18新利体育 药学院欢迎您!










谢洪平,博士,教授, 博士生导师,教育部科技奖评审专家、江苏省科技厅评审专家,担任Analytica Chimica Acta、Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry、Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis、Analytical Sciences等国际学术期刊特邀审稿人、《抗感染药学》和《18新利体育 学报(医学版)》编委。获地厅级一等奖2项、二等奖3项、获得校级教学成果奖1项,指导研究生获得校级优秀学位论文、指导本科生获得省级优秀论文(二等奖)各1篇。主持(或主研)科研项目共10项,其中国家级3项、省部级4项、市厅级项目1项、与企业合作研究项目2项。在国内外重要学术刊物上发表了80余篇学术论文,其中SCI收录21篇,EI收录9篇。


研究方向1   药物质量评价与质量控制


研究方向2  体内药物与代谢产物分析


研究方向3    免疫分析与基因分析






•企业合作项目:1)基于药食同源的功能饮料开发研究; 2)天然麻制品的抗菌性成分研究及其新产品开发。



•Hong-Ping Xie, et al. Chemometrics classification of traditional Chinese medicines by their origins of grown places using NIR reflectance spectra. Analytical Sciences, 2006,22:1111-1116.(SCI收录)

•Xue Jiang, et al. Optimized extraction for steroidal saponins and its on-line quality control with near infrared spectroscopy. Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2006, 34: S171-S174. (SCI收录)

•Li Ren, et al. Typing SNP based on the near-infrared spectroscopy and artificial neural network. Spectrochimica Acta Part A, 2009, 73: 106-111(EI、SCI收录)

•Li Ren, et al. The determination for the three genotypes of D16S539 locus based on near-infrared spectroscopy and chemical pattern recognition, Analytica Chimica Acta, 2009, 638: 202–208(EI、SCI收录)

•Hong-Ping Xie, et al. Fast Determination of the Release Degree of Compound Sulfamethoxazole Tablets by Using Circulation Release System Combined with Ultraviolet Spectral Net Analyte Signal Method, Analytical Sciences, 2009, 25: 1461-1465.(SCI收录)

•Xiao-Hong Gu, et al. Preparation of chlorogenic acid surface-imprinted magnetic nanoparticles and their usage in separation of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 675: 64-70(EI、SCI收录)

•Xiao-Hong Gu, et al. Preparation of chlorogenic acid surface-imprinted magnetic nanoparticles and their usage in separation of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Analytica Chimica Acta, 2010, 675: 64-70(EI、SCI收录)

•Hong-Yuan Mou, et al. On-line Dissolution Determination of Baicalin in Solid Dispersion Based on Near Infrared Spectroscopy and Circulation Dissolution System, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2011, 105: 38-42.(二区,SCI、EI收录)

•Zai-Zhen Wu, et al. Studies on Short Tandem Repeats Genotyping and its Expert System Based on Ultraviolet Spectroscopy - Principal Discriminant Variate, Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems, 2011, 105: 181-187.(二区,SCI收录)

•Rong Xu, et al. Preparation and characterization of polyelectrolyte coated fluorescent silica nanoparticles by adsorbing europium chelate, Chinese Journal of Luminescence, 2011, 32(5): 476-481. (EI收录)

•Xue-Jiao Wang, et al. Genotyping of STR Locus Based on Ultraviolet Spectroscopy Combined with Artificial Neural Network, Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2011(SCI源刊).