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Radiation Medicine and Protection英文刊喜提首个CiteScore引用分


20226 8 日,爱思唯尔正式公布了2021 CiteScore™(引用分),该指标对收录于 Scopus 数据库中332学科领域的27200种同行评审期刊等出版物的影响力做出了最新评估。

Radiation Medicine and Protection(以下简称RMP)由中国科协主管、中华医学会主办,是中国疾病预防控制中心辐射防护与核安全医学所、18新利体育 放射医学与防护学院暨放射医学与辐射防护国家重点实验室联合创办的同行评议英文刊,首次喜获 CiteScore 引用分,为1.4


Health Professions:

Emergency Medical Services


Radiology, Nuclear Medicine and Imaging


Public Health, Environmental and Occupational Health

Health Professions:

Radiological and Ultrasound Technology 

其中,在 “Health Professions: Emergency Medical Services”学科中,学科中,位于Q1区,名列学科第二(第81百分位)。该学科共有8种期刊。

CiteScore Elsevier 2016 12 月推出的一种新的期刊评价体系,该指标对收录于 Scopus 数据库的上万种同行评审期刊等出版物的影响力做出评估。引文计数将从发表年份起累积至计算窗口结束,最长可达四年。这意味着出版物在此期间收到的所有引用都将被计入 CiteScore,从而进行更加有力的期刊影响力评估。

CiteScore 2021 计算是在 2018-2021 年间对 2018-2021 年所发表文章、评论、会议论文、书籍章节和数据论文进行的引用次数,然后将该次数除以在 2018-2021 年所发表的出版物总数。而 CiteScoreTracker 2022 将持续按月更新直至下一次年度 CiteScore 计算,此次计算安排在2023春季进行,即 CiteScore 2022

RMP目前为季刊。2020 3月创刊,出刊一期后申请,7月被DOAJ数据库收录。2020年入选中国科协卓越行动计划高起点新刊,20219月获得国内刊号。刊出6期后申请入选Scopus数据库,202111月被Scopus收录。本次获得 CiteScore 引用分,是对 RMP 创刊两年以来工作的鼓励。勤耕不辍,久久为功。


Top10  Cited Articles

1、Mechanisms underlying FLASH radiotherapy, a novel way to enlarge the differential responses to ionizing radiation between normal and tumor tissues 

Guangming Zhou

2、HIF-1 signaling: A key orchestrator of cancer radioresistance

Ruixue Huang | Ping Kun Zhou

3、Prevention and treatment for radiation-induced skin injury during radiotherapy

Yimin Wang | Wenling Tu | Yiting Tang | Shuyu Zhang

4、Nuclear DNA damages generated by reactive oxygen molecules (ROS) under oxidative stress and their relevance to human cancers, including ionizing radiation-induced neoplasia part I: Physical, chemical and molecular biology aspects

Robert Nilsson | Ning Ang Liu

5、Aging and age-related health effects of ionizing radiation

Jian Tong | Tom K. Hei

6、Oxidative stress: A critical hint in ionizing radiation induced pyroptosis

Suhe Dong | Xiaoli Lyu | Senchao Yuan | Sinian Wang | Wei Li | Zhongmin Chen | Huijie Yu | fengsheng Li | Qisheng Jiang

7、New understanding of the low-dose radiation-induced hormesis

Shunzi Jin | Hongyu Jiang | Lu Cai

8、Management of infection control and radiological protection in diagnostic radiology examination of COVID-19 cases

Yantao Niu | Junfang Xian | Ziqiao Lei | Xiao Liu | Quanfu Sun

9、Mechanisms of melatonin in anti-aging and its regulation effects in radiation-induced premature senescence

Liping Ma | Qingjie Liu | Mei Tian | Xuelei Tian | Ling Gao

10、The regulation of hematopoietic stem cell fate in the context of radiation

Yukai Lu | Mengjia Hu | Zihao Zhang | Yan Qi | Junping Wang