
讲座题目: Historic Path of China’s Relationship with the West
主 讲 人: Nicholas Chrimes
地    点: 18新利体育 本部崇远楼二楼201口译实训室
时    间:2017年11月13日(周一)下午2:00-3:30

    The relationship between the West and China is much longer than is often appreciated. In 2016 bones of a Chinaman were found in the London of 2,000 years ago and evidence was found in Han-era Xi’an. With the convenience of modern transport, it is easy to think we are the first to travel widely. Motivation for travelling was usually innocent in distant times…curiosity was often the main motive. Diplomacy also played a part, for example, when the Christian Pope wanted an alliance with the Yuan emperors against the Moslems. Trade and the desire of Christians to spread their faith were two further motives which became dominant in later centuries. These motives, particularly that of trade, proved destructive.
European countries were driven mainly by their merchant class; tax base in the West was on trade whereas in China it was agrarian. It was merchants who acquired Britain’s empire - soldiers and Kings kept it, but they did not acquire it.
The ability to trade all over the world created power that led to an unequal relationship. Above all the West learnt more about China than China did about the West. This imbalanced relationship led to an extended and unhappy period from the 1800s.
Since Deng Xiaoping’s Opening-up policy the situation has changed. China, particularly its young people know most about the West. The West needs to wake up and it is no longer Europeans who know most about China. There are striking examples about how China is acquiring knowledge more energetically than is the West. With knowledge on both sides respect and harmony are more likely outcomes.

    Nicholas Chrimes is a writer and lecturer on cross cultural engagement particularly between China and the West. He gives lectures in Cambridge on History of Art, the history of university and its contribution to English culture.He comes regularly to China; his latest book entitledWuzhen - An Englishman’s journey in China will be printed very soon. His recent publications include Cambridge - Treasure Island in the Fensand some other books and papers.

                             ((Nicholas Chrimes)

