18新利体育 能源与材料创新研究院简介

18新利体育 能源与材料创新研究院(Soochow Institute for Energy and Materials InnovationS;SIEMIS)成立于20171月。研究院是秉承国际顶尖科研机构运行管理模式、汇集国际顶尖人才与队伍、匹配国际一流平台设施的国际化学术研究机构。研究院聚焦具有重要发展前景和重大创新机遇的新能源与新材料基础研究和应用研发,以先进碳材料与可穿戴技术、太阳能利用与转化、高效动力储能电池作为重点研究方向,集中力量攻克新能源领域的重要、重大科学问题。

研究院下设“先进碳材料与可穿戴技术研究部”、“太阳能利用与转化研究部”、“高效动力电池研究部”、“理论与计算18新利备用网站 部”与“未来能源技术研究部”五个研究部,共有核心科研课题组15个、教职工40余名,其中包括中科院院士1名、外籍院士1名(讲座教授)、国家四青人才8名、全职外籍专家1人、江苏省双创人才2人、江苏省杰出青年基金获得者1人、江苏省特聘教授2人、校级特聘教授12人,在校博士研究生、硕士研究生200余名。



18新利体育 能源与材料创新研究院自成立之日起高度重视软硬综合实力的建设,贯彻以学者为中心的管理机制和体制,形成崇尚真理、自由民主的学术氛围,研究院必将成为青年才俊成长的沃土,培养优秀人才的摇篮。


The Soochow Institute for Energy and Materials InnovationS (SIEMIS) was founded in January 2017 and is headed by its first dean, Prof. Zhongfan Liu (Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences). Prof Z. Liu is a world renowned scientist for carbon materials. The mission of the institute (SIEMIS) is to advance our knowledge in the science and technology of materials and clean energy as well as to educate future scientists and engineers in this field. The current research areas include carbon materials and wearable electronics, solar energy conversion and applications, and large capacity battery development.

The institute is structured into five research departments and fifteen principal investigators including one academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, one academician of the European Academy of Sciences (Chair professor), five national youth one thousand plan winners and two Excellent Young Scholar winners from the National Natural Science Foundation. It has forty faculty members and over two hundred graduate students.

SIEMIS also includes a Key Laboratory for Advanced Carbon Materials and Wearable Energy Technologies - Jiangsu Province, and a Key Laboratory from the Suzhou government. The institute also has a state-of-the-art characterization center for both education and research of advanced materials. The characterization center includes aberration corrected transmission electron microscopy, a dual beam scanning microscope, X-ray diffraction, an X-ray photo-emission spectrometer, Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy, inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy, BET surface area analysis, UV-vis spectroscopy, Photo luminescence spectroscopy and numerous other characterization tools.

At its core, the spirit of SIEMIS is to inspire innovation in clean and environmentally friendly energy technology, and, hence, to make the world a better place.