



1. 王晓菲
A Comparative Study of Dialogue Translation in Two Chinese Versions of Jane Eyre From the Perspective of Dynamic Construal of Meaning从动态意义识解的视角对比分析《简•爱》两译本的对话翻译


2. 王柯
A Cognitive Stylistic Exploration of Reader Manipulation in Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None从认知文体学角度解读小说《无人生还》


3. 陈秋萍
A Cognitive Semantic Study on Modals in English Cosmetic Instructions英文化妆品说明书中情态动词的认知语义学研究


4. 朱慧智
A Comparative Study of Body Classifiers in Chinese and English汉英身体量词对比研究


5. 李雪春
A Contrastive Study on the Use of Modal Verbs in Editorials in China Daily and The Washington Post《中国日报》和《华盛顿邮报》社论中情态动词使用的对比研究


6. 刘亚娟
The Discourse Analysis of American President Speeches in 9th and 22nd Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation 对美国总统在第9届和22届亚太经济合作组织上演讲的话语分析


7. 马苗
An Exploration into Chinese Children’s Acquisition of Recursive Structures 汉语儿童递归结构的习得研究
