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Our laboratory is working on the development of biomaterials and nanomedicine strategies to assist the diagnosis and treatment of challenging diseases such as cancer. There are five research directions in our lab, including inorganic nanomaterials for cancer theranostics, polymeric and biomimetic delivery systems, biomaterials for modulation of tumor microenvironment, nano-biomaterials for radiology and nuclear medicine, as well as biomaterials for immunoengineering. The clinical translation of our biomaterials-based innovative technologies is the ultimate goal of this lab.  


Mailing Address: Soochow University Dushu-Lake Campus,Box 33,199 Ren'ai Rd,Suzhou Industrial Park,Suzhou,jiangsu,215123,P.R.China

Courier: Institute of Functional Nano and Soft Materials,Soochow University Dushu-lake Campus,199 Ren'ai Rd,Suzhou industrial Park,Suzhou,jiangsu,215123,P.R.China

Postcode: 215123

Copyright 先进生物材料与纳米医学实验室 2018, All Rights Reserved 技术支持:梦蕾科技