讲座时间:620日(周一)15:10 � 17:00


讲座题目:Students’ Paraphrasing in Research Paper Writing

    人:Prof. Ling SHI



Ling SHI is a professor in the Department of Language and Literacy Education at the University of British Columbia where she teaches courses on Applied linguistics for teachers, Research methods, and Research and theory of Second language writing. Her research focuses on second language writing, academic writing, and teaching English as a second/foreign Language. She has published her research in journals such as Applied Linguistics, Journal of Second Language Writing, Research in the Teaching of English, Written Communication, Journal of English for Academic Purposes, and TESOL Quarterly.



This presentation or workshop focuses on students’ paraphrasing practices in research paper writing. Using examples from data that contain 192 paraphrases identified by 18 graduate students in their research papers in soft and hard disciplines at a North American university, Professor Shi illustrates how students paraphrase to reformulate the source text linguistically ((e.g., slightly modifying, syntactically restructuring, and substantially reformulating) and also to modify its content ((e.g., excluding certain information, using one’s own interpretations, and adding one’s own ideas). These observations generate questions for teaching and further research about the nature of paraphrasing: Should one paraphrase based on an understanding of only the matching source text or the entire source paper, or one’s readings of the relevant literature? Is it appropriate to insert extra ideas when attributing the paraphrased text to the cited author? What if the cited author disagrees with the interpretation or addition/deletion? How ((and whether) should one distinguish one’s own view from the source information in the paraphrased text? Further research, involving expert views from experienced instructors and established scholars, is needed to theorize the nature of paraphrasing.




