








张慧灵, 医学博士。18新利体育 苏州医学院药学院药理系,教授,博士生导师,系主任。苏州市防治高脂性疾病药物研究重点实验室主任。曾在哈佛大学做博士后。江苏省六大人才高峰获得者,江苏省青蓝工程优秀骨干教师,苏州工业园区优秀教育工作者。中国药理学学会理事,江苏省药理学会常务理事,全国卫生产业企业管理协会细胞治疗产业与临床研究分会副会长。

主要从事心脑血管疾病(缺血性脑卒中、出血性脑卒中、心肌梗死)的分子病理机制、药物新靶点发现及药物研发。主持5项国家自然科学基金面上项目。代表性论文发表在AutophagyGliaCell Death DiseaseTranslational Stroke Research Acta Pharmacologica Sinica等杂志。以第一完成人获江苏省科学技术奖二等奖(2021年)和苏州市科学技术进步奖一等奖(2017年)。获国家发明专利6项。主编江苏省高等学校重点教材《药理学》。获苏州市研究生教育教学成果奖一等奖(排名第一)。



(1)    Salman Zeb#, Huan Ye#, Yuan Liu, Hua-Ping Du, Yi Guo, Yong-Ming Zhu, Yong Ni, Hui-Ling Zhang*, Yuan Xu*. Necroptotic kinases are involved in the reduction of depression-induced astrocytes and fluoxetine’s inhibitory effects on necroptotic kinases[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2022, 13.

(2)    Shi-Gang Qiao#, Lei Hong#, Yong-Ming Zhu, Jun Zha, An Wang, Jia Qiu, Wei Li, Chen Wang, Jian-Zhong An*, Hui-Ling Zhang*. RIPK1-RIPK3 mediates myocardial fibrosis in type 2 diabetes mellitus by impairing autophagic flux of cardiac fibroblasts[J]. Cell Death & Disease, 2022, 14;13(2):147.

(3)    Yong-Ming Zhu#, Liang Lin#, Chao Wei, Yi Guo, Yuan Qin, Zhong-Sheng Li, Thomas A. Kent, Claire E. McCoy, Zhan-Xiang Wang, Yong Ni, Xian-Yong Zhou, Hui-Ling Zhang *, The Key Regulator of Necroptosis, RIP1 Kinase, Contributes to the Formation of Astrogliosis and Glial Scar in Ischemic Stroke[J].  Translational Stroke Research, 2021, 12(6):991-1017.

(4)    Jin Liu#, Yong-Ming Zhu#, Yi Guo, Liang Lin, Zhan-Xiang Wang, Feng Gu, Xin-Yi Dong, Ming Zhou, Yi-Fan Wang, Hui-Ling Zhang*. Inhibition of GSK3β and RIP1K Attenuates Glial Scar Formation Induced by Ischemic Stroke via Reduction of Inflammatory Cytokine Production[J]. Frontiers in Pharmacology, 2020, 11: 812.

(5)    Shigang Qiao, Ying Sun, Bo Sun, An Wang, Jia Qiu, Lei Hong, Jianzhong An, Chen Wang, Huiling Zhang. Sevoflurane Postconditioning Protects against Myocardial Ischemia/Reperfusion Injury by Restoring Autophagic Flux via an NO-dependent Mechanism. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica. 2019, 40(1):35-45.

(6)    Yuan Qin, Yang He, Yong-Ming Zhu, Min Li, Yong Ni, Jin Liu, Hui-Ling Zhang*. CID1067700 (CID), the late endosome GTPase Rab7 receptor antagonist, attenuates brain atrophy, improves behavior dysfunction and inhibits reactive astrogliosis in ischemic stroke. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2019, 40(6): 724.

(7)    Wei Li, Jin Liu, Jie-Ru Chen, Yong-Ming Zhu, Xue Gao, Yong Ni, Bo Lin, Huan Qiu Li, Shi-Gang Qiao, Chen Wang, Gui-Zhen Ao*, Hui-Ling Zhang*. Neuroprotective effects of DTIO, a novel analogue of Nec-1, in acute and chronic stages after ischemic stroke. Neuroscience, 2018, 390: 12-29.

(8)    Yong Ni, Wei-Wei Gu, Zhi-He Liu, Yong-Ming Zhu, Jia-Guo Rong, Kent TA, Min Li, Shi-Gang Qiao, Jian-Zhong An, Hui-Ling Zhang*. RIP1K contributes to neuronal and astrocytic cell death in ischemic stroke via activating autophagic-lysosomal pathway[J]. Neuroscience, 2018, 371: 60-74

(9)    Yong-Ming Zhu, Xue Gao, Yong Ni, Wei Li, Thomas A. Kent, Shi-Gang Qiao, Chen Wang, Xiao-Xuan XuHui-Ling Zhang*. Sevoflurane postconditioning attenuates reactive astrogliosis and glial scar formation after ischemia-reperfusion brain injury. [J]. Neuroscience, 2017, 356:125.

(10)Xian-Yong Zhou, Yu Luo, Yong-Ming Zhu, Zhi-He Liu, Thomas A. Kent, Jia-Guo Rong, Yong Ni, Min Xu, Kazumi IshidohHui-Ling Zhang*. Inhibition of autophagy blocks cathepsins-tBid-mitochondrial apoptotic signaling pathway via stabilization of lysosomal membrane in ischemic astrocytes. [J]. Cell Death & Disease, 2017, 8(2): e2618.

(11)Wei-Wei Gu, Shi-Qi Lu, Yong Ni, Zhi-He Liu, Xian-Yong Zhou, Yong-Ming Zhu, Yu Luo, Xiang Li, Lun-Si LI, Wei-Ze Sun, Hui-Ling Zhang *, Gui-Zhen Ao*. 2-(3',5'-Dimethoxybenzylidene) cyclopentanone, a novel synthetic small-molecule compound, provides neuroprotective effects against ischemic stroke. [J]. Neuroscience, 2016, 316:26-40.

(12)Min Xu, Lei Yang, Jia-Guo Rong, Yong Ni, Wei-Wei Gu, Yu Luo, Kazumi Ishidoh, Nobuhiko Katunuma, Zhong-Sheng Li, Hui-Ling Zhang*. Inhibition of Cysteine Cathepsin B and L Activation in Astrocytes Contributes to Neuroprotection against Cerebral Ischemia via Blocking the tBid-Mitochondrial Apoptotic Signaling Pathway. Glia 2014, 62:855-880.

(13)Wei-Wei Gu, Gui-Zhen Ao, Yong-Ming Zhu, Shi-Chang Sun, Qiang Zhou, Jia-Hong Fan, Katunuma Nobuhiko, Kazumi Ishidoh, Hui-Ling Zhang *, Xiu-Mei Gao *. Autophagy and cathepsin L are involved in the antinociceptive effect of DMBC in a mouse acetic acid-writhing model[J]. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, 2013, 34(8): 1007-1012.

(14)Min Xu, Lei Yang, Li-Zhi Hong, Xiao-Yuan Zhao, Hui-Ling Zhang*. Direct protection of neurons and astrocytes by matrine via inhibition of the NF-κB signaling pathway contributes to neuroprotection against focal cerebral ischemia. Brain Research 2012, 1454: 48-64.

(15)Zhang HL*, Xu M, Wei C, Qin AP, Liu CF, Hong LZ, Zhao XY, Liu J, Qin ZH. Neuroprotective effects of pioglitazone in a rat model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia are associated with peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma-mediated suppression of nuclear factor-κB signaling pathway. Neuronscience 2011, 176:381-395.

(16)Xu M, Zhang HL*. Death and survival of neuronal and astrocytic cells in ischemic brain injury: a role of autophagy. Acta Pharmacol Sin 2011, 32:1089-1099.

(17)Ai-Ping Qin, Chun-Feng Liu, Yuan-Yuan Qin, Li-Zhi Hong, Min Xu, Lei Yang, Jian-Qing Liu, Zheng-Hong Qin, Hui-Ling Zhang*. Autophagy was activated in injured astrocytes and mildly decreased cell survival following glucose and oxygen deprivation and focal cerebral ischemia. Autophagy, 2010, 6:738-753. IF:12

(18)Hong LZ, Zhao XY, Zhang HL*. p53-mediated neuronal cell death in ischemic brain injury. Neurosci Bull 2010, 26: 232-240.

(19)Qin AP, Zhang HL*, Qin ZH. Mechanisms of lysosomal proteases participating in cerebral ischemia-induced neuronal death. Neurosci Bull 2008, 24:117-123

(20)Zhang HL, Gu ZL, Savitz SI, Han F, Fukunaga K, Qin ZH *. Neuroprotective effects of prostaglandin A 1, in rat models of permanent focal cerebral ischemia are associated with nuclear factor-κB inhibition and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ up-regulation[J]. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 2008, 86(5):1132.

(21)Wang X, Qin ZH, Shi H, Savitz SI, Qin AP, Jiang Y, Zhang HL*. Protective effect of Ginkgolids (A+B) is associated with inhibition of NIK/IKK/IkB/NF-kB signaling pathway in a rat model of permanent focal cerebral ischemia. Brain Research 2008, 1234: 8-15.




(1)    国家自然科学基金面上项目(82073841):CPT1A在缺血性脑卒中反应性星形胶质细胞脂肪酸代谢障碍中的作用、机制及CPT1A激活药物的发现,2021-2024年,55万,主持。

(2)    国家自然科学基金面上项目(81874311):脑中新发现的Matrilin-3抗缺血性脑中风作用及其依赖自噬的调节反应性星形胶质细胞的机制2019-2022年,57万,主持。

(3)    国家自然科学基金面上项目(81473211): RIP1K调节缺血性脑中风星形胶质细胞Necroptosis中溶酶体膜不稳定性的分子机制2015-201855,主持。

(4)    国家自然科学基金面上项目(81171104):Nec-1抑制缺血性脑中风诱导的神经元和星形胶质细胞Necroptosis的信号机制,2012-2015年,60,主持。

(5)    国家自然科学基金面上项目(30973510):自噬/溶酶体途径激活在缺血性脑中风中星形胶质细胞死亡中的作用及机制,2010-2012年,32,主持。

(6)    教育部留学回国人员基金项目(K513400110):自噬/溶酶体途径激活在缺血性脑中风中星形胶质细胞死亡中的作用及机制,2010-2012年,4,主持。

(7)    国家自然科学基金重点项目(30930035),自噬与凋亡相互作用的分子机制,2010-2013年,170万,主要参与人,排名2

(8)    江苏省“六大人才高峰”项目(BU 134601),自噬/溶酶体途径在缺血性脑中风中的作用及其分子机制, 2006-2008年,3,主持。

(9)    国家二类新药抗老年性痴呆药909的研制,2002-2004年,主要负责药效学研究。




(1)    张慧灵,《药理学,科学出版社,2021,主编

(2)    张慧灵,《疾病与衰老的细胞治疗(第十三章干细胞治疗缺血性脑卒中),上海科学技术文献出版社,2023

(3)    张慧灵,《药理研究方法学(第二篇第一章第7治疗脑卒中及脑保护药物的药理学研究),中国医药科技出版社,2021

(4)    张慧灵,高等药理学(第四章第二节神经免疫疾病及药物治疗),科学出版社,2019

(5)    张慧灵,AutophagyBiology and Diseases (Coordination of Autophagy and Other Cellular Activities), Springer Singapore, 2019

(6)    张慧灵, 高等药理学》(第五章缺血性脑卒中的分子信号机制及药物治疗科学出版社,2012

(7)    张慧灵,自噬-生物学与疾病》(第二十章自噬与缺血性脑损伤),科学出版社,2011




(2)(E)-2-(3,5–二甲氧基苯亚甲基)-环戊酮在制备治疗脑血管疾病的药物中的应用,专利号:2012 1 0351375.3

(3)    化合物Clik148在制备治疗脑缺血疾病的药物中的应用,专利号:201210587690.6

(4)    5-3,5-二甲氧基苯甲撑基)-2-硫代-咪唑-4-酮在制备脑血管疾病的药物中的应用,专利号:201310310564.6

(5)    E-2-3,5-二甲氧基苯亚基)-环戊酮在制备疼痛性疾病药物中的应用,专利号:201310310596.0,

(6)    Z-2-亚氨-5-35-二甲氧基苯甲撑基)-1-甲基-咪唑-4酮在制备治疗心血管疾病药物中的应用,专利号:201510445254.9


(1)    2021年,江苏省科学技术进步奖,二等奖, 第一完成人

(2)    2020年,中国研究型医院学会创新科技奖,二等奖,第二完成人

(3)    2020年,苏州工业园区优秀教育工作者

(4)    2016年,苏州市科学技术进步奖,一等奖, 第一完成人

(5)    2008年,苏州市科学技术进步奖,二等奖,第二完成人

(6)    2006年,江苏省六大人才高峰项目获得者。

(7)    2002年,江苏省青蓝工程优秀骨干教师。

(8)    2002年,苏州市新世纪高级青年专业技术人才。