神经18新利备用网站 所学术报告(一百三十二)
时间: 2016-12-12 作者: 浏览次数: 0

报告题目:Lessons from a model of intellectual disorder: evidence for fear memory formation and expression

报告人: 张春雷 博士


报告地点:神经18新利备用网站 所会议室

Curriculum Vitae


2011-2016    Postdoctoral Fellow, in the laboratory of Prof. Yann Humeau, Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, CNRS & Bordeaux 2 University, Bordeaux, France;

2004-2010    Master & Ph.D. in Neurobiology, in the laboratory of Prof. Bao-Ming Li, Institute of Neurobiology, Fudan University, Shanghai, China;

1999-2004    Medical Degree, China Medical University, Shenyang, China.


2015---        Cross-link  of AMPA receptors  is critical for formation of spatial working memory  and rules' flexibility  (Zhang et al., ongoing  project); Supervised by   Prof. Daniel Choquet & Yann Humeau.

2013-2016    Surface  diffusion of AMPA receptors is critical for hippocampal LTP and contextual  learning (Penn & Zhang et al., 2016 in revision); Supervised by Prof. Daniel Choquet & Yann Humeau.

2013-2016     Oligophrenin1 Deletion  in  the  medial  prefrontal  coex  impairs  the  working  memory  by  deregulating the  PKA pathway (Zhang et al. prepare for submission); Supervised by Prof. Yann Humeau.

2011-2014    IL1RAPL1 Deficiency in limbic system disturbs cue (Houbae & Zhang et al. 2013) and contextual aspects (Zhang & Houbaert  et al., 2015) of associative fear conditioning; Supervised by Prof. Yann Humeau.

2007-2010  A novel  mechanism for the action  of methylphenidate in medial  prefrontal  coex  (Zhang  & Feng  et al., 2012); Supervised by Prof. Bao-Ming Li.

Key papers

1.  Penn A.C#,  Zhang C.L#,  Georges F, Breillat C, Humeau Y§, and Choquet  D§. Surface diffusion of AMPA receptors is critical for hippocampal LTP and contextual learning. In revision by Nature. # § Equal contribution.

2.  Zhang CL, Aimé M, Laheranne E, HoubaeX, Main C, Lepleux M, Herzog  E, Normand  E, Chelly J, Billuart P and Humeau Y. Oligophrenin  1 deletion  in the medial  prefrontal cortex  leads  to perseveration  behaviors  by dysregulating the PKA pathway. Transffered submission to Journal of Neuroscience following review/rection by Biological Psychiatry

3.  Zhang CL#, Houbaert X#, Lepleux M, Deshors M, Normand E, Gambino F, Herzog E, Humeau  Y. The hippocampo-amygdala control  of  contextual  fear  expression is  affected  in  a  model  of  intellectual  disability.  Brain Struct Funct. 2015;  220  (6):3673-3682. # Equal contribution

4.   Houbaert X#, Zhang CL#,  Gambino  F, Lepleux M, Deshors M, Normand ELevet F, Ramos M, Billua P, Chelly J, Herzog  E, Humeau  Y. Target-specific vulnerability  of excitatory synapses leads to deficits in associative  memory in a model of intellectual disorder. J Neurosci. 2013; Aug 21;33(34):13805-19. #Equal contribution.

5.  Zhang CL#, Feng  ZJ#, Liu  Y, Ji XH, Peng JY, Zhang XH, Zhen  XC, Li BM. Methylphenidate Enhances  NMDA-receptor Response  in Medial  Prefrontal  Cortex  via Sigma-1  Receptor   A Novel  Mechanism  for  Methylphenidate Action.  PLoS  One. 2012;7(12):e51910. # Equal contribution.