◆18新利体育 概况
18新利体育 坐落于素有“古城园林甲天下,姑苏富饶冠江南”美誉的历史文化名城——苏州,拥有122年悠久历史。学校现有哲学、经济学、法学、教育学、文学、历史学、理学、工学、农学、医学、管理学、艺术学等十二大学科门类。截至目前,学校化学、物理学、材料科学、临床医学、工程学、药学与毒理学、生物与生物化学、神经科学与行为科学、分子生物与遗传学、免疫学、数学、计算机科学、农业科学、环境科学与生态学、一般社会科学、综合交叉学科共16个学科进入全球基本科学指标(ESI)前1%,化学、材料科学2个学科进入全球基本科学指标(ESI)前1‰。
新时代,孕育新机遇,呼唤新作为。全体苏大人正以昂扬的姿态、开放的胸襟、全球的视野,顺天时、乘地利、求人和,坚持人才强校、质量强校、文化强校,依托长三角地区雄厚的经济实力和优越的人文、地域条件,努力将学校建设成为国内一流、国际知名高水平研究型大学。现举办2022年18新利体育 海外高层次人才东吴论坛,竭诚欢迎海外英才参加。
名城育名校、名校润名城。当前,苏州市与18新利体育 坚持校地融合发展方向,名城名校紧密联动、汇聚合力,苏州市全力助推18新利体育 建设成为中国特色世界一流大学。2022年18新利体育 海外高层次人才东吴论坛将作为2022年(第十四届)苏州国际精英创业周品牌活动之一。此次论坛将以“云端论坛”的形式举办,旨在为海内外优秀青年学者搭建交流和合作的平台,聚焦国际学术前沿,通过学术报告和深度研讨,开拓视野,推进学科交叉与学术创新。
一般应具有海内外高水平大学、研究机构博士后科研经历,学术水平居于本学科领域同年龄段学者前列;在所在学科领域取得重要标志性成果,已具备独立开展18新利备用网站 的能力和水平。自然科学领域年龄一般不超过35周岁,人文社科领域年龄一般不超过38周岁。
请符合条件且有意向者登录“18新利体育 东吴论坛”报名系统:http://rckf.rsc.suda.edu.cn(请勿直接点击,将网址复制链接到浏览器打开)注册、填写并提交个人申请。
18新利体育 人力资源处人才引进与开发办公室
18新利体育 长期面向全球招聘东吴讲席教授、东吴特聘教授、校聘优秀青年学者,详细招聘信息可关注18新利体育 人才招聘网(https://rczp.suda.edu.cn/recruit/recruitNew/),18新利体育 真诚期盼海内外优秀人才加盟,共谋发展!
18新利体育 将更加重视
Invitation to 2022 Soochow University’s Dongwu Forum for Overseas High-level Talents
About Soochow University
●“Double First-Class” University
●Key National “Project 211” University
●One of the first institutions selected for “Plan 2011”
●Jointly built by the Ministry of Education and Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government
●Sponsored by the State Administration of Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense and Jiangsu Provincial People’s Government
●Provincial key comprehensive university
The university now has 135 undergraduate majors, 49 first-level discipline with master programs and 33 master programs of professional degree; 31 first-level discipline with doctoral programs, 1 doctoral program of professional degree and 30 post-doctoral research stations. The university boasts 1 national first-class discipline, 4 state key disciplines and 20 advantageous discipline in universities of Jiangsu Province.
The city of Suzhou, boasting fabulous classical gardens, is crowned as the most prosperous region in the south of the Yangtze River. Located and deeply rooted in the historical and cultural city of Suzhou and founded in 1900, Soochow University currently has twelve categories of disciplines including philosophy, economy, law, education, literature, history, science, engineering, agriculture, medicine, management and art, among which sixteen – i.e. Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Clinical Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy and Toxicology, Biology and Biological Chemistry, Neurology and Behavioral Science, Molecular Biology and Genetics, Immunology, Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Agricultural Sciences, Environmental Science and Ecology, General Social Sciences, Multidisciplinary—are among the top 1% on the Thomson Reuters Essential Science Indicators (ESI) ranking. Chemistry and Materials Science rank the top 1‰.
Key Platforms
The university now has 1 national 2011 Collaborative Innovation Center (leading party), 1 Key Research Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, 1 State Key Laboratory jointly constructed by Jiangsu Province and the Ministry of Education, 1 National Engineering Laboratory, 2 National Local Joint Engineering Laboratories, 2 State International Cooperation Joint Research Centers, 1 National Research Center of Clinical Medicine, 1 National ‘Belt and Road Initiative’ Joint Laboratory, 1 State Key Laboratory Cultivation Center of Universitas in Jiangsu Province, 4 provincial Collaborative Innovation Centers, 24 Provincial and Ministerial Key Research Base son Philosophies and Social Sciences; 33 Provincial and Ministerial Key Laboratories.
A new era brings new opportunities and calls for new advancements. Nowadays, based on the favorable timing, location, and harmonious social relationships, Soochow University adhere to improving itself with talents, quality and culture. Relying on the economic strength as well as the superior cultural and regional advantages in the Yangtze River Delta, all the faculty of the Soochow University, with a soaring spirit, an open mind and an international horizon, are sparing no effort in building up a world-renowned research-oriented university. We hereby sincerely invite international scholars to 2022 Soochow University’s Dongwu Forum for Overseas High-level Talents.
I. About the Forum
Soochow University and Suzhou city are mutually promotive. Currently, the two parties closed interact with each other under the direction of joint development. Soochow University now has the full support from the municipal government to become a world renowned top class university with Chinese characteristics. The 2022 Soochow University’s Dongwu Forum for Overseas High-level Talents will be part of the brand promotion activity of the 14th Suzhou International Elites’ Entrepreneurship Week. It will be held online and aims to provide a platform for the outstanding talents from home and abroad to discuss and cooperate on the latest research frontiers, and to promote inter-disciplinary collaboration and innovation through academic presentations and workshops,.
II. Open Positions and Pays
2.1 Dongwu University Professor
Recipients of global top awards including Nobel Prize, Fields Medal, Turing Award, etc.; academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chinese Academy of Engineering; foreign member of Academy of Sciences of developed countries; world-class scholar with high academic reputation and impact; under the age of 65 years old; tailor-made pay.
2.2 Dongwu Distinguished Professor
l Excellent Talent
A. Requirements
Professor, associate professor or position of similar levels of a prestigious overseas university or research institution, or people at senior R&D positions of renowned international companies, or people with globally acknowledged original research outputs in academic frontiers and having equal academic reputation with national leading talents, or people devoted to cultivating talents and teaching courses with outstanding teaching quality and high reputation in the field of education equal to national level prestige teachers. The candidates must be able to lead their own discipline to the top tier nationally and first class internationally, preferably under the age of 55.
B. Pay and Benefits
1. Title: Distinguished Professor and doctoral supervisor;
2. Pay: RMB 650,000-1,200,000 annually, performance related rewards; excluding mandatory insurance and housing fund (about RMB 200,000 per year) paid by the university;
3. Relocation: RMB 2,000,000-3,000,000 (excluding subsidiaries provided by the national and local governments); fully decorated short-term accommodation;
4. Research Support Funding: RMB 500,000 – 1,000,000 for scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences, RMB 1,000,000-2,000,000 for scholars in Non-experimental Sciences, tailor made funding for those in Experimental Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Large-scale equipment and apparatus may be provided as needed.
l Outstanding Talent
A. Requirements
Associate professor, assistant professor or position of similar levels of a prestigious overseas university or research institution, or people with globally acknowledged original research outputs in academic frontiers, having equal academic reputation with national young talents, and a potential to become national leading talents. The candidates must be able to lead their own discipline to the top tier nationally and first class internationally, preferably under the age of 45 (52 for Humanities).
B. Pay and Benefits
1. Title: Distinguished Professor and doctoral supervisor;
2. Pay: RMB 400,000-650,000 annually, performance related rewards; excluding mandatory insurance and housing fund (about RMB 200,000 per year) paid by the university;
3. Relocation: RMB 1,500,000-2,000,000 (excluding subsidiaries provided by the national and local governments); fully decorated short-term accommodation;
4. Research Support Funding: RMB 300,00 – 500,000 for scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences, RMB 600,000-800,000 for scholars in Non-experimental Sciences, RMB 1,500,000-3,000,000 for those in Experimental Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Large-scale equipment and apparatus may be provided as needed.
l Candidates of National Sciences Fund for Excellent Young Scholar (Overseas)
A. Requirements
Candidates should hold a doctoral degree, focusing on nature sciences, engineering technology, etc., with outstanding academic achievements and in principle, under the age of 40 years old. Candidates should in general have a teaching or research position in an overseas university or research institution or R&D department of enterprises with 36 months of consecutive working period. For those who have an overseas doctoral degree and excellent achievements, the requirement for working period can be relaxed to a proper extent.
B. Pay and Benefits
Selected candidates of National Sciences Fund for Excellent Young Scholars (overseas) in the name of Soochow University will be employed to the position of Outstanding Talent (Distinguished Professor).
l Elite Talent
A. Requirements
Assistant professor or position of similar levels of a prestigious overseas university or research institution, or people with influential original research outputs in academic frontiers, having a potential to become national young talents. The candidates must be able to help the university to promote the influence of their own discipline nationally, preferably under the age of 38 (45 for Humanities)
B. Pay and Benefits
1. Title: Distinguished Professor and doctoral supervisor;
2. Pay: RMB 300,000-400,000 annually, performance related rewards; excluding mandatory insurance and housing fund (about RMB 200,000) paid by the university;
3. Relocation: RMB 800,000-1,500,000 (excluding subsidiaries provided by the national and local governments); fully decorated short-term accommodation;
4. Research Support Funding: RMB 100,000-200,000 for scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences, RMB 400,000-600,000 for scholars in Non-experimental Sciences, RMB 800,000-1,800,000 for those in Experimental Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. Large-scale equipment and apparatus may be provided as needed.
2.3 Distinguished Associate Professor
A. Requirements
Having post-doctoral research experiences at high-level universities or research institutes overseas; being at top level among scholars of similar age in related fields, with outstanding academic achievements and the ability to conduct research independently, preferably under the age of 35 years old (38 years old for Humanities)
B. Pay and Benefits
1. Title: Associate Professor;
2. Pay: RMB 250,000-300,000 annually, and performance related rewards; mandatory insurance and housing fund (RMB 120,000) paid by the university;
3. Relocation: RMB 500,000-800,000 (excluding subsidiaries provided by the national and local governments);
4. Research Support Funding: RMB 100,000 for scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences, RMB 200,000-400,000 for scholars in Non-experimental Natural Sciences, and RMB 500,000-1,000,000 for those in Experimental Sciences, Engineering and Medical Sciences.
2.4 Excellent Young Scholar
A. Requirements
Being influential in related fields, with outstanding academic achievements and the potential of becoming top level talents. In general the applicants should have post-doctoral experience, with the exception of : 1. Distinguished PhDs from famous universities or research institutes overseas; 2. Excellent talents mastering key technologies in engineering disciplines or having outstanding practical applications in humanities; 3. Talents with other outstanding achievements. The applicants should preferably be under the age of 32 (35 for Humanities)
B. Pay and Benefits
1. Title: Associate Professor or Lecturer;
2. Pay: RMB 200,000-300,000 annually, performance related rewards; excluding mandatory insurance and housing fund (RMB 120,000 for associate professor, RMB 100,000 for lecturer) paid by the university;
3. Research Support Funding: RMB 400,000 for associate professor, RMB 200,000 for lecturer.
III. Other Benefits
3.1 Talents Programs
1. Priority recommendations for applying “Innovation and Entrepreneurship program” and “Distinguished Professor of Jiangsu Province”. Candidate with the position of associate professor or above in universities overseas can directly apply for the latter using the recommendation channel.
“Innovation and Entrepreneurship program” | |
Group applicants | Successful group applicants will be funded with RMB 3,000,000-8,000,000 by the provincial government within 3 years |
Individual applicants | Successful PhD applicants will be funded with RMB 150,000 by the provincial government within 2 years. |
“Distinguished Professor of Jiangsu Province” | |
Successful candidates will be awarded RMB 120,000 / year (tax free) for three years in the employment term, and a research fund of RMB 1,000,000 (RMB 2,000,000 for particularly excellent ones) and 500,000 for natural sciences and liberal arts respectively. |
2. Priority recommendations for applying various talent programs in Suzhou, including “Leading Talents of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Gusu District” (Leading Youth Talents), “Talent Attraction Subsidies” of universities and research institutes in Suzhou, “Easier Settling Project” of Suzhou, “Contribution Reward for Outstanding Talents”, etc. Successful candidates will be awarded RMB 500,000, 1,000,000, and 2,000,000, respectively, for scientific research projects. Applicants can enjoy at top-talent’s level if related conditions are met.
Program | Allowance Limit | |
Leading Talents of Innovation and Entrepreneurship of Gusu District | Research funding of RMB 250,000 / 500,000 | |
Talent Attraction Subsidies of universities and research institutes (A, B, and C tier) | RMB 250,000 / 500,000 / 2,500,000, respectively | |
Easier Settling Project | Easier renting | RMB 800 ~ 8000 per month |
Easier loaning | Allowance can be 4 times as much if purchasing the first house with housing provident fund loan for the first time. | |
Other supports from each district | Can be enjoyed at the same time |
3.2 Other Support
1. To the above mentioned talents that are recruited full-time, apart from the above supportive policies, the university will also provide permanent employment according to relevant policies.
2. Distinguished professors or higher level talents will be supported with spatial offices and labs, support for establishing research groups, priority for recruiting lecturers, post-doctoral researchers and research staff. No limit in number of post-doctoral researchers recruited. Priority for recruiting post-graduate students. Job and school recommendations for spouse and offspring and convenient medical care.
IV. Timeline
This forum consists of two parts, the university academic sub-forum and discipline specific academic sub-forum.
Applications are open from June 10th to June 30th, 2022.
Invitations will be issued from July 1st to July 7th, 2022.
The Forum takes place on July 10th 2022.
Sub-forums of various disciplines will take place at flexible times according to the time zone of the invited. Details will be announced later.
V. To Apply
Please register and submit the application form in the system of “Soochow University’s Dongwu Forum for Overseas High-level Talents”: http://rckf.rsc.suda.edu.cn (copy the link to the browser to open).
Soochow University will invite scholars to the campus for exchanges according to the pandemic prevention and control policy and the demand of the university. The university will reimburse the return plane ticket (economy class). The reimbursement allowance: Europe and North America RMB 20,000 / person, Asia RMB 15,000 / person, China RMB 6,000 / person. The accommodation will be arranged by the university.
VI. Contacts
Scholars Recruitment Office, Personnel Department, Soochow University
Contacts: Yin Kui, Yan Tingkai
Tel: +86-512-67503248
Email: rckf@suda.edu.cn
For details, please pay attention to the official website, the Human Resources Office of Suzhou University.