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N 4.N 5.N 7 1.Rationally Designed Nonapeptides with Great Skin Photoprotective Effect through Producing Type 1 Collagen and Blocking the mTOR PathwayN:S rN 200*0.65=130  7 1.Novel Approach to Enriching Glycosylated RNAs: Specific Capture of GlycoRNAs via Solid-Phase Chemistry.(N:S rN IF= 7.4 200* 0.65=130  7! 1.The aryl sulfonamide indisulam inhibits gastric cancer cell migration by promoting the ubiquitination and degradation of the transcription factor ZEB1. (N:S N\O IF=5.5) 200*0.1=20 2. Proximity Proteomics and Biochemical Analysis Reveal a Noncanonical Function for UFM1-Specific Protease 1 in the p62 Body Formation. (N:S N\O IF=4.4) 100*0.1=10 3. The fine-tuned crosstalk between lysine acetylation and the circadian rhythm.(N:S N\O IF=4.7, ~QJS 100*0.65*0.5=32.5 z |  71. NrN 2. NrN 3.NrN  7 1.N:S 2.N:S 3.N:S  1.ς]'Yf[ 2.ς]'Yf[ 3.ς]'Yf[  Ny:@QLpl_c$OGrSvQ(W_Seo-Nv^(u(ct)10  7f[b 7  1.N\O 2.N\O0Rׂ*1. CHEMICAL COMMUNICATIONS 2. ChemBioChem  1.N:S 2. 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