热烈祝贺徐广银教授的研究生张弘弘的文章被杂志Journal of Neuroscience接受
时间: 2013-04-17 作者: 浏览次数: 3

   在徐广银教授的指导下,博士生张弘弘和周友浪的文章“Promoted interaction of nuclear factor-kappa B with demethylated cystathionine-beta-synthetase gene contributes to gastric hypersensitivity in diabetic rats”于2013416日被杂志Journal of Neuroscience接受。


From: Nancy Ip
Date: Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Subject: Decision on Journal of Neuroscience JN-RM-1068-13R1

16th Apr 2013

Dear Prof. Xu:

I am pleased to inform you that your revised paper "Promoted interaction of nuclear factor-kappa B with demethylated cystathionine-beta-synthetase gene contributes to gastric hypersensitivity in diabetic rats," is considered suitable for publication in the Journal in its present form. The latest version of the paper was seen by one of the prior reviewers, as well as by your Reviewing Editor, Michael Gold, and me.

Your manuscript will now pass through a series of pre-production checks at our Central Office.  Soon, you will probably receive correspondence from the Central Office about issues such as figure sizes and color, length of the paper, and various forms that need to be completed. Once your paper is completely ready, you will receive email notification that it has been forwarded to the publisher.

Publication fees are $1,035 per regular article or $535 per Brief Communication.  In four to five business days, unless corrections are needed to your manuscript, you will receive a payment form by e-mail. Please follow the instructions on the form to make your payment; proofs will be sent 4-6 weeks after the payment is made.  Article proofs will not be sent to you until the publication fee has been received. Please contact the Central Office with any payment questions by e-mail: 

If you wish your article to be made freely available upon publication via the Journal's Open Choice model, please contact
jn@sfn.org<javascript:;>. Authors will pay $2,655 for regular articles and $1,330 for Brief Communications. Your Open Choice charge will be included on the form on which you agree to pay publication charges.

Finally, the Journal publishes, at no cost to the author, color cover illustrations pertinent to an article in that issue. If you have a suitable cover illustration, we would be glad to consider it. Please visit the Journal's web site for detailed instructions regarding cover art submissions.  Should you choose to submit an illustration, you may deposit it at our FTP site (URL link: 
ftp://jn.sfn.org; Host: jn.sfn.org<http://jn.sfn.org/>; Account: jnauthor; Password: coverart) following the instructions on the web site (http://www.jneurosci.org/misc/ifa_cover.shtml).

On behalf of the Editorial Board, I thank you for submitting your paper to The Journal of Neuroscience.

Yours sincerely,

Nancy Ip
Senior Editor
Journal of Neuroscience