







1. 学历背景:

1998.09-2002.07   江西师范大学化学系,学士

2002.09-2005.09   厦门大学化学系,硕士

2007.08-2010.09   香港中文大学化学系,博士

2. 工作经历:

2005.09-2007.07   福建出入境检验检疫局(莆田局),助理工程师

2012.04-2013.08   香港中文大学化学系,博士后

2013.08-至今      18新利体育 药学院,副教授、教授


1. 光敏药物的设计与合成

2. 肿瘤光动力与光热治疗研究

三、   主要研究成果


1.      学术论文:

(1)     Guo, Z.#; He, H.#; Zhang, Y.#; Rao, J.#; Yang, T.; Li, T.; Wang, L.; Shi, M.; Wang, M.; Qiu, S.; Song, X.; Ke, H.; Chen, H. Heavy-atom-modulated supramolecular assembly increases antitumor potency against malignant breast tumors via tunable cooperativity. Adv. Mater. 2021,33, 2004225.

(2)     Zhang,Y.; Shi, M.; Yan, Z.; Zhang, S.; Wang, M.; Xu, H.; Li, H.; Ying, Y.; Qiu, S.; Liu, J.*; Yang, H.; Chen, H.; He, H.*; Guo, Z.* Ultrastable near-infrared nonlinear organic chromophorenanoparticles with intramolecular charge transfer fordually photoinduced tumor ablation. Adv. Healthc. Mater. 2020, 9, 2001042.

(3)     Yan, Z.; Wang, M.; Shi, M.; He, Y.; Zhang,Y.; Qiu, S.; Yang, H.; Chen, H.; He, H.*; Guo, Z.* Amphiphilic BODIPY dye aggregates in polymeric micelles for wavelength-dependent photo-induced cancer therapy.J. Mater. Chem. B 2020, 8, 6886-6897.

(4)     Ye, S.; Rao, J.; Qiu, S.; Zhao, J.; He, H.*; Yan, Z.; Yang, T.; Deng, Y.; Ke, H.; Yang, H.; Zhao, Y.; Guo, Z.*; Chen, H.* Rational design of conjugated photosensitizers with controllable photoconversion for dually cooperative phototherapy. Adv. Mater. 2018,30, 1801216.

(5)     He, H.#; Ji, S.#; He, Y.; Zhu, A.; Zou, Y.; Deng, Y.; Ke, H.; Yang, H.; Zhao, Y.; Guo, Z.; Chen, H. Photoconversion-tunable fluorophore vesicles for wavelength-dependent photo-Induced cancer therapy. Adv. Mater. 2017,29, 1606690.

(6)     Guo, Z.#;Zou, Y.#;He, H.#; Rao, J.; Ji, S.; Cui, X.; Ke, H.; Deng, Y.; Yang, H.; Chen, C.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, H. Bifunctional platinated nanoparticles for photoinduced tumor ablation. Adv. Mater.2016, 28, 10155-10164.

(7)     He, H.; Lo, P.-C.; Ng, D. K. P. A glutathione-activated phthalocyanine-based photosensitizer for photodynamic therapy. Chem. Eur. J. 2014, 20, 6241-6245.

(8)     He, H.; Ng, D. K. P. Differential detection of Zn2+ and Cd2+ ions by BODIPY-based fluorescent sensors. Chem. Asian J. 2013, 8, 1441-1446.

(9)     He, H.; Liu, J.-Y.; Ng, D. K. P. A phthalocyanine-based fluorescent sensor for Zn2+ ion. J. Porphyr. Phthalocya.2013,17, 99-103.

(10)  He, H.; Lo, P.-C.; Yeung, S.-L.; Fong, W.-P.; Ng, D. K. P. Synthesis and in vitro photodynamic activities of pegylated distyryl BODIPY derivatives. J. Med. Chem.2011, 54, 3097-3102.

(11)  He, H.; Lo, P.-C.; Yeung, S.-L.; Fong, W.-P.; Ng, D. K. P. Preparation of unsymmetrical distyryl BODIPY derivatives and effects of the styryl substituents on their in vitro photodynamic properties. Chem. Commun. 2011, 47, 4748-4750.

(12)  He, H.; Ng, D. K. P. A ratiometric near-infrared pH-responsive fluorescent dye based on distyryl BODIPY. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2011, 9, 2610-2613.

(13)  Luo, H.; Wang, Q.; Deng, Y.; Yang, T.; Ke, H.; Yang, H.; He,H.;Guo, Z.; Yu, D.; Wu, H.; Chen, H. Mutually synergistic nanoparticles for effective thermo-molecularly targeted therapy. Adv. Funct. Mater.2017, 27, 1702834.

(14)  Deng, Y.; Huang, L.; Yang, H.; Ke, H.; He,H.; Guo, Z.; Yang, T.; Zhu, A.; Wu, H.; Chen, H. Cyanine-anchored silica nanochannels for light-driven synergistic thermo-chemotherapy. Small2017, 13, 1602747.

(15)  Yan, X.; Yu, Y.; Ji, P.; He,H.; Qiao, C. Antitumor activity of endoperoxide-iron chelator conjugates-design, synthesis and biological evaluation. Eur.J. Med. Chem.2015, 102, 180-187.

(16)  Zhu, A.; Miao, K.; Deng, Y.; Ke, H.; He,H.; Yang, T.; Guo, M.; Li, Y.; Guo, Z.; Wang, Y.; Yang, X.; Zhao, Y.; Chen, H. Dually pH/reduction-responsive vesicles for ultrahigh-contrast fluorescence imaging and thermo-chemotherapy-synergized tumor ablation. ACS Nano 2015, 9, 7874-7885.

(17)  Guo, M.; Huang, J.; Deng, Y.; Shen, H.; Ma, Y.; Zhang, M.; Zhu, A.; Li, Y.; He,H.; Wang, Y.; Yang, X.; Zhang, Z.; Chen, H. pH-responsive cyanine-grafted graphene oxide for fluorescence resonance energy transfer-enhanced thotothermal therapy. Adv. Funct. Mater.2015, 25, 59-67.

(18)  Guo, M.; Mao, H.; Li, Y.;Zhu, A.;He,H.;Yang, H.;Wang, Y.; Tian, X.; Ge, C.; Peng, Q.; Wang, X.; Yang, X.; Chen, X.; Liu, G.; Chen, H. Dual imaging-guided photothermal/photodynamic therapy using micelles. Biomaterials2014, 35, 4656-4666.

(19)  Wan, Z.; Mao, H.; Guo, M.; Li, Y.;Zhu, A.;Yang, H.;He,H.; Shen, J.; Zhou, L.; Jiang, Z.; Ge, C.; Chen, X.; Yang, X.; Liu, G.; Chen, H. Highly efficient hierarchical micelles integrating photothermal therapy and singlet oxygen-synergized chemotherapy for cancer eradication. Theranostics 2014, 4, 399-411.

(20)  Li, A.; He, H.; Ruan, Y.; Wen, Z.-C.; Zhao, J.-S.; Jiang, Q.-J.; Jiang, Y.-B. Oxidative cyclization of N-acylhydrazones. Development of highly selective turn-on fluorescent chemodosimeters for Cu2+. Org. Biomol. Chem. 2009, 7, 193-200.

(21)  Wen, Z.-C.; Yang, R.; He, H.;Jiang, Y.-B. A highly selective charge transfer fluoroionophore for Cu2+. Chem. Commun.2006, 106-108.

2. 科研与人才项目:

(1)  国家自然科学基金面上项目自携氧近红外纳米光敏剂的构建及肿瘤协同治疗应用31971298),2020-2023年,主持

(2)  苏州市民生科技项目(医疗卫生应用基础研究)自携氧近红外光敏剂的设计合成及其抗肿瘤活性研究sys2018020),2018-2021年,主持

(3)  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目“pH可激活型肿瘤靶向性光敏剂的设计合成及其光动力活性研究81402779),2015-2017年,主持

(4)  江苏省自然科学基金青年科学基金项目靶向性可激活双功能型光敏剂在肿瘤成像与光动力治疗中的应用BK20140369),2015-2017年,主持

(5)  江苏省高校自然科学基金面上项目肿瘤靶向性氟硼二吡咯类光敏剂的合成及光动力活性研究14KJB350004),2014-2016年,主持

(6)  江苏省双创博士2014

(7)  苏州市高等院校、科研院所紧缺高层次人才,2014