The 1st Workshop on Synchrotron Radiation Research and Energy Science between FUNSOM and ALS

Date:2015-08-07      Views:25



Invited Speakers:


- FUNSOM: Xuhui Sun, Jun Zhong, Lijia Liu, Steffen Duhm, Qiao Zhang, Suidong Wang,    
                John Mcleod, Youyong Li
- Western: Tsun-Kong Sham, Xueliang (Andy) Sun
- ALS/LBNL: JinghuaGuo (In-situ/operando X-ray spectroscopy in energy materials)
                  Alexander Hexemer (SAXS and WAXS of soft and functional materials)
                  Yi-De Chuang (Resonant inelastic soft X-ray scattering of energy materials)
                  Ethan Crumlin (Soft and tender X-ray APXPS)
                  Dilworth Parkinson (Micro-tomography of energy materials)
                  David Shapiro (STXM and Ptychograph in energy-storage materials)
                  Cheng Wang (Resonant soft X-ray scattering in soft and functional materials)
                  WanliYang (X-ray spectroscopy in energy-storage materials)
- PBD/LBNL: Petrus Zwart (Protein Crystallography and SAXS of biosystems)
- UC Santa Cruz: Christine Beavers (In-situ X-ray diffraction of functional materials)
- UC Merced: Jennifer Lu (Soft and functional nanomaterials)
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