主讲人Bruce Applebaum

题目Power Reading




专家简介Bruce Applebaum,美国国务院英语语言学者,现执教18新利体育 。美国波士顿人,获得TESOL硕士学位,1999-2009年在日本、韩国、印度尼西亚和阿拉伯联合酋长国等亚洲和中东国家从事英语教学,2010-2012年执教北京师范大学,擅长以工作坊形式讲授交际教学法和其他教学法,目前关注任务型教学法和语言学习中思辨能力的发展。


工作坊(四)简介Reading is one of the four skills but teaching doesn’t mean that the teacher cannot integrate other skills as well.  This workshop will give participants the opportunity to experience activities that will enrich a reading class or get new ideas for reading activities to use in other classes.  There will also be an incorporation of critical thinking, task based language teaching and content based language teaching that has been discussed in previous workshops.  We will also discuss ideas for using authentic materials and best practices for the classroom.




18新利体育 外国语学院外语教学研究所发布