主讲人:   著名澳大利亚作家Nicholas Jose教授
讲座题目: “Reading Transcultural Writing”
时间:     12月5日(周五)下午3:00-4:00
地点:     崇远楼二楼多语种口译实训室


主讲人简介: Professor Nicholas Jose was born in London, England, to Australian parents, and grew up mostly in Adelaide, South Australia. He was educated at the Australian National University and Oxford University. He has traveled extensively, particularly in China, where he worked from 1986 to 1990. He has published novels like Rowena’s Field ((1984), Paper Nautilus ((1987), Avenue of Eternal Peace ((1989), The Rose Crossing ((1994), The Custodians ((1997), The Red Thread ((2000) and Original Face (( 2005), and his story collections include The Possession of Amber ((1980) and Feathers or Lead ((1986). He was President of Sydney PEN from 2002 to 2005, Visiting Chair of Australian Studies at Harvard University from 2009 to 2010, and is currently Professor of English and Creative Writing both at the University of Adelaide and Bath Spa University, England. He edited Macquarie PEN Anthology of Australian Literature ((2009) and The Literature of Australia ((2009). And he has written widely on contemporary art and literature from Asia and the Pacific.

主讲人:    国际著名文学理论家Bill Ashcroft教授
讲座题目:  “Reading Postcolonial Australia
时间:      周一(12月8日)下午2:00-3:00
地点:      崇远楼二楼多语种口译实训室


主讲人简介:Professor Bill Ashcroft is Australian Professorial Fellow of the School of the Arts and Media, University of New South Wales in Sydney. He is a leading international exponent of post-colonial theory and author of some 20 books, including the foundational text The Empire Writes Back ((with Gareth Griffiths and Helen Tiffin, 1989), Post-Colonial Transformation ((2001) and Caliban’s Voice ((2008). His co-authored book The Empire Writes Back was the first to define this field of Post-colonial literary studies, and since then he has achieved international renown in post-colonial studies. He studied at the University of Sydney and the Australian National University. He has taught in several Universities around the world including Hong Kong University around the world. He was Head of the School of English at the University of NSW. He is now a Fellow in the Academy of Arts and Humanities of Australia.

主讲人:    著名澳大利亚文学批评家Lyn McCredden教授
讲座题目:  “The Value of the Humanities”
时间:      周一(12月8日)下午3:00-4:00
地点:      崇远楼二楼多语种口译实训室


主讲人简介:Professor Lyn McCredden teaches and researches at Deakin University, Melbourne, where she has a Personal Chair. She is one of Australia’s most active scholars today in literary studies. She publishes on Australian literature, including poetry, fiction, Indigenous writing, and literature and the sacred. She is the author of major critical volumes like James McAuley ((1992), Bridgings: Readings in Australian Women’s Poetry ((with Rose Lucas, 1996). Her most recent critical volumes are Intimate Horizons: The Post-colonial Sacred ((2009, with Bill Ashcroft and Frances Devlin-Glass) and Luminous Moments: The Contemporary Sacred ((2010). She is now engaged in a three-year research project on Tim Winton’s fiction and the sacred in literature.