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方亮,18新利体育 教务处处长,兼创新创业学院院长、教师教学发展中心主任,18新利体育 物理科学与技术学院教授,现兼任江苏省物理学会副秘书长、江苏省高等教育学会理事。江苏省“青蓝工程”优秀教学团队负责人,首批江苏高校省级优秀基层教学组织负责人。主持国家级一流课程1门,省级产教融合一流课程1门,主编出版江苏省重点教材1本、数字教材1本。曾获首届全国高校教师教学创新大赛(本科)高校三等奖;首届江苏省高校教师教学创新大赛(本科)高校特等奖、教学活动创新奖。先后在香港浸会大学、新加坡南洋理工大学开展访问学者研究工作。长期从事电介质、硅基、二维材料的制备及其性质研究,在国际知名期刊Nat. Commun,Sci Adv,Adv. Funct. Mater.,Appl. Phys. Lett.等期刊发表论文100余篇,相关科研成果获得江苏省科技进步三等奖一次。


[1] Q. Y. Yan, Y. Y. Weng*, S. Wang, Z. Zhou, Y. Q. Hu, Q. K. Li, J. S. Xue, Z. J. Feng, Z. S. Luo, R. C. Feng, L. You*, and L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者), “Ambient degradation anisotropy and mechanism of van der Waals ferroelectric NbOI2” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces. 16, 9051 (2024) 

[2] Z. J. Feng, S. Wang, Z. Zhou, Y. Q. Hu, Q. K. Li, J. S. Xue, Q. Y. Yan, Z. S. Luo, R. C. Feng,Y. Y. Weng, L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者), and L. You*, “Effect of chemical intercalation on ferroelectricity in van der Waals layered CuInP2S6”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 124, 012903 (2024)

[3] Z. Zhou, J. J. Zhang, G. F. Turner, S. A. Moggach*, Y. Lekina, S. Morris, S.Wang, Y. Q. Hu, Q. K. Li, J. S. Xue, Z. J. Feng, Q. Y. Yan, Y. Y.Weng, B. Xu, Y. Fang, Z. X. Shen, L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者), S. Dong*, and L. You*, “Sliding-mediated ferroelectric phase transition in CuInP2S6 under pressure” Appl. Phys. Rev. 11, 011414 (2024)

[4] Q Hui, Q. K. Li, S.Wang, J. S. Xue, Z. W. Zhou, Y. Q. Hu, Z. Zhou, Z. J. Feng, Q. Y. Yan, F. G. Zheng, Y. Y.Weng*, Lu You, and Liang Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者), “Highly Efficient Flexible BiVO4 Thin-Film Photodetector with Good Bending Robustness on Mica Substrates”, J. Phys. Chem. C, 127, 18219 (2023)

[5] Z. W. Zhou, S. Wang, Z. Zhou, Y. Q. Hu, Q. K. Li, J. S. Xue, Z. J. Feng, Q. Y. Yan, Z. S. Luo, Y. Y. Weng*, R. J. Tang, X. D. Su, F. G. Zheng, K. Okamoto, H. Funakubo, L. X. Kang, L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者) , and L. You*, “Unconventional polarization fatigue in van der Waals layered ferroelectric ionic conductor CuInP2S6” Nat. Commun. 14, 8254 (2023)

[6] S. Wang, J. Zhou, Z. Zhou, Y. Q. Hu, Q. K. Li, J. S. Xue, Z. J. Feng, Q. Y. Yan, Z. S. Luo, R. C. Feng, Y. Y. Weng, J. L. Yao, S. Ju*, L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者) , and L. You*, “Tunable anisotropic extrinsic self-trapped exciton emission in van der Waals layered In4/3P2S6” Adv. Funct. Mater. 34, 2312143 (2023)

[7] J. S. Xue, S. Wang, J. Zhou, Q. K. Li, Z. W. Zhou, Q. Hui, Y. Q. Hu, Z. Zhou, Z. J. Feng, Q. Y. Yan, Y. Q. Yu, Y. Y. Weng, R. J. Tang, X. D. Su, Y. Xin, F. G. Zheng, S. Ju*, L. You*, and L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者), “Passivating violet phosphorus against ambient degradation for highly sensitive and long-term stable optoelectronic devices”Appl. Phys. Lett. 122, 181903 (2023)

[8] Q. K. Li, S.Wang, J. S. Xue, Z. W. Zhou, Y. Q. Hu, Z. Zhou, Z. J. Feng, Q. Y. Yan, Y. Q. Yu, Y. Y.Weng, R. J. Tang, X. D. Su, F. G. Zheng, L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者) , and L. You*, “Optoelectronic and ionic effects on transport in van der Waals metal selenophosphate AgBiP2Se6” Phys. Rev. Appl. 19, 054055 (2023)

[9] P. Li, A. Chaturvedi, H. L. Zhou, G. J. Zhang, Q. K. Li, J. S. Xue, Z. W. Zhou, S. Wang, K. Zhou, Y. Y. Weng, F. G. Zheng, Z. W. Shi, E. H. T. Teo, L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者), and L. You*, “Electrostatic coupling in MoS2/CuInP2S6 ferroelectric vdW heterostructures” Adv. Funct. Mater. 32, 2201359 (2022)

[10] S. Wang, N. B. Fan, Z. Zhou, Y. Q. Hu, Q. K. Li, J. S. Xue, Z. W. Zhou, Z. J. Feng, Q. Y. Yan, Y. Y. Weng, R. J. Tang, F. G. Zheng, R. L. Fan, B. Xu*, L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者), and L. You*, “Self-Enhancing photoelectrochemical properties in van der Waals ferroelectric CuInP2S6 by photoassisted acid hydrolysis” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 14, 40126 (2022)

[11] H. L. Zhou, J. Zhou, S. Wang, P. Li, Q. K. Li, J. S. Xue, Z. W. Zhou, R. Wang, Y. Q. Yu, Y. Y. Weng, F. G. Zheng, Z. G. Li, S. Ju*, L. Fang* (方亮,共同通讯作者), and L. You*, “Size effect on optical and vibrational properties of van der Waals layered In4/3P2S6” APL Mater. 10, 061111 (2022). 

