18新利体育 药学院欢迎您!

天然蛋白/多肽药物实验室(王义鹏 教授)


 王义鹏.jpg王义鹏,教授。1982年出生于山东省临沂市,2005年毕业于聊城大学生命科学学院,2010年在中国科学院昆明动物研究所获动物学博士学位(导师:赖仞研究员),2010年至2013年在中国科学院烟台海岸带研究所工作,2013年至今在18新利体育 药学院工作。主要研究领域为:天然蛋白/多肽药物。到目前为止,共发表科研论文45篇,其中SCI研究论文40篇(Top和二区以上论文16篇)。其中第一作者(含共享第一作者,通讯作者)24篇(Top和二区以上论文12篇),总被引用560余次,总影响因子超过120。申请国家发明专利54项,其中23项已获得授权。主持承担了国家自然科学基金项目、江苏省高校自然18新利备用网站 项目、苏州市科技计划应用基础项目、苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才引进项目等项目。中国药理学会会员,Molecular EcologyScientific ReportsPLoS ONEAsian Herpetological ResearchChinese Journal of Natural Medicines、《动物学研究》审稿人。


1. 天然活性蛋白/多肽提取、设计改造和应用研究:各种生物体中提取天然活性蛋白/多肽分子,对其结构、功能和作用机理进行研究,同时进行结构优化与改造,建立活性蛋白/多肽分子资源库,为新型蛋白/多肽类药物开发提供模板分子。

2. 多肽与免疫:综合利用各种生物学技术研究外源和内源多肽在各种人类疾病发生和免疫应答中的作用。



1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金(41206153),20131-201512月,青环海蛇cathelicidins家族抗菌肽Hc-CATH的构效关系研究,主持25万元;

2. 江苏省高校自然18新利备用网站 面上项目(16KJB350004),20169-20188月,新型多肽ECCT抗幽门螺杆菌感染的分子机理研究,主持,5万元;

3. 苏州市科技计划应用基础项目(SYN201504),20157-20186月,双功能宿主防御肽在大闸蟹细菌病的预防和治疗中的应用研究,主持5万元;

4. 苏州市科技计划应用基础项目(SYN201407),20147-20176月,新型高效抗菌肽在大闸蟹细菌病防治中的应用研究,主持5万元;

5. 苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才引进项目,主持10万元;



1. Yu H*, Wang H, Liu X, Feng L, Qiao X, Cai S, Shi N, Wang YP*. Identification, eukaryotic expression and structure & function characterizations of β-defensin like homologues from Pelodiscus sinensis. Dev Comp Immunol. 2017 68:108-117. (Top,二区)

2. Yu H*, Cai S, Gao J, Wang C, Qiao X, Wang H, Feng L, Wang YP*. Express sequence tag analysis-identification of anseriformes trypsin genes from full-length cDNA library of the duck (Anas platyrhynchos) and characterization of their structure and function. Biochemistry (Moscow) 2016 81(2): 152-162. 

3. Yu H*, Liu X, Wang C, Qiao X, Wu S, Wang H, Feng L, Wang YP*. Assessing the potential of four cathelicidins for the management of mouse candidiasis and Candida albicans biofilms. Biochimie. 2016 121: 268-77.

4. Wei L, Gao J, Zhang S, Wu S, Xie Z, Ling G, Kuang Y, Yang Y, Yu H*, Wang YP*. Identification and Characterization of the First Cathelicidin from Sea Snakes with Potent Antimicrobial and Anti-inflammatory Activity, and Special Mechanism. J Biol Chem. 2015 290(27): 16633-52. (Top,二区,该工作被Chem Res Toxicol杂志作为Spotlight介绍)

5. Yu H*, Lu Y, Qiao X, Wei L, Fu T, Cai S, Wang C, Liu X, Zhong S, Wang YP*. Novel Cathelicidins from Pigeon Highlights Evolutionary Convergence in Avain Cathelicidins and Functions in Modulation of Innate Immunity. Sci Rep. 2015 21;5:11082. (二区)

6. Yu H*, Qiao X, Wang C, Cai S, Liu X, Feng L, Wang H, Wang YP*. Identification and Characterization of Novel Antioxidant Peptides Involved in Redox Homeostasis of Frog, Limnonectes fragilis. Protein Pept Lett. 2015 22(9):776-84.

7. Ling G, Gao J, Zhang S, Xie Z, Wei L, Yu H*, Wang YP*. Cathelicidins from the bullfrog Rana catesbeiana provides novel template for peptide antibiotic design. PLoS ONE. 2014 27 9(3):e93216.

8. Ling G, Li L, Gao J, Yu H, Wang YP*, Zhou J*. Geographically distinct expression profile of host defense peptides in the skin of the Chinese Odorous frog, Odorrana margaretae. Asian Herpetol Res. 2013 4(4):288-297.

9. Yu H*, Cai S, Gao J, Zhang S, Lu Y, Qiao X, Yang H, Wang YP*. Identification and polymorphism discovery of the cathelicidins, Lf-CATHs in ranid amphibian (Limnonectes fragilis). FEBS J. 2013 280(23):6022-6032. (二区)

10. Li Z, Zhang S, Guang H, Gao J, Guo H, He W, Wang YP*, Yu H*. Structural and functional characterization of CATH_BRALE, the defense molecule in the ancient salmonoid, Brachymystax lenok. Fish  Shellfish Immunol. 2013 34(1):1-7.Top,一区)

11. He W, Feng F, Huang Y, Guang H, Zhang S, Li Z, Liu J, Wang YP*, Yu H*. Host defense peptides in skin secretions of Odorrana tiannanensis: proof for other survival strategy of the frog than merely antimicrobial. Biochimie. 2012 94(3):649-55.

12. Cui H, Wang YP, Wang Y, Qin S*. Genome-wide analysis of putative peroxiredoxin in unicellular and filamentous cyanobacteria. BMC Evol Biol. 2012 16;12(1):220. (二区)

13. Zhang S, Guo H, Shi F, Wang H, Li L, Jiao X, Wang YP*, Yu H*. Hainanenins: A novel family of antimicrobial peptides with strong activity from Hainan cascade-frog, Amolops hainanensis. Peptides. 2012 33(2):251-7.

14. Wang YP, Zhang Z, Chen L, Guang H, Li Z, Yang H, Li J, You D, Yu H*, Lai R*. Cathelicidin-BF, a snake cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptide, could be an excellent therapeutic agent for acne vulgaris. PLoS ONE. 2011 6(7):e22120.

15. Yang H, Wang YP, Xiao Y, Wang Y, Wu J, Liu C, Ye H, Li F, Yu H*, Lai R*. A bi-functional anti-thrombosis protein containing both direct-acting fibrin(ogen)olytic and plasminogen-activating activities. PLoS ONE. 2011 14 6(3):e17519.

16. Wang YP, Lu Z, Feng F, Zhu W, Guang H, Liu J, He W, Chi L*, Li Z, Yu H*. Molecular cloning and characterization of novel cathelicidin-derived myeloid antimicrobial peptide from Phasianus colchicus. Dev Comp Immunol. 2011 35(3):314-22. (Top,二区)

17. Feng F, Chen C, Zhu W, He W, Guang H, Li Z, Wang D, Liu J, Chen M, Wang YP*, Yu H*. Gene cloning, expression, and characterization of avian cathelicidin orthologue, Cc-CATHs, from Coturnix coturnix. FEBS J. 2011 278(9):1573-84. (二区)

18. Wu J, Wang YP, Liu H, Yang H, Ma D, Li J, Li D, Yu H*, Lai R*. Two immunoregulatory peptides with antioxidant activity from tick salivary glands. J Biol Chem. 2010 28 285(22):16606-13. (Top,二区)

19. Lu Z, Wang YP, Zhai L, Wang H, Che Q, Du S, Wang D, Feng F, Liu J, Lai R*, Yu H*. Novel cathelicidin-derived antimicrobial peptides from Equus asinus. FEBS J. 2010 277(10):2329-39. (二区)

20. Ma D, Wang YP, Yang H, Wu J, An S, Gao L, Xu X, Lai R*. Anti-thrombosis repertoire of blood-feeding horsefly salivary glands. Mol Cell Proteomics. 2009 8(9):2071-9. (一区)

21. Wang YP, Hong J, Liu X, Yang H, Liu R, Wu J, Wang A, Lin D*, Lai R*. Snake cathelicidin from Bungarus fasciatus is a potent peptide antibiotics. PLoS ONE. 2008 16 3(9):e3217. (该工作于2008年入选Nature China研究亮点)

22. Liu X, Wang YP, Cheng L, Song Y, Lai R*. Isolation and cDNA cloning of cholecystokinin from the skin of Rana nigrovittata. Peptides. 2007 28 (8):1540-4. 



1. 一种天然抗菌肽Alligatorin4及其应用,专利号201410315332.9

2. 一种爬行动物抗菌肽Alligatorin5及其应用,专利号ZL201410314113.9

3. 一种扬子鳄抗菌肽Alligatorin6及其应用,专利号ZL201410314114.3

4. 一种青环海蛇抗菌肽Hc-CATH的改造体HC-15及其制备方法和应用,专利号ZL201210327902.7

5. 一种牛蛙抗菌肽CRC及其改造体、编码核酸和应用,专利号ZL201310616751.1

6. 一种昆嵛林蛙抗菌肽Kunyuenin及其制备和应用,专利号ZL201210287508.5

7. 一种昆嵛林蛙改造体抗菌肽及其制备方法和应用,专利号ZL201210287505.1

8. 一种源于中华鳖的抗微生物肽及其基因、制备方法和应用,专利号ZL201410197982.8

9. 海南湍蛙抗癌肽Hainanenin-1及其基因和应用,专利号ZL201410029739.5

10. 源于脆皮大头蛙的抗氧化肽及其基因和应用,专利号ZL201310601932.7

11. 一种海南湍蛙抗微生物肽Hainanenin-5及其基因、应用,专利号ZL201110441909.7

12. 细鳞鱼Cathelicidin抗微生物肽CATH_BRALE及其基因、制备、应用,专利号ZL201210186945.8

13. 滇南臭蛙天然抗氧化肽的改造体及其制备方法、应用,专利号ZL201210460183.6

14. 一种海南湍蛙抗微生物肽Hainanenin-1及其基因、分离纯化、化学合成和应用,专利号ZL201110440181.6

15. 地鳖虫抗血栓酶Eupolytin1及其基因和应用,专利号ZL201110053657.0

16. 一种务川臭蛙抗氧化肽wuchuanin-G及其编码序列的基因与应用,专利号ZL201310131313.6

17. 一种绿臭蛙抗菌肽odorranain-H-OM1及其编码序列的基因与应用,专利号ZL201310131315.5

18. 一种绿臭蛙抗菌肽odorranain-M-OM及其编码序列的基因与应用,专利号ZL201310131314.0

19. 一种务川臭蛙抗氧化肽wuchuanin-B2及其编码序列的基因与应用,专利号ZL201310131316.X