Dr. Giovanni Fanchini
Giovanni Fanchini
Assistant Professor and Canada Research Chair
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Office: PAB 229
Tel: (519) 661-2111 x86238
E-mail: gfanchin@uwo.ca
Research Group Homepage
Petro Canada Young Investigator Award (2013)
Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation - Early Researcher Award (2010)
Canada Research Chair in Carbon-based Nanomaterials and Nano-optoelectronics (2009)
Victoria Solar Energy Fellowship (2009)
Research Interests
Fabrication and testing of electronic and optical nano-devices, including solar cells, and their behavior in the environment. Our devices are assembled by solution-processing from organic materials, such as graphene, graphene/ribonucleic acid (RNA) nanocomposites, carbon nanotubes and photo-active polymers and organic crystals. We are especially interested on the role played by structural defects and impurities on the performance of these devices.
1. A. Akbari-Sharbaf, J.M. Baribeau, X. Wu, D.J. Lockwood, G. Fanchini (2013) "Disorder and defect formation mechanisms in molecular-beam-epitaxy grown silicon epilayers". Thin Solid Films, 527, 38
2. R. Bauld, L.M. Fleury, M. Van Walsh, G. Fanchini (2012) "Correlation between density of paramagnetic centers and photovoltaic degradation in polythiophene-fullerene bulk heterojunction solar cells". Appl. Phys. Lett 101, 103306
3. F. Sharifi, R. Bauld, M.S. Ahmed and G. Fanchini (2012) "Transparent and conducting Graphene-RNA nanocmposites". Small 8, 699
4. P. Barpanda, G. Fanchini, G.G. Amatucci (2011) "Structure surface morphology and electrochemical properties of brominated activated carbons". Carbon, 49, 2538
5. G. Eda, G. Fanchini, M. Chhowalla (2009) "Large-area ultrathin films of reduced graphene oxide as a transparent and flexible electronic material". Nature Nanotechnology 3, 270