报告题目:Cytosine modifications in development and diseases
报告人: 金 鹏 教授 (Emory University)
报告时间: 2013年7月12日(周五)上午10:00
报告地点: 18新利体育 神经18新利备用网站 所会议室
金鹏博士是美国Emory大学人类遗传学系教授,曾获得过Beckman青年研究奖、Basil O'Connor奖、斯隆奖(Alfred P. Sloan Research Fellow in Neuroscience)等多项荣誉。近年来研究方向集中在表观遗传学和非编码RNA在神经发育以及神经变性疾病中的作用及机制,在Cell,Nature Neuroscience, Nature Cell Biology, Neuron等国际著名期刊发表论文。金教授在表观遗传学方面,特别是在5-羟甲基胞嘧啶(5-hydroxymethylcytosine,5hmC)修饰方面取得了开创性成果,解析了5-羟甲基胞嘧啶在发育与神经疾病中的作用,引领着该领域的发展。近3年来代表性文章如下:
1. Wang, T., Wu, H., Li, Y., Szulwach, K.E., Lin, L., Li, X., Chen, I.P., Goldlust, I.S., Chamberlain, S.J., Ananiev, G., Mowrey, J., Han, J.W., Yoon, Y., Rudd, M.K., Song, C.X., He, C., Chang, Q., Warren, S.T.*, and Jin, P.* (2013) Subtelomeric hotspots of aberrant 5-hydroxymethylcytosine-mediated epigenetic modifications during reprogramming to pluripotency. Nature Cell Biology, 15: 700-711 (*: Co-corresponding authors).
2. Song, C.X., Szulwach, K.E., Dai, Q., Fu, Y., Mao, S.Q., Lin, L., Street, C., Li, Y., Poidevin, M., Wu, H., Gao, J., Liu, P., Li, L., Xu, G.L., Jin, P.*, and He, C.* Genome-wide Profiling of 5-Formylcytosine reveals its roles in epigenetic priming. Cell, 153: 678-691. (*: Co-corresponding authors).
3. Xu, Z., Poidevin, M., Li, X., Li, Y., Shu, L., Nelson, D.L., Li, H., Gearing, M., Wingo, T.S. *, and Jin, P. * (2013) Expanded Hexanucleotide GGGGCC Repeat RNA Associated with ALS/FTD Causes Neurodegeneration. Proceedings of the
4. Li, Y., Lin, L., Li, Z., Ye, X., Xiong, K., Aryal, B., Xu, Z., Paroo, Z., Liu, Q., He, C., and Jin, P. (2012) Iron Homeostasis Regulates the Activity of the MicroRNA Pathway through Poly(C)-Binding Protein 2. Cell Metabolism, 15, 895-904.
5. Yu, M., Hon, G.C., Szulwach, K.E., Song, C.X., Zhang, L., Kim, A., Li, X., Dai, Q., Shen, Y., Park, B., Min, J.H., Jin, P.*, Ren, B.*, and He. C.* (2012) Base-Resolution Analysis of 5-Hydroxymethylcytosine in the Mammalian Genome. Cell, 149, 1368-1380 (*: Co-Corresponding authors).
6. Tan H., Poidevin, M., He, L., Chen, D., and Jin, P. (2012) MicroRNA-277 Modulates the Neurodegeneration Caused by Fragile X Premutation rCGG Repeats. PLoS Genetics, e1002681.
7. Qurashi, A., Li, H., Ray, L., Nelson, D.L., Duan, R., and Jin, P.(2012) Chemical screen reveals small molecules suppressing fragile X premutation rCGG repeat-mediated neurodegeneration in Drosophila. Human Molecular Genetics, 21: 2068-2075.
8. Szulwach, K.E., Li, X., Li, Y., Song, C.X., Wu, H., Dai, Q., Irier, H., Upadhyay, A.K., Gearing, M., Levey, A.I., Vasanthakumar, A., Godley, L.A., Chang, Q., Cheng, X., He, C. and Jin, P. (2011) 5-hydroxymethylcytosine-mediated epigenetic dynamics during neurodevelopment and aging. Nature Neuroscience, 14: 1607-1616.
9. Tan, H., Qurashi, A., Nelson, D.L., Li, H., and Jin, P. (2011) Retrotransposon activation is involved in fragile X premutation rCGG-mediated neurodegeneration. Human Molecular Genetics, 21: 57-65.
10. Szulwach, K.E., Li, X., Li, Y., Song, C.X., Han, J.W., Kim, S., Namburi, S., Hermetz, K., Kim, J.J., Rudd, M.K., Yoon, Y., Ren, B., He, C. and Jin, P. (2011) Integrating 5-hydroxymethylcytosine into the Epigenomic Landscape of Human Embryonic Stem Cells. PLoS Genetics, 7(6): e1002154. 59.
11. Guo, W., Zhang, L., Christopher, D.M., Teng, Z.Q., Fausett, S.R., Liu, C., George, O.L., Klingensmith, J., Jin, P. and Zhao, X. (2011) RNA-Binding Protein FXR2 Regulates Adult Hippocampal Neurogenesis by Reducing Noggin Expression. Neuron, 70: 924-938.
12. Qurashi, A., Li, W., Zhou, J.Y., Peng, J., and Jin, P. (2011) Nuclear Accumulation of Stress Response mRNAs Contributes to the Neurodegeneration Caused by Fragile X Premutation rCGG Repeats. PLoS Genetics, 7(6): e1002102.
13. Song, C.X., Szulwach, K.E., Fu, Y., Dai, Q., Yi, C., Li, X., Li, Y., Chen, C.H., Zhang, W., Jian, X., Wang, J., Zhang, L., Looney, T.J., Zhang, B., Godley, L.A., Hicks, L.M., Lahn, B.T., Jin, P.*, and He, C*. (2010) A Selective chemical labeling reveals the genome-wide distribution of 5-hydroxymethylcytosine. Nature Biotechnology, 29(1): 68-72. (*: Co-corresponding authors).
14. Li, Y., He, C. and Jin, P. (2010). Emergence of Chemical Biology Approaches to the RNAi/miRNA Pathway. Chemistry & Biology, 17(6): 584-589.
15. Luo, Y., Shan, G., Smrt, R.D., Li, X., Duan, R., Barkho, B.Z., Li, W., Jin, P.*, and Zhao, X.* (2010) Fragile X mental retardation protein regulates adult neurogenesis. PLoS Genetics, 6(4): e1000898. (*: Co-corresponding authors).
16. Szulwach K. E., Li, X., Smrt, R.D., Li, Y., Luo, Y., Lin, L., Satistevan, N.J., Li, W. Zhao, X., and Jin, P. (2010) MeCP2-mediated crosstalk between microRNA and epigenetic regulation in adult neurogenesis. Journal of Cell Biology, 189, 127-141.