

讲座题目:Eighteenth-Century Travelers in Europe and Turkey

讲座专家:Mona Scheuermann教授(Oakton College in Illinois



Mona Scheuermann is Professor of English at Oakton College in Illinois. Her research focuses on eighteenth-century British literature and history. Among her books are Reading Jane Austen ((((Palgrave-Macmillan, Oct. 2009; paperback Jan. 2012), In Praise of Poverty: Hannah More Counters Thomas Paine and the Radical Threat ((((The University Press of Kentucky, April, 2002), Her Bread to Earn: Women, Money, and Society from Defoe to Austen ((((The University Press of Kentucky, 1993), Social Protest in the Eighteenth-Century English Novel ((((Ohio State University Press, 1985), The Novels of William Godwin ((((Arno Press, 1980). She is the author of more than one hundred articles and reviews, having published in such journals as The Age of Johnson, Eighteenth-Century Fiction, Eighteenth-Century Life, Studies in the Novel,  The Scriblerian, ELN, and EECB.