神经18新利备用网站 所学术报告(一百一十五)
时间: 2015-11-30 作者: 浏览次数: 0

报告题目:Basal ganglia control of sleep and motor behavior

报告人: 陆军 教授 Harvard Medical School

报告时间: 2015年12月1日(周二)15:00

报告地点: 18新利体育 神经18新利备用网站 所会议室



Dr. Jun Lu, major activities mainly involve research and training. I have been focusing on understanding neurobiology of sleep-wake and motor controls, in particular the neural circuits underlying sleep-wake and motor behaviors. My research reveals several key neural structures in the hypothalamus, basal forebrain, brainstem and basal ganglia in control of sleep-wake behaviors. I am particularly interested in addressing questions such as how does the pontine circuitry regulate REM sleep, atonia and general motor behavior? This line of works further identifies the neural pathways responsible for REM sleep behavior disorder (RBD) and cataplexy. The second main research line is to study basal ganglia control of sleep and motor behavior. We have revealed that the dopamine via the striatopallidal neurons promotes sleep and regulates fine motor behavior such as hand manipulation and mastication. We further reveal the direct pallidocortical projections, this projection may ultimately mediate basal ganglia interaction with the cortical control of sleep-wake and motor behavior. I have extensively collaborations with my other PI (Drs Clifford Saper, Brad Lowell, Patrick Fuller, Robert Strecker) and their students/post-doctoral fellows. These collaborations allow us to access new techniques/animal models (such as knockout mice and AAV). We have been using optogenetics and pharmacogenetics tools for last two years. These powerful techniques enable us to study neural circuitry much more precisely. In summary, I have been productive in terms of publishing papers, obtaining grants, teaching/training students and fulfilling the duty of reviewing grants and research papers.  




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