美国德州大学Li-Yen Mae Huang教授在徐广银课题组举办座谈会
时间: 2013-04-28 作者: 浏览次数: 3



2013425晚上8:00,美国德州大学盖尔维斯顿医学院神经科学及细胞生物学系教授Li-Yen Mae Huang在神经18新利备用网站 所会议室举办了座谈会,徐广银课题组的学生济济一堂,热烈欢迎远道而来的黄教授。



Li-Yen Mae Huang, Ph.D., Mason guest Distinguished Professor, Department of Neuroscience and cell Biology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA. Research Field: Molecular and cellular mechanisms of chronic pain. Honors: Mason Guest Distinguished Professor, Department of Neuroscience and Cell Biology; Sabbatical with Professor Erwin Neher, Max-Planck-Institut Fur Biophsikalische Chemie, Germany; Ad Hoc member of NIH grant review panels; Regular Member of NIH study section. Awards: Research Career Development Award, NIH; New Investigator Award, NIH; Research Service Award, NIH; Research fellowship, Mayo Foundation; Graduate Scholarship, NIH; Graduate Scholarship, SUNY at Buffalo. Publications: Paper and review articles in various international journals including Nature, Science, Neuron, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA.