Member of university of western Ontario

Dr. Yang Zhao

Date:2013-06-12      Views:17

Assistant Professor
 B.S., M.S., Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
 Ph.D., University of Western Ontario, Canada
 PDF, Advanced Light Source of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, US
 Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, University of Western Ontario



Research interests:

Energy Storage Materials; Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology; Batteries; Surface and Interface Engineering; Advanced Materials Characterization




l  Materials Today Energy Early Career Researcher

l  ALS Collaborative Postdoctoral Fellowship

l  Mitacs Elevate Postdoctoral Fellowship


Current Research Programs:

Dr. Yang Zhao's Materials and Interfaces for Energy Storage Lab focuses on advanced materials for energy storage devices, including nanomaterials and nanostructure design and fabrication, surface and interface engineering, next-generation batteries, advanced characterization for materials and interfaces.


Research Projects

1.    Developing solid-state electrolytes with high ionic conductivity, good air stability, and low cost, including oxide electrolytes, sulfide electrolytes, and polymer electrolytes.

2.    The interface design of solid-state lithium batteries, aiming for overcoming interfacial challenges in solid-state lithium batteries using solid-state oxide, sulfide, or polymer electrolytes.

3.    Li/Na anode protection.

4.    Atomic layer deposition and/or molecular layer deposition techniques for energy applications.

5.    Advanced nanomaterials for Na-ion batteries, Na-S, Zn-ion, and Zn-air batteries.



Selected Publications:

1.    Y. Zhao, L. Zhang, J. Liu, K. Adair, F. Zhao, Y. Sun, T. Wu, X. Bi, K. Amine, J. Lu, X. Sun, Atomic/Molecular Layer Deposition for Energy Storage and Conversion, Chemical Society Reviews, 2021, 50, 3889-3956

2.    Y. Zhao, M. Amirmaleki, Q. Sun, C. Zhao, A. Codirenzi, L. Goncharova, C. Wang, K. Adair, X. Li, X. Yang, F. Zhao, R. Li, T. Filleter, M. Cai, X. Sun, Natural SEI-Inspired Dual-Protective Layers via Atomic/Molecular Layer Deposition for Long-life Metallic Lithium Anode, Matter, 2019, 1, 1215-1231

3.    Y. Zhao, L. Goncharova, A. Lushington, Q. Sun, H. Yadegari, B. Wang, W. Xiao, R. Li, X. Sun, Superior Stable and Long Life Sodium Metal Anodes Achieved by Atomic Layer Deposition, Advanced Materials, 2017, 29, 1606663

4.    Y. Zhao, L. Goncharova, Q. Zhang, P. Kaghazchi, Q. Sun, A. Lushington, B. Wang, R. Li, X. Sun, Inorganic-organic Coating via Molecular Layer Deposition Enables Long Life Sodium Metal Anode, Nano Letters, 2017, 17, 5653–565

5.    Y. Zhao, K. Zheng, X. Sun, Addressing Interfacial Issues in Liquid-based and Solid-State Batteries by Atomic and Molecular Layer Deposition, Joule, 2018, 2, 2583-2604

6.    W. Xia+, Y. Zhao+, F. Zhao+, K. Adair, R. Zhao, S. Li, R. Zou, Y. Zhao, X. Sun, Anti-Perovskite Electrolytes for Solid-State Batteries, Chemical Reviews, 2021, in press

7.    E. Wang+, Y. Zhao+, X. Zhang, T. Wu, B. Wang, M. Zubair, Y. Li, H. Yu, X. Sun, Composite Nanostructure Construction on the Grain Surface of Li-Rich Layered Oxide, Advanced Materials, 2020, 32, 1906070

8.    Y. Sun+, Y. Zhao+, J. Wang, J. Liang, C. Wang, Q. Sun, X. Lin, J. Luo, K. Adair, D. Wang, R. Li, M. Cai, T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, Novel Organic “Polyurea” Thin Film for Ultra-Long-life Lithium Metal Anode via Molecular Layer Deposition, Advanced Materials, 2019, 31, 201806541

9.    S. Zhang+, Y. Zhao+, F. Zhao, L. Zhang, C. Wang, X. Li, J. Liang, W. Li, Q. Sun, C.Yu, J. Luo, K. Doyle-Davis, R. Li, T.-K. Sham, X. Sun, Gradiently Sodiated Alucone as an Interfacial Stabilizing Strategy for Solid-State Na Metal Batteries, Advanced Functional Materials, 2020, 30, 2001118

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