








2001.092005.07 沈阳药科大学药学院,理科基地班,本科

2005.082008.07 沈阳药科大学药学院,药剂学,硕士

2008.082011.07 中科院上海药物研究所,药物分析,博士

2011.072015.05 中科院上海药物研究所,助理研究员/副研究员

2015.052017.03 美国肯塔基大学Stable Isotope Resolved Metabolomic Center,博士后

2017.042020.07 美国肯塔基大学Superfund Research Center,博士后

2020.082021.10 美国肯塔基大学药学院,助理教授

2021.11—至今    18新利体育 药学院,特聘教授



1. 创新药物代谢和药动学研究

2. 微生物代谢和功能研究

3. 环境污染物和人体代谢相互作用研究





作为课题负责人,承担国家自然科学基金项目、中科院上海药物研究所新星计划A类项目;担任Superfund Research ProjectCo-Leader;获肯塔基大学Pilot Program Early Career Investigator Award。作为Co-Investigator参与多项NIH资助项目,研究代谢性疾病机制。作为核心成员(第四完成人),参与了“化学创新药物代谢和药动学研究”项目,并获2014年上海药学科技奖一等奖。迄今为止,共发表学术论文五十余篇,其中作为通讯/第一作者在Environmental Health PerspectivesJournal of Medicinal ChemistryAnalytica Chimica Acta等期刊发表论文二十余篇。担任“十四五”普通高等教育医学类研究生规划教材《现代药物分析》的编委;参编专著《Handbook of Metabolic Pathways of Xenobiotics》以及《Advanced LC-MS applications in bioanalysis》。担任TalantaJ. Proteome ResGut microbesFood Chem. Toxicol10余个国际期刊审稿人,J. Nutr. BiochemeFood期刊编委。



Liu AW, Cheng M, Zhou, YX, Deng P*. Bioanalysis of Oligonucleotide by LC–MS: Effects of Ion Pairing Regents and Recent Advances in Ion-Pairing-Free Analytical Strategies. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2022; 23, 15474.

Deng P*, Durham J, Liu JP, Zhang XF, Wang C, Li D, Gwag T, Ma MR, Hennig B. Metabolomic, lipidomic, transcriptomic, and metagenomic analyses in mice exposed to PFOS and fed soluble and insoluble dietary fibers. Environ. Health Perspect. 2022; 130(11):117003

Wang ZM, Zhou YX, Xiao X, Liu AW, Wang SN, Preston R, Zaytseva YY, He GZ, Xiao WJ, Hennig B, Deng P*. Inflammation and cardiometabolic diseases induced by persistent organic pollutants and nutritional interventions: Effects of multi-organ interactions. Environ Pollut. 2023; 339:122756.

Deng P*, Valentino T, Flythe MD, Moseley H, Leachman JR, Morris AJ, Hennig B. Untargeted stable-isotope probing of the gut microbiota metabolome using 13C-labeled dietary fibers. J. Proteome Res. 2021, 20: 2904-2913

Deng P, Wang C, Wahlang B, Sexton T, Morris AJ, Hennig B. Co-exposure to PCB126 and PFOS increases biomarkers associated with cardiovascular disease risk and liver injury in mice. Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. 2020, 409: 115301

Deng P, Hoffman JB, Petriello MC, Wang CY, Li XS, Kraemer MP, Morris AJ, Hennig B. Dietary inulin decreases circulating ceramides by suppressing neutral sphingomyelinase expression and activity in mice. J Lipid Res. 2020, 61:45-53 (Featured on UKNOW https://uknow.uky.edu/research/high-fiber-diet-may-counteract-harmful-health-effects-pollutants)

Deng P, Li X, Petriello MC, Wang C, Morris AJ, Hennig B. Application of metabolomics to characterize environmental pollutant toxicity and disease risks. Rev Environ Health. 2019, 34(3):251-259.

Deng P, Barney J, Petriello MC, Morris AJ, Wahlang B, Hennig B. Hepatic metabolomics reveals that nonalcoholic steatohepatitis increases PCB 126-induced oxidative stress and metabolic dysfunction. Chemosphere. 2019, 217:140-149

Deng P, Higashi RM, Lane AN, Bruntz RC, Sun RC, Ramakrishnam Raju MV, Nantz MH, Qi Z, Fan TW. Quantitative profiling of carbonyl metabolites directly in crude biological extracts using chemoselective tagging and nanoESI-FTMS. Analyst. 2017, 18;143(1):311-322

Xu Y, Li L, Wang YL, Xing J, Zhou L, Zhong DF, Luo XM, Jiang HL, Chen KX, Zheng MY*, Deng P*, and Chen XY*. Aldehyde oxidase mediated metabolism in drug-like molecules: a combined computational and experimental study. J. Med. Chem. 2017; 60(7):2973-2982

Deng P, Zhong DF, Wang X, Dai Y, Zhou L, Leng Y, Chen XY. Analysis of diacylglycerols by ultra performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry: Double bond location and isomers separation. Anal Chim Acta. 2016, 925: 23-33

Guo YB, Ye Q, Deng P, Cao Y, He D, Zhou Z, Wang C, Zaytseva Y, Schwartz C, Lee E, Evers MB, Morris AJ, Liu S, She QB. Spermine synthase and MYC cooperate to maintain colorectal cancer cell survival by convergent repression of Bim expression. Nat Commun. 2020, 11: 1-16

12.  Park SY, Yang JS, Li Z, Deng P, Zhu X, Young D, Ericsson M, Andringa RLH, Minnaard AJ, Zhu C, Sun F, Moody DB, Morris AJ, Fan J, Hsu VW. The late stage of COPI vesicle fission requires shorter forms of phosphatidic acid and diacylglycerol. Nat Commun. 2019;10(1):3409.

15.  Sun RC, Fan TW, Deng P, Higashi RM, Lane AN, Le AT, Scott TL, Sun Q, Warmoes MO, Yang Y. Noninvasive liquid diet delivery of stable isotopes into mouse models for deep metabolic network tracing. Nat Commun. 2017;8(1):1646

