时间: 2012-04-18 作者: 浏览次数: 0

报告题目:多种感觉刺激诱发脑神经可塑性的机制以及在神经康复中的应用(动物模型):Cross modal rehabilitative training ameliorates visuomotor deficits invisual cortex lesioned cats 

报告人: 蒋 淮 博士

报告时间: 2012418日(周三)下午1400

报告地点: 18新利体育 神经18新利备用网站 所会议室


蒋 淮, 博士,助理教授,神经生物学和解剖学系,苏醒森林大学医学院

通讯地址:Medical Center Blvd Winston-SalemNorth Carolina 27157-1010 USA

电话: (336) 716-9216

电传: ((336) 716-4534

电子邮件: hjiang@wfubmc.edu


19955月获蒙特利尔大学 (加拿大)神经科学博士学位(Ph.D.

19915月获蒙特利尔大学 (加拿大)神经科学硕士学位(M.S.



1994-1996 McGill大学神经科学院 (加拿大)


19989-目前 苏醒森林大学医学院神经生物学和解剖学系助理教授

19963-19988 苏醒森林大学医学院神经生物学和解剖学系研究员

19945-19962 McGill大学神经科学院博士后

19821-19879 江苏省教委中小学教学研究室生物学教研员

19855-19879 江苏省中学生物学教学研究会秘書长


长期从事神经生物学和神经损伤修复的研究。尤其在基底神经节如何控制感觉促发的定向远动方面作了深入研究。研究成果在《自然杂志》发表(Jiang, H., Stein, B.E. and McHaffie, J.G. Opposing basal ganglia processes shape midbrain visuomotor activity bilaterally. Nature 423: 982-986, 2003)。在目前的动物模型脑损伤康复研究中,新发现某一种感觉的缺损可被多种感觉训练康复的神经机制。这种神经可塑性的机制可以被广泛运用到人的脑损伤后功能康复中。在国际上首先采用冰水微冷却装置植入脑皮的方法去抑制区域性的神经活动。先后多年主持由美国国家医疗卫生基础研究基金支助的重大研究项目。



脑的立体定位,无菌脑手术指在产生不同的脑损伤动物模型,比如大脑胼体分离产生裂脑模型,视交叉分离,平衡盆挂化学神经毒素和机械损伤在选择的脑子结构之内,安放微电极在一特定脑区为慢性记录神经元的放电活动,以及微电刺激诱发的行为活动。眼睛线圈的安放指在记录眼睛运动。自制和安放微冷却装置在一特定脑区,产生可逆性的抑制形作用。在清醒或麻醉动物身上做细胞外记录单个神经元放电活动以及相关的行为记录(如头和眼的运动。顺行和逆向神经标记,荧光追踪的技术; 三维脑结构的组织学重建; 免疫组织化学; 微量注射。


研究基金 (Co-Investigator)

1National Institutes of Health- 定向运动的皮层和皮层下的机制。07/01/1999 - 06/30/04$1,256,480(总金额)

2National Institutes of Health- 定向运动的皮层和皮层下的机制。 07/01/04 - 06/30/09$1,377,360(总金额)

3National Institutes of Health- 定向运动的皮层和皮层下的机制。 05/01/09 - 04/30/13, $2,590,911(总金额)


H-J Winston, 110 Linker Place Ct, Clemmons North Carolina, USA 研究•开发•生产医学研究设备。


北美神经科学协会(Society for Neurosciences)。



Stein, B.E., Wallace, M.T., Jiang, W., Jiang, H., Vaughan, J. W. Cross-Modal Integration: Bringing Coherence to the Sensory World. Proceedings of the AVSP '99, International Conference on Auditory Visual Speech Processing, D.W. Massaro (ed.), pp. 23 28, 1999.

McHaffie, J.G., Jiang, H., and Stein, B.E. Superior colliculus mediated visuomotor function depends on coupling global inhibition and focal disinhibition. In: Recent Breakthroughs in Basal Ganglia Research, E Bezard (ed) Nova Science Publishers, New York, NY, pp. 173-184, 2006.


1Jiang, H., Lepore, F., Ptito, M. and Guillemot, J.-P. Sensory modality distribution in the anterior ectosylvian cortex of cats. Exp. Brain Res. 94: 404-414, 1994.

2Jiang, H., Lepore, F., Ptito, M. and Guillemot, J.-P. Sensory modality interactions in the area of the anterior ectosylvian sulcus of cats. Exp. Brain Res. 101: 385-396, 1994.

3Poirier, P., Jiang, H., Lepore, F. and Guillemot, J.-P. Positional, directional and speed selectivities in the primary auditory cortex of the cat. Hearing Res. 113: 1-13, 1997.

4Jiang, H., Lepore, F., Poirier P., and Guillemot, J.-P. Responses of cells to stationary and moving sound stimuli in the anterior ectosylvian cortex of cats. Hearing Res. 139: 69-85, 2000.

5Fan, L., Santago, P., Jiang, H., and Herrington, D.M. Ultrasound measurement of brachial flow mediated vasodilator response. IEEE Trans. Medical Imaging 19(6): 621-631, 2000.

6Jiang, W., Wallace, M.T., Jiang, H., Vaughan, J.W., and Stein, B.E. Two cortical areas mediate multisensory integration in superior colliculus neurons. J. Neurophysiol. 85: 506-522, 2001.

7Jiang, W., Jiang, H., and Stein, B.E. Two corticotectal areas mediate multisensory orientation behavior. J. Cognitive Neurosci., 4: 1240-1255, 2002.

8Jiang, H., Stein, B.E. and McHaffie, J.G. Opposing basal ganglia processes shape midbrain visuomotor activity bilaterally. Nature 423: 982-986, 2003.

9Gabriele, M.L., Smoot, J.E., Jiang, H., Stein, B.E., and McHaffie, J.G. Early establishment of adult-like nigrotectal architecture in the neonatal cat: A double-labeling study using carbocyanine dyes. Neuroscience 137(4): 1309-1319, 2006.

10McHaffie, J.G., Jiang, H., May, P.J., Coizet, V., Overton, P.G., Stein, B.E., and Redgrave, P. A direct projection from the superior colliculus to substantia nigra pars compacta in the cat. Neuroscience 138(1): 221-234, 2006.

11Jiang, W., Jiang, H. and Stein, B.E. Neonatal cortical ablation disrupts multisensory development in the superior colliculus. J. Neurophysiol. 95: 1380-1396, 2006.

12Jiang, W., Jiang, H., Rowland, B.A., and Stein, B.E. Multisensory orientation behavior is disrupted by neonatal cortical ablation. J Neurophysiol. 97(1): 557-562, 2007.

13May, P.J., McHaffie, J.G., Stanford, T.R., Jiang, H., Costello, M.G., Coizet, V., Hayes, L.M., Haber, S.N., and Redgrave, P. Tectonigral projections in the primate: A pathway for pre-attentive sensory input to midbrain dopaminergic neurons. Eur. J. Neurosci. 29: 575-587, 2009.

14Jiang, H., Stein, B.E., and McHaffie, J.G. Cortical lesion-induced visual hemineglect is prevented by NMDA antagonist pretreatment. J. Neurosci. 29(21): 6917-6925, 2009.

15Jiang, H., Stein, B.E. and McHaffie, J.G. (2011) Physiological evidence for a trans-basal ganglia pathway linking extrastriate visual cortex and the superior colliculus. J. Physiol. 589(23): 5785¬5799.


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