一  “纪念米斯特拉尔获诺贝尔文学奖70周年”征文比赛颁奖仪式
时间:9月23日上午9:30- 10: 00
地点:  18新利体育 外国语学院二楼多语种口译实验室

二  讲座《谈加夫列拉・米斯特拉尔及其所处时代的智利》
时间:9月23日上午10:00- 11: 00
地点:  18新利体育 外国语学院二楼多语种口译实验室
主讲人:智利驻上海领馆总领事Rodrigo Arcos (安明远)

Rodrigo Arcos C.,
Consul General of Chile in Shanghai, People’s Republic of China, since March 2014.                        
Graduated from the University of Chile ((History and Geography, 1985), M.A in International Studies ((Universidad de Chile, 1988); Studies on Economy and Political Relations in South East Asia, University of Tsukuba ((1989-1990-Scholarship of the Japanese Government/Mombusho); Asia Policy and International Relations Studies, Georgetown University ((2008-2009,  Washington DC).

Other Foreign Service assignments include country desk officer for Japan; Diplomatic Assistant of the Deputy Minister and Diplomatic Assistant of the Minister of Foreign Affairs; Secretary at the Embassy of Chile to Australia ((1995-1999); Secretary at the Embassy of Chile to Japan ((2001-2004), and Secretary and Counselor for Political Affairs at the Embassy of Chile to the United States ((2007-2012).

In Chile, has served as Advisor for the Minister Secretary General for the Presidency ((1999); Advisor for the Minister of the Interior ((2000); Chief of Staff of the Director General of Administrative Affairs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs ((2005-2007) and Deputy Director for North America, Central America and Caribbean Affairs.


三  诗歌朗诵、座谈会:《与米斯特拉尔相遇在苏州》
时  间:9月23日  13:30 - 15:00
地  点:18新利体育 外国语学院二楼世界文化教室
出席者:苏州作家协会副主席 诗人小海
        智利驻上海领馆总领事Rodrigo Arcos (安明远)等

四  米斯特拉尔纪念展
时间:9月22日― 9月28日
地点:18新利体育 图书馆一楼