







18新利体育 药学院教授,博士生导师。主要从事神经系统疾病的病理学机制、神经药理学研究及筛选和研发具有神经保护作用的小分子化合物等工作。发表SCI收录学术论文40余篇,其中通讯或第一作者论文20余篇。作为课题负责人,先后获得国家自然科学面上项目3项和青年项目1项。




2001.09-2005.07 西南科技大学生物工程专业,学士

2005.09-2010.07 中国科学技术大学神经生物学博士,博士


2010.07~2012.02  西南科技大学生命科学与工程学院讲师

2012.03~2013.06  18新利体育 医学部药学院讲师

2013.07~2021.06  18新利体育 医学部药学院副教授

2021.07~至今    18新利体育 医学部药学院教授









[1] Lin Z, Chen C, Yang D, Ding J, Wang G*, Ren H*,DJ-1 inhibits microglial activation and protects dopaminergic neurons in vitro and in vivo through interacting with microglial p65,Cell Death Dis, 12(2021): 715

[2] Ren H#, Zhai W#, Lu X*, Wang G*,The Cross-Links of Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress, Autophagy, and Neurodegeneration in Parkinson's Disease,Front Aging Neurosci, 13(2021): 691881.

[3] Xu Q#, Zhang SS#, Wang RR, Weng YJ, Cui X, Wei XT, Ni JJ, Ren HG*, Zhang L*, Pei YF*, Mendelian Randomization Analysis Reveals Causal Effects of the Human Gut Microbiota on Abdominal Obesity,J Nutr, 151(2021) 1401-1406.

[4]Wang R, Sun H, Ren H*, Wang G*, α-Synuclein aggregation and transmission in Parkinson's disease: a link to mitochondria and lysosome,Sci China Life Sci. 63(2020) 1850-1859.

[5] X Xu#, R Wang#, Z Hao, G Wang, C Mu, J Ding, W Sun*, H Ren*, DJ-1 regulates tyrosine hydroxylase expression through CaMKKβ/CaMKIV/CREB1 pathway in vitro and in vivo,J Cell Physiol, 235 (2020) 869-879.

[6]Wang R#, Sun H#, Wang G*, Ren H*. Imbalance of Lysine Acetylation Contributes to the Pathogenesis of Parkinson's Disease,Int J Mol Sci, 21(2020):7182.

[7] D.K. Guo#, Y. Zhu#, H.Y. Sun, X.Y. Xu, S. Zhang, Z.B. Hao, G.H. Wang, C.C. Mu, H.G. Ren*, Pharmacological activation of REV-ERBalpha represses LPS-induced microglial activation through the NF-kappaB pathway, Acta Pharmacol Sin, 40 (2019)26-34.(高被引论文)

[8] D. Wu#, Z. Hao, H. Ren*, G. Wang*, Loss of VAPB Regulates Autophagy in a Beclin 1-Dependent Manner, Neurosci Bull, 34 (2018) 1037-1046.

[9] D. Guo#, S. Zhang, H. Sun, X. Xu, Z. Hao, C. Mu, X. Xu, G. Wang*, H. Ren*, Tyrosine hydroxylase down-regulation after loss of Abelson helper integration site 1 (AHI1) promotes depression via the circadian clock pathway in mice, J Biol Chem, 293 (2018) 5090-5101.

[10] D. Chen#, Y.P. Li#, Y.X. Yu, T. Zhou, C. Liu, E.K. Fei, F. Gao, C.C. Mu, H.G. Ren*, G.H. Wang*, Dendritic cell nuclear protein-1 regulates melatonin biosynthesis by binding to BMAL1 and inhibiting the transcription of N-acetyltransferase in C6 cells, Acta Pharmacol Sin, 39 (2018) 597-606.

[11] Y.F. Pei#, H.G. Ren#, L. Liu, X. Li, C. Fang, Y. Huang, W.Z. Hu, W.W. Kong, A.P. Feng, X.Y. You, W. Zhao, H. Shen, Q. Tian, Y.H. Zhang, H.W. Deng*, L. Zhang*, Genomic variants at 20p11 associated with body fat mass in the European population, Obesity, 25 (2017) 757-764.

[12] K. Fu#, Y. Wang#, D. Guo, G. Wang*, H. Ren*, Familial Parkinson's Disease-Associated L166P Mutant DJ-1 is Cleaved by Mitochondrial Serine Protease Omi/HtrA2,Neurosci Bull, 33 (2017) 685-694.

[13] D. Guo#, Z. Ying, H. Wang, D. Chen, F. Gao, H. Ren*, G. Wang*, Regulation of autophagic flux by CHIP, Neurosci Bull, 31 (2015) 469-479.

[14] H. Ren#, K. Fu, C. Mu, X. Zhen, G. Wang*, L166P mutant DJ-1 promotes cell death by dissociating Bax from mitochondrial Bcl-XL, Mol Neurodegener, 7 (2012) 40.

[15] H. Ren#, K. Fu, D. Wang, C. Mu, G. Wang*, Oxidized DJ-1 interacts with the mitochondrial protein BCL-XL, J Biol Chem, 286 (2011) 35308-35317.

[16] H. Ren#, K. Fu, C. Mu, B. Li, D. Wang, G. Wang*, DJ-1, a cancer and Parkinson's disease associated protein, regulates autophagy through JNK pathway in cancer cells, Cancer Lett, 297 (2010) 101-108.

[17] J. Fan#, H. Ren#, E. Fei, N. Jia, Z. Ying, P. Jiang, M. Wu, G. Wang*, Sumoylation is critical for DJ-1 to repress p53 transcriptional activity, FEBS Lett, 582 (2008) 1151-1156.





