年内第二篇Protein & Cell(IF=15.328)∣18新利体育 神经18新利备用网站 所曹聪课题组发现Gαi1蛋白上游关键基因
时间: 2022-10-20 作者: 浏览次数: 10


18新利体育 神经18新利备用网站 所曹聪课题组多年来研究证实G蛋白抑制性α亚单位13Gαi1/3蛋白)是多个信号通路中的关键分子。多个细胞及生长因子刺激下,Gαi1/3蛋白和受体酪氨酸激酶(RTKs)等受体结合,并介导下游信号(PI3K-Akt-mTORErk-MAPK等)转导(Science Advances 2022[1], PNAS 2018[2], Protein & Cell2022a/b[3, 4]Science Signaling2009 [5]Oncogene2018, 2021 [6, 7]IJBS2022[8]Theranostics 20182021a/b[9-11]等论文)。课题组前期研究发现胶质瘤患者肿瘤组织标本中Gαi1/3表达显著上调;敲减、敲除Gαi1/3后可显著抑制胶质瘤细胞体外及在小鼠颅内生长(Oncogene2018[6]Theranostics 2021a[9])。但Gαi1/3蛋白表达调控的分子机制并不明确。

YME1LYME1 Like 1 ATPase)是AAA家族ATP酶的主要成员,位于线粒体内膜[12]YME1L对维持线粒体的形态、功能和可塑性至关重要[13]YME1L在线粒体内膜内组装成同源寡聚物,参与降解线粒体蛋白:包括脂质转运蛋白、线粒体内膜易位蛋白及OPA1等等;YME1L缺失导致线粒体分裂增加,线粒体碎片化;YME1L还参与细胞增殖并抑制细胞凋亡 [13]。但YME1L在人类胶质瘤中的表达和潜在功能仍不清楚。

20221019日,18新利体育 曹聪课题组在Protein & CellIF=15.328在线发表了题为“YME1L overexpression exerts pro-tumorigenic activity in glioma by promoting Gαi1 expression and Akt activation研究论文,该研究揭示了YME1L通过促进Gαi1蛋白表达和下游Akt活化促胶质瘤细胞生长






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7. Lv Y, Wang Y, Song Y, Wang SS, Cheng KW, Zhang ZQ, Yao J, Zhou LN, Ling ZY, Cao C: LncRNA PINK1-AS promotes G alpha i1-driven gastric cancer tumorigenesis by sponging microRNA-200a. Oncogene2021, 40:3826-3844.

8. Bian ZJ, Shan HJ, Zhu YR, Shi C, Chen MB, Huang YM, Wang XD, Zhou XZ, Cao C: Identification of Galphai3 as a promising target for osteosarcoma treatment. Int J Biol Sci2022, 18:1508-1520.

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10. Bai JY, Li Y, Xue GH, Li KR, Zheng YF, Zhang ZQ, Jiang Q, Liu YY, Zhou XZ, Cao C: Requirement of Galphai1 and Galphai3 in interleukin-4-induced signaling, macrophage M2 polarization and allergic asthma response. Theranostics2021, 11:4894-4909.

11. Sun J, Huang W, Yang SF, Zhang XP, Yu Q, Zhang ZQ, Yao J, Li KR, Jiang Q, Cao C: Galphai1 and Galphai3mediate VEGF-induced VEGFR2 endocytosis, signaling and angiogenesis. Theranostics2018, 8:4695-4709.

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13. Stiburek L, Cesnekova J, Kostkova O, Fornuskova D, Vinsova K, Wenchich L, Houstek J, Zeman J: YME1L controls the accumulation of respiratory chain subunits and is required for apoptotic resistance, cristae morphogenesis, and cell proliferation. Mol Biol Cell2012, 23:1010-1023.