Member of university of western Ontario

Dr. Lyudmila Goncharova

Date:2021-12-03      Views:193

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Lyudmila Goncharova
Assistant Professor
Department of Physics and Astronomy
Office: PAB 231
Tel: 519 661-2111 ext 81558
E-mail: lgonchar@uwo.ca

Research Home Page



1. Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) University Faculty Award, 2007–2012
2. American Vacuum Society, Electronic Materials and Processing Division, Postdoctoral Award, 2005
3. American Vacuum Society, Nellie Yeoh Whetten Research Award, 2002
4. Excellence in Graduate Research Award of the Department of Chemistry, Rutgers University, 2002

Research Interest
We employ novel methods of growing nanomaterials (ion implantation, atomic layer deposition, molecular beam epitaxy) and study them by surface characterization with sub-nanometer depth resolution (such as medium energy ion scattering), and atomic-scale lateral resolution (scanning probe microscopy). Notably, my research interests are to a large extent focused not on a particular class of materials, which is more common in material’s science areas, but rather on methods. Our group developed extensive expertise in medium energy ion scattering (MEIS), a high-resolution ion beam analysis technique capable of providing quantitative information on the structure and composition of shallow layers with sub-nm depth resolution near the surface. In addition to well-established applications of MEIS to study diffusion and oxidation processes, we have been re-examining fundamental parameters, such as the stopping cross section in the medium ion energy range.

Current Research Topics
1. Ion scattering: technique development and enhancement of detection in ion scattering.
2. Growth of ultra-thin films and nanomaterials using atomic layer deposition systems and molecular beam epitaxy.
3. Development of optical and electrical characterization approaches for nanomaterials.

Selected publications

1. E.G. Barbagiovanni, D.J. Lockwood, P.J. Simpson, and L.V. Goncharova (2012) "Quantum Confinement in Si and Ge Nanostructures". J. Appl. Phys. 111, 034307.
2. S.M.M. Yee, D.A. Crandles, L.V. Goncharova (2011) "Ferromagnetism on the unpolished surfaces of single crystal metal oxide substrates". J. Appl. Phys. 110, 033906.
3. J. Liu, W.N. Lennard, L.V. Goncharova, D. Landheer, X.H. Wu, S.A. Rushworth, A.C. Jones (2009) "Atomic Layer Deposition of Hafnium Silicate Thin Films Using Tetrakis(diethylamido)hafnium and Tris(2-methyl-2-butoxy)silanol". J. Electrochemical Society, 156 G89-G96.


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