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1、自驱动胶体集体运动和动态周期性结构的实验研究, 2020-2023, 国家自然科学基金委面上项目,11974255,主持。

2、活性系统的热耗散及长时动力学, 2017-2021, 国家自然科学基金委重点项目, 11635002,参与。

3、胶体体系结晶过程的实验研究, 2017-2020, 张天辉, 国家自然科学基金委面上项目, 11674235,主持。

4、竞争相互作用下胶体体系微相分离的研究, 2014-2017, 国家自然科学基金委面上项目, 11374218,主持。


    2012.03-, 18新利体育 物理科学与技术学院, 教授

    2008.04-2011.07, 荷兰乌特勒支(Utrecht)大学, 博士后

1999.07-2002.06, 中国科学院空间科学与应用研究中心, 助理研究员


    2003.06-2007.06, 新加坡国立大学,软物质, 理学博士, 2007.06

    1996.09-1999.06, 中国科学院物理研究所, 等离子体物理, 理学硕士, 1999.06

1992.09-1996.07, 华中师范大学, 物理系,理学学士, 1996.06


1.Y. Yang, Meng Fei Zhang, Lailai Zhu, Tian Hui Zhang, Tunable Memory and Activity of Quincke Particles in Micellar Fluid. Chin. Phys. Lett. 40, 126401 (2023).

2.Y. Chen, L. Wang, T. H. Zhang, Tunable collective dynamics of ellipsoidal Quincke particles. Soft Matter 19, 512-518 (2023).

3.Y. Yang, Z. C. Zhang, F. Qi, T. H. Zhang, Emergence of Self-dual Patterns in Active Colloids with Periodical Feedback to Local Density. arXiv:2204.07717, (2022).

4.M.-M. Bao, I. E. Igwe, K. Chen, T. -H. Zhang, Modulated Collective Motions and Condensation of Bacteria. Chin. Phys. Lett. 39, 108702 (2022); 

5.刘向阳,张天辉等, 胶体中的相变和自组装. 软物质前沿科学丛书 (科学出版社, 北京:龙门书局, 2021).

6.Z. T. Liu, Y. Shi, Y. Zhao, H. Chaté, X.-q. Shi, T. H. Zhang, Activity waves and freestanding vortices in populations of subcritical Quincke rollers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 118, e2104724118 (2021).

7.H. Y. Chen, L. Wang, T. H. Zhang, Symmetry-Dependent Kinetics of Dislocation Reaction. Chin. Phys. Lett. 38, 066101 (2021).

8.石燕, 张天辉, 自组织结构的控制: 从平衡过程到非平衡过程. 物理学报 69, 140503 (2020)。

9.L. D. Yao, H. Y. Chen, Y. Shi, Y. Liang, T. H. Zhang, Synchronized fractionation and phase separation in binary colloids. Soft Matter 16, 9042-9046 (2020).

10.Z. C. Zhang, B. Y. Zhang, Y. Y. Weng, T. H. Zhang, Control on β conformation of poly(9,9-di-n-octylfluorene) via solvent annealing. Chin. Phys. B 28, 076101 (2019).

11.T. H. Zhang, Z. C. Zhang, J. S. Cao, X. Y. Liu, Can the pathway of stepwise nucleation be predicted and controlled? Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 21, 7398-7405 (2019).

12.S. Q. Lu, B. Y. Zhang, Z. C. Zhang, Y. Shi, T. H. Zhang, Pair aligning improved motility of Quincke rollers. Soft Matter 14, 5092-5097 (2018).

13.张天辉, 曹镜声, 梁颖, 刘向阳, 胶体在基础物理研究中的应用. 物理学报 65, 176401 (2016).

14.T. H. Zhang, X. Y. Liu, in Handbook of Crystal Growth, T. Nishinaga, Ed. (Elsevier B.V., 2015), vol. I, chap. 13, pp. 561-594.

15.T. H. Zhang, B. W. M. Kuipers, W.-d. Tian, J. Groenewold, W. K. Kegel, Polydispersity and gelation in concentrated colloids with competing interactions. Soft Matter 11, 297-302 (2015).

16.T. H. Zhang, X. Y. Liu, Experimental modelling of single-particle dynamic processes in crystallization by controlled colloidal assembly. Chem. Soc. Rev. 43, 2324-2347 (2014).

17.T. H. Zhang, J. Klok, R. Hans Tromp, J. Groenewold, W. K. Kegel, Non-equilibrium cluster states in colloids with competing interactions. Soft Matter 8, 667-672 (2012).

18.T. H. Zhang, X. Y. Liu, Nucleation: what happens at the initial stage? Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 48, 1308 (2009).

19.T. H. Zhang, J. Groenewold, W. K. Kegel, Observation of a microcrystalline gel in colloids with competing interactions. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 11, 10827-10830 (2009).

20.T. H. Zhang, X. Y. Liu, Effect of long-range attraction on growth model. J. Phys. Chem. C 111, 1342-1346 (2007).

21.T. H. Zhang, X. Y. Liu, Multistep crystal nucleation: a kinetic study based on colloidal crystallization. J. Phys. Chem. B 111, 14001-14005 (2007).

22.T. H. Zhang, X. Y. Liu, How does a transient amorphous precursor template crystallization. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 13520-13526 (2007).

23.T. H. Zhang, X. Y. Liu, Configurations and diffusion of point defects in two-dimensional colloidal crystals. Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 261914 (2006).


  基于自驱动胶体体系的非平衡自组装系统及方法,中国专利ZL 2019 1 1357891.5,2021,第一发明人。




活性胶体体系的自组织(Self-organization in self-propelled colloids)

胶体自组装(Colloidal self-assembly)