18新利体育 药学院欢迎您!

儿童肿瘤研究中心(杨增杰 教授)



杨增杰 特聘教授,博士生导师



    2005年获英国诺丁汉大学博士学位,同年赴美国杜克大学药学和肿瘤学院进行博士后研究,2010年起于美国Fox Chase 肿瘤中心任助理教授,同时担任美国天普大学生物化学系兼职教授。2015年入选江苏省特聘教授,加入18新利体育 药学院,任儿童肿瘤研究中心主任。

    杨增杰教授主要从事儿童肿瘤动物模型的创建,微环境和肿瘤干细胞的相互作用及机制研究以及肿瘤靶向药物的筛选和开发。在Nature, Nature Neuroscience, Genes and Development, Cancer Cell 等高影响因子的顶尖学术杂志上发表 SCI 论文多篇,曾获得美国神经肿瘤学会脑研究卓越成就奖2006年获美国神经肿瘤协会 (American  Society for Neuro-Oncology) 颁发杰出研究奖 (Award for Excellence in Brain Research)2008年获美国脑肿瘤协会(American Brain Tumor Association)颁发基础研究奖。 2012年获WW Smith Charitable Trust基金会颁发杰出研究学者奖 (Research Award)。目前主持国家自然科学基金面上项目一项。



1. Li P., Lee E.H., Muradimova R.E., Zhang H., Peng G., Du F., Ng J.M.Y., Curran T., Yang Z.J.*, Nestin mediates hedgehog pathway tumorigenesis. Cancer Res. 2016 Sep; 76(18): 5573-83.

2. Xu G., Wang R., Wang Z., Lei Q. Yu Z., Liu, C., Li, P., Yang, Z.J., Cheng, X., Li, G., Wu, M., NGL-2 is a new partner of PAR complex in axon differentiation. J. Neurosci. 2015; 35(18): 7153-64.

3. Chow H.Y., Dong B., Duron S.G., Campbell D.A., Ong C.C., Hoeflich K.P., Chang L.S., Welling D.B., Yang Z.J., Chernoff J., Group I Paks as therapeutic targets in NF2-deficient meningioma. Oncotarget. 2015 Feb 10; 6(4): 1981-94.

4. Yuelling, L.W., Du, F., Li, P., Muradimova, R., Yang, Z.J.*, Isolation of distinct cell populations from the developing cerebellum by microdissection. Journal of visualized experiments: JoVE, doi:10.3791/51323 (2014).  

5. Li, P., Du, F., Yuelling, L.W., Lin, T., Muradimova, R., Tricarico, R., Wang, J., Enikolopov, G., Bellacosa, A., Wechsler-Reya, R.J., Yang, Z.J.*, A population of Nestin expressing progenitors in the cerebellum exhibits increased tumorigenicity. Nat. Neurosci. 2013; 16: 1737-1744.

6. Gibson, P., Tong, Y., Robinson, G., Thompson, M.C., Currle, D.S., Eden, C., Kranenburg, T.A., Hogg, T., Poppleton, H., Martin, J., Finkelstein, D., Pounds, S., Weiss, A., Patay, Z., Scoggins, M., Ogg, R., Pei, Y., Yang, Z.J., Brun, S., Lee, Y., Zindy, F., Lindsey, J.C., Taketo, M.M., Boop, F.A., Sanford, R.A., Gajjar, A., Clifford, S.C., Roussel, M.F., McKinnon, P.J., Gutmann, D.H., Ellison, D.W., Wechsler-Reya, R.J., Gilbertson, R.J., Subtypes of medulloblastoma have distinct developmental origins. Nature 2010; 468(7327): 1095-1099.  

7. Kessler, J.D., Hasegawa, H., Brun, S.N., Emmenegger, B.A., Yang, Z.J., Dutton, J.W., Wechsler-Reya, R.J. N-myc alters the fate of preneoplastic cells in a mouse model of medulloblastoma. Genes Dev. 2009; 23: 157-170.

8. Yang Z.J., Ellis T., Markant S.L., Read T.A., Kessler J.D., Bourboulas M., Schüller U., Machold R., Fishell G., Rowitch D.H., Wainwright B.J., Wechsler-Reya R.J., Medulloblastoma can be initiated by deletion of Patched in lineage-restricted progenitors or stem cells. Cancer Cell. 2008 Aug 12; 14(2): 135-45.












1. 小脑髓母细胞瘤起源于小脑的颗粒前体细胞,且表达Nestin的细胞具备更强的成瘤性。

2. Nestin 通过抑制Gli3蛋白对于hedgehog通路的阻碍作用,从而维持肿瘤细胞内hedgehog通路的激活状态,促进小脑髓质母细胞瘤的生长。




张丽 副教授  主要研究脑肿瘤恶性进展相关信号通路的调控及药物干预;肿瘤侵袭作用机理及耐药性。


1. Zhang L., Ren X., Cheng Y., Liu X., Allen J.E., Zhang Y., Yuan Y., Huang S.Y., Yang W., Berg A., Webb B.S., Connor J., Liu C.G., Lu Z., El-Deiry W.S., Yang J.M.. The NFκB inhibitor, SN50, induces differentiation of glioma stem cells and suppresses their oncogenic phenotype. Cancer Biol Ther. 2014 May; 15(5): 602-11.

2. Zhang L., Ren X., Cheng Y., Huber-Keener K., Liu X., Zhang Y., Yuan Y.S., Yang J.W., Liu C.G., Yang J.M..  Identification of Sirtuin 3, a mitochondrial protein deacetylase, as a new contributor to tamoxifen resistance in breast cancer cells. Biochem Pharmacol. 2013 Sep 15; 86(6): 726-733.




王媛 助理研究员  主要从事炎症反应及其参与的微环境调控对肿瘤发育发生的影响;肿瘤靶向治疗的研发。


1. Wang Y., Mao K.R., Sun S.H., Lin G.M., Wu X.D. , Yao G.and Sun B.. Trichosanthin functions as Th2-type adjuvant in induction of allergic airway inflammation. Cell Research. 2009 Aug;19(8): 962-72.

2. Wang Y., Miwa T., Blerina D., Imre G. R., Sato S., Gullipalli D., James G. Z., Haczku A. and Song W.C.. Properdin contributes to allergic airway inflammation through local C3a generation. J. Immunol. 2015; 195(3): 1171-81.



郑超湳 讲师  针对儿童肿瘤特异靶点的靶向药物的设计、筛选和开发。


1. Zheng C.N., Hao HP., Wang X., Wu X.L., Wang G.J., Sang G.W., Liang Y., Xie L., Xia C.H., Yao X.L., Diagnostic fragment-ion-based extension strategy for rapid screening and identification of serial components of homologous families contained in traditional Chinese medicine prescription using high-resolution LC-ESI- IT-TOF/MS: Shengmai injection as an example. J. Mass Spectrom. 2009 Feb; 44(2): 230-44.

2. Lukas J., Pockrandt A.M., Seemann S., Sharif M., Runge F., Pohlers S., Zheng C.N., Gläser A., Beller M., Rolfs A., Giese A.K., Enzyme enhancers for the treatment of fabry and pompe disease. Mol Ther. 2015; 23(3):456-64.


曲洋慧  科研助理  主要应用流式细胞仪分析肿瘤微环境中的细胞组分。

