tong Lee, Zhenhui Kang*. NATURE COMMUN., 8(2017), 1828.


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