神经18新利备用网站 所学术报告(202405)
时间: 2024-01-19 作者: 浏览次数: 10

报告题目:What triggers astrocyte reactivity in sepsis-associated encephalopathy

主讲人: Dr. Wenhui Huang, University of Saarland

报告时间: 20240124日   10:50-11:30

报告地点:神经18新利备用网站 所会议室401-1500

主持人:马全红 教授


Dr. Wenhui Huang (WH) completed his PhD in Max-Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine and the University of Saarland, Germany, WH is a trained neuroscientist in glia research. WH is leading his group at the University of Saarland to study molecular mechanisms regulating glial fate and functions with a particular focus on oligodendrocyte development as well as on neuroinflammation, for which he obtained grants from several funding agencies (i.e., the German Research Foundation (DFG), Fritz Thyssen Foundation, and the Medical Faculty of the University of Saarland). WH generated the first NG2-CreERT2 knockin mouse which has been used in many groups world widely. His previous work systematically studied the fate of NG2 glia in vivo as well as the NG2 expression patterns under (patho-) physiological conditions. Currently, WH is focusing on how glial cells via adenosine signaling and sigma-1 receptors modulate neuroinflammation in demyelination, systemic inflammation, and acute brain injuries by using cell type-specific gene deficient mouse models.