

主讲人:Daniel Forman [[[[]


题目:Activities for Deeper Vocabulary Learning






专家简介:Daniel Forman,美国国务院英语语言学者。德克萨斯大学TESOL硕士学位,已有七年教学经历,曾任教于俄勒冈大学英美中心,现于北京教育学院工作,重点关注词汇教学,学生的自主学习模式和英语教学中的评价系统。



This workshop will show and explain activities for teaching vocabulary to your students with the goal of a deeper understanding of vocabulary words.  Research has shown that a deeper understanding of vocabulary words leads students to improved reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills and also greatly increases the motivation and happiness of students.  Deeper vocabulary knowledge will help students reduce their frustration with difficult texts and be able to express themselves both more fully and more easily.  This workshop focuses on activities and tips to go deeper into vocabulary teaching and learning and also gives the audience a few techniques to pronounce these words and phrases more naturally.




18新利体育 外国语学院外语教学研究所和英文系联合发布
