演讲人:Stephanie Britton & Alison Carroll

时 间:9172:00 -4:00 p.m.

地 点:外国语学院 崇远楼二楼 多语种口译实训室


1)“Independent Visual Art Publishing within the Ecology of Creativity, Invention and Ideas-based Art

2)“The West and the Rest: Links between Australian and Chinese Art

Stephanie Britton was trained as an artist in South Africa and London, and did postgraduate studies at Flinders University. Stephanie Britton founded Artlink in 1981 as bimonthly 20-page black-and-white magazine. As CEO and a Director of Artlink Australia, she is responsible for the overall operation of the magazine.


Alison Carroll has two First Class degrees in Art History from the University of Melbourne. She has written books and articles on European, Asian and Australian art. In 1990 she established and was Director of the Arts Program at Asialink, University of Melbourne, the main program for arts exchange between Asia and Australia for visual arts, performing arts, literature and arts management practice. She is currently an Honorary Research Fellow at the Victorian College of the Arts, University of Melbourne. She was made a Member of the Order of Australia ((((AM) in 2010 for her work at Asialink.


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