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In addition, take note that you are not required to fill in item 20 for applications pertaining to  Trainee /  Technical Intern Training .A5110000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000   &+-"1$3(6+9.;o l ψbSgqn0 N 3uˊk0_j0f^0\ObW0f0 NU0D000Note : Please fill in forms required for application. (See notes on reverse side.)~5 0000000000000000000000000000000  303uˊNI{\Ob(uK00 @b^\_jI{\Ob(uI{K00o0 eQVvvk0_c0f0 !kn0i_0O(uW0f0O0`0U0D005440000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 $(!+%-'1*000000000xKb 0000000050000 % 5  , 0OmiQR 0 5%  5 . 0xvz 0 5% 5;,S0n0000o0cQY00_o0B00~0[000There is no need to submit this sheet. (5 000000000 K Select type of form which corresponds to the purpose of entry in Japan. 5For applicants 5For organization 5% 5) 5- 5  5 Professor 5aActivities of highly skilled professionals who engage in research,research guidance or education  5 at colleges0;  5ZActivities to engage in language instruction at junior high schools and high schools, etc. 5#Junior high school language teacher 5* 5jAcademic or artistic activities that provide no income, or activities for the purpose of pursuing learning 5Study tea ceremony, judo 5&and acquiring Japanese culture or arts 5+ 5iReligious activities conducted by foreign religious workers dispatched by foreign religious organizations 5Bishop, Missionary 5, 5^Journalistic activities conducted on the basis of a contract with a foreign press organization 5Journalist, News photographer 5kActivities of research who have been transferred to a business office in Japan for a limited period of time 5%Researcher assigned to a foreign firm 5#h0W0f06qyf[So0Neyf[n0RΑn0\vbSSo0wX0_h0Y00miRk0 5#Employee assigned to a foreign firm 5W _NY00S0h0; Activities of highly skilled professionals who have been transferred to &  5_a business office in Japan for a limited period of time and who are to engage in services which 5R  require knowledge pertinent to the field of natural science or human science0; N 5P _NY00S0h000Activities of specialists who have been transferred to a business office 5%in Japan for a limited period of time 5% 5- 5- 5  5N Activities of highly skilled professionals who operate or manage business ; K 5#Operation or management of business 5. 5 Activities of highly skilled professionals who engage in research,research guidance or education at colleges0Except in cases falling under 1 ; mo 5*Researcher of a government body or company 54Activities to engage in research that provide income 5 Activities of highly skilled professionals who engage in services which require knowledge pertinent to the field of natural science or human science Except in cases falling under 4 ;  57 Engineer of mechanical engineering Marketing specialist"# 5Activities to engage in services which require knowledge pertinent to the field of natural science or human science or to engage in services which require specific ways of thinking or sensitivity acquired through experience of foreign culture 5uDesignated activities to engage in research, business related to research or information-processing- relatedservices 5KResearcher or Information-technology engineer of a designated organization 5 L 0 Entertainment  5/ 5Y 50 51 5;Trainees not including in the on-the-job training, trainees 5"who participate in public training 52 58 SQ00S0h000Dependent who lives together with< their supporter 5Dependent who intends to live together with their supporter whose status is Designated Activities to engage in research, business related to research or information-processing-relatedservices 5WDependent who intends to live together with their whose status is Designated Activities 5*(Nurse and Certified Careworker under EPA) 54 5>Spouse or child of Japanese national, Permanent resident, etc. 5Spouse of Japanese national 5 NNYn0vv 55 5U 5 Other purpose 5[NO(uN 0000000000  50e|VN,500000000;Housekeeper, Working holiday, Amateur athlete, Internship,  56Fourth-generation foreign national of Japanese descent 5 0For; it is also possible to use forms J,K,O and U in accordance with the activities in which the applicant is to engage while residing in Japan.&& 5 In case of to be found that you have misrepresented the facts in an application, you will be unfavorably treated in the process. 5  00When the space provided is not sufficient for your answer, write on a separate piece of paper and attach it to the application.& 5L  00All parts of this application must be on JIS size A 4 Paper (2103297 3).&C&DI&J 5O0 (WYunjy500000>y50000Date of joining the company 5Date of leaving the company 5.RRHQ Ty*5 0000000000Date of joining the company 5g500Place of employment 5Year 5Month 50 5 Teacher's certificate 5  Yes / No 5  5L Teaching experience of the subject that the applicant is planning to teach 5Year(s) 5 Total period of receiving the foreign language education in case that the applicant is planning to teach the foreign language 5m Applicant, legal representative or the authorized representative, prescribed in Paragraph 2 of Article 7-2. 5Name 5Relationship with the applicant 5Address 5 Telephone No. 5Cellular Phone No. 5EI hereby declare that the statement given above is true and correct.  <5KSignature of the applicant (representative) / Date of filling in this form  5  533uˊf\Ob_3uˊ~0g0k0 Q[k0 YfL0uX0_04XT 3uˊNNtN L0 Yf{@b0ckW0 r TY00S0h00 5 Attention 5In cases where descriptions have changed after filling in this application form up until submission of this application, the applicant (representative) must correct the part concerned and sign their name. 5Name 5Address 5'Organization to which the agent belongs 5 Telephone No. 5  5  5  5% 5  5 Hf[!hlN0^ZXq\f[bD00000000000000000 f0558-00530'Y*^'Y*^OO T:S^ZXq\-N3Nv10 51b00000000000000000000000000    06-6672-1954 (^ZXq\f[b'Yf[$ 0000000000000B0589-85850'Y*^'Y*rq\^Nq2-1823>00000000000000000    072-365-0865 %1t^0000.[TYec* 0000000000* 420,000 0000000000; 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