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[209] Guosheng Song, Yu Chao, Yuyan Chen, Chao Liang, Xuan Yi, Guangbao Yang, Kai Yang, Liang Cheng, Qiao Zhang, and Zhuang Liu*. “All-in-One Theranostic Nano-platform Based on Hollow TaOx for Chelator-Free Labeling Imaging, Drug Delivery, and Synergistically Enhanced Radiotherapy” Adv. Funct. Mater., 26, 8243-8254 (2016)

[208] Yunyun Xu, Jian Xiang, He Zhao, Hansi Liang, Jie Huang, Yan Li, Jian Pan, Huiting Zhou, Xueguang Zhang, Jiang Huai Wang, Zhuang Liu, and Jian Wang*. “Human Amniotic Fluid Stem Cells Labeled with Up-conversion Nanoparticles for Imaging-Monitored Repairing of Acute Lung Injury” Biomaterials, 100, 91-100 (2016)

[207] Yinchan Luo, Xinxing Yang, Xiaofang Tan, Ligeng Xu*, Zhuang Liu, Jie Xiao, and Rui Peng*. “Functionalized Graphene Oxide in Microbial Engineering: An Effective Stimulator for Bacterial Growth” Carbon, 103, 172-180 (2016)

[206] Bianco Alberto*, Zhuang Liu. “Introduction to the Special Issue on Biomedical Applications of Carbon Nanomaterials” Carbon, 97, 124-125 (2016)

[205] Jinnan Xuan, Zhiqing Wang, Yuyan Chen, Dujuan Liang, Liang Cheng*, Xiaojing Yang, Zhuang Liu, Renzhi Ma, Takayoshi Sasaki, and FengXia Geng*. “Organic-Base-Driven Intercalation and Delamination for the Production of Functionalized Titanium Carbide Nanosheets with Superior Photothermal Therapeutic Performance” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 128, 14789-14794 (2016)

[204] Liangzhu Feng, Danlei Tao, Ziliang Dong, Qian Chen, Yu Chao, and Zhuang Liu*, Meiwan Chen*. “Near-infrared Light Activation of Quenched Liposomal Ce6 for Synergistic Cancer Phototherapy with Effective Skin Protection” Biomaterials, 127, 13-24 (2016)

[203] Ziliang Dong, Liangzhu Feng*, Wenwen Zhu, Xiaoqi Sun, Min Gao, He Zhao, Yu Chao, and Zhuang Liu*. “CaCO3 Nanoparticles as An Ultra-sensitive Tumor-pH-responsive Nanoplatform Enabling Real-time Drug Release Monitoring and Cancer Combination Therapy” Biomaterials, 110, 60-70 (2016)

[202] Qian Chen, Jiawen Chen, Chao Liang, Liangzhu Feng, Ziliang Dong, Xuejiao Song, Guosheng Song, and Zhuang Liu*. “Drug-Induced Co-assembly of Albumin / Catalase as Smart Nano-theranostics for Deep Intra-tumoral Penetration, Hypoxia Relieve, and Synergistic Combination Therapy” J. Control Release, 263, 79-89 (2016)

[201] Qian Chen, Ligeng Xu, ChaoLiang, Chao Wang, Rui Peng, and Zhuang Liu*. “Photothermal Therapy with Immune-adjuvant Nanoparticles Together with Checkpoint Blockade for Effective Cancer Immunotherapy” Nat. Commun., 7, 13193 (2016) ☞

[200] Xuejiao Song, Liangzhu Feng, Chao Liang, Min Gao, Guosheng Song, and Zhuang Liu*. “Liposomes Co-loaded with Metformin and Chlorin e6 Modulate Tumor Hypoxia during Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy” Nano Res., 10(4), 1000-1212(2016)

[199] Anyanee Kamkaew, Liang Cheng, Shreya Goel, Hector F. Valdovinos, Todd E. Barnhart, Zhuang Liu, and Weibo Cai*. “Cerenkov Radiation Induced Photodynamic Therapy Using Chlorin e6-loaded Hollow Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8, 26630-26637(2016) ☞

[198] Xuejiao Song, Liangzhu Feng, Chao Liang, Kai Yang, and Zhuang Liu*. “Ultrasound Triggered Tumor Oxygenation with Oxygen-Shuttle Nanoperfluorocarbon to Overcome Hypoxia-Associated Resistance in Cancer Therapies” Nano Lett., 16, 61456153(2016) ☞

[197] Liang Cheng, Anyanee Kamkaew, Sida Shen, Hector F. Valdovinos, Haiyan Sun, Reinier Hernandez, Shreya Goel, Teng Liu, Cyrus R. Thompson, Todd E. Barnhart, Zhuang Liu*, and Weibo Cai*. “Facile Preparation of Multifunctional WS2/WOx Nanodots for Chelator-Free 89Zr-Labeling and In Vivo PET Imaging” Small, 12, 5750-57582016

[196] Chao Liang, Ligeng Xu, Guosheng Song, and Zhuang Liu*. “Emerging Nanomedicine Approaches Fighting Tumor Metastasis: Animal Models, Metastasis-Targeted Drug Delivery, Phototherapy, and Immunotherapy” Chem. Soc. Rev., 45,6250-6269 (2016)

[195] Qian Chen, Liangzhu Feng, Jingjing Liu, Wenwen Zhu, Ziliang Dong, Yifan Wu, and Zhuang Liu*. “Intelligent AlbuminMnO2 Nanoparticles as pH-/H2O2-Responsive Dissociable Nanocarriers to Modulate Tumor Hypoxia for Effective Combination Therapy” Adv. Mater., 28, 7129-7136 (2016)

[194] Kai Yang*, Liangzhu Feng, and Zhuang Liu*. “Stimuli Responsive Drug Delivery Systems Based on Nano-Graphene for Cancer Therapy” Adv. Drug Deliver. Rev., 105, 228-241 (2016)

[193] Qian Chen, and Zhuang Liu*. “Albumin Carriers for Cancer Theranostics: A Conventional Platform with New Promises” Adv. Mater., 28, 10557-10566 (2016)

[192] Tianyu Li, Feng Li, Wentian Xiang, Yu Yi, Yuyan Chen, Liang Cheng, Zhuang Liu*, and Huaping Xu*. “Selenium-containing Amphiphiles Reduced and Stabilized Gold Nanoparticles: Kill Cancer Cells via Reactive Oxygen Species” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8(34), 22106-22112 (2016)

[191] Teng Liu, Yu Chao, Min Gao, Chao Liang, Qian Chen, Guosheng Song, Liang Cheng*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Ultra-small MoS2 Nanodots with Rapid Body Clearance for Photothermal Cancer Therapy” Nano Res., 8, 22106-22112 (2016)

[190] Guosheng Song, Yuyan Chen, Chao Liang, Xuan Yi, Jingjing Liu, Xiaoqi Sun, Sida Shen, Kai Yang, and Zhuang Liu*. “Catalase-loaded TaOx Nanoshells as Bio-nanoreactors Combining High-Z Element and Enzyme Delivery for Enhancing Radiotherapy” Adv. Mater., 28, 7143-8 (2016)

[189] Jiali Hao, Guosheng Song, Teng Liu, Xuan Yi, Kai Yang, Liang Cheng*, and Zhuang Liu*. “In Vivo Long-Term Biodistribution, Excretion, and Toxicology of PEGylated Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides MS2 (M = Mo, W, Ti) Nanosheets” Adv. Sci., 4(1), 1600160 (2017)

[188] Xuan Yi, Lei Chen, Xiaoyan Zhong, Roulin Gao, Yitao Qian, Fan Wu, Guosheng Song, Zhifang Chai, Zhuang Liu, and Kai Yang*. “Coreshell Au@MnO2 Nanoparticles for Enhanced Radiotherapy via Improving the Tumor Oxygenation” Nano Res., 9, 3267-3278 (2016) ☞

[187] Guosheng Song, Chao Liang, Xuan Yi, Qi Zhao, Liang Cheng, Kai Yang, and Zhuang Liu*., “Perfluorocarbon Loaded Hollow Bi2Se3 Nanoparticles for Timely Supply of Oxygen under Near-Infrared Light to Enhance Radiotherapy of Cancer” Adv. Mater., 28, 27162723 (2016)

[186] Wenwen Zhu, Ziliang Dong, Tingting Fu, Jingjing Liu, Qian Chen, Yonggang Li, Ran Zhu*, Ligeng Xu*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Modulation of Hypoxia in Solid Tumor Microenvironment with MnO2 Nanoparticles to Enhance Photodynamic Therapy” Adv. Funct. Mater., 26, 54905498 (2016)

[185] Liang Cheng*, Sida Shen, Sixiang Shi, Yuan Yi, Xiaoyong Wang, Guosheng Song, Kai Yang, Gang Liu, Todd E. Barnhart, Weibo Cai*, and Zhuang Liu*. “FeSe2-Decorated Bi2Se3 Nanosheets Fabricated via Cation Exchange for Chelator-Free 64Cu-labeling and Multimodal Image-Guided Photothermal-Radiation Therapy” Adv. Funct. Mater., 26, 21852197 (2016)

[184] Anyanee Kamkaew, Haiyan Sun, Christopher G. England, Liang Cheng, Zhuang Liu, and Weibo Cai*. “Quantum dot-NanoLuc Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer Enables Tumor Imaging and Lymph Node Mapping In Vivo” Chem. Commun., 52(43), 6997-7000 (2016)

[183] Gang Ou, Zhiwei Li, Dongke Li, Liang Cheng, Zhuang Liu*, and Hui Wu*. “Photothermal Therapy by Using Titanium Oxide Nanoparticles” Nano Res., 9(5), 1236-1243 (2016)

[182] Yu Chao, Guanglin Wang, Chao Liang, Xuan Yi, Xiaoyan Zhong, Jingjing Liu, Min Gao, Kai Yang*, Liang Cheng*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Rhenium-188 Labeled Tungsten Disulfide Nanoflakes for Self-Sensitized, Near-Infrared Enhanced Radioisotope Therapy” Small, 12, 3967-3975 (2016)

[181] Xiaodong Liu, Guangbao Yang, Lifen Zhang, Zhuang Liu*, Zhenping Cheng*, and Xiulin Zhu. “Photosensitizer Cross-linked Nano-micelle Platform for Multimodal Imaging Guided Synergistic Photothermal/Photodynamic Therapy” Nanoscale, 8(33): 15323-1533 (2016)

[180] Jingjing Liu, Yu Yang, Wenwen Zhu, Xuan Yi, Ziliang Dong, Xiaona Xu, Meiwan Chen, Kai Yang, Guang Lu, Lixin Jiang, Zhuang Liu*. “Nanoscale Metal Organic Frameworks for Combined Photodynamic & Radiation Therapy in Cancer Treatment” Biomaterials, 97, 1-9 (2016)

[179] Cheng Xu, Sixiang Shi, Liangzhu Feng, Feng Chen, Stephen A Graves, Emily B Ehlerding, Shreya Goel, Haiyan Sun, Christopher G England, Robert J Nickles, Zhuang Liu, Taihong Wang, and Weibo Cai*. “Long Circulating Reduced Graphene OxideIron Oxide Nanoparticles for Efficient Tumor Targeting and Multimodality Imaging” Nanoscale, 8, 12683-12692 (2016)

[178] Dongzhi Yang, Liangzhu Feng, Casey A Dougherty, Kathryn E Luker, Daiqin Chen, Meagan A Cauble, Mark M Banaszak Holl, Gary D Luker, Brian D Ross, Zhuang Liu*, and Hao Hong*. “In vivo Targeting of Metastatic Breast Cancer via Tumor Vasculature-specific Nano-graphene Oxide” Biomaterials, 104, 361-371 (2016)

[177] Christopher G England, Hyung-Jun Im, Liangzhu Feng, Feng Chen, Stephen A Graves, Reinier Hernandez, Hakan Orbay, Cheng Xu, Steve Y Cho, Robert J Nickles, Zhuang Liu, Dong Soo Lee, and Weibo Cai*. “Re-assessing the Enhanced Permeability and Retention Effect in Peripheral Arterial Disease Using Radiolabeled long Circulating Nanoparticles” Biomaterials, 100, 101-109 (2016)

[176] Qian Chen, Xiaodong Liu, Jianfeng Zeng, Zhenping Cheng, and Zhuang Liu*. “Albumin-NIR Dye Self-assembled Nanoparticles for Photoacoustic pH Imaging and pH-responsive Photothermal Therapy Effective for Large Tumors” Biomaterials, 98, 2330 (2016)

[175] Guangbao Yang, Xiaoqi Sun, Jingjing Liu, Liangzhu Feng, and Zhuang Liu*. “Light-responsive, Singlet Oxygentriggered On-demand Drug Release from Photosensitizer-doped Mesoporous Silica Nanorods for Cancer Combination Therapy” Adv. Funct. Mater., 26, 47224732 (2016)

[174] Hua Gong, Yu Chao, Jian Xiang, Xiao Han, Guosheng Song, Liangzhu Feng, Jingjing Liu, Guangbao Yang, Qian Chen, and Zhuang Liu*. “Hyaluronidase To Enhance Nanoparticle-Based Photodynamic Tumor Therapy” Nano Lett., 16, 25122521 (2016)

[173] Guangbao Yang, Jingjing Liu, Yifan Wu, Liangzhu Feng*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Near-Infrared-light Responsive Nanoscale Drug Delivery Systems for Cancer Treatment” Coordin. Chem. Rev., 320-321, 100-117 (2016)

[172] Meifang Li, Qi Zhao, Xuan Yi, Xiaoyan Zhong, Guosheng Song, Zhifang Chai, Zhuang Liu*, and Kai Yang*. “Au@MnS@ZnS Core/Shell/Shell Nanoparticles for Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Enhanced Cancer Radiation Therapy” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 8(15): 9557-9564 (2016)

[171] Ligeng Xu, Jian Xiang, Rui Peng*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Recent advances in the development of nanomaterials for DC-based immunotherapy” Sci. Bull. 61, 514-523 (2016) (Invited review) ☞

[170] Ziliang Dong, Hua Gong, Min Gao, Wenwen Zhu, Xiaoqi Sun, Liangzhu Feng, Tingting Fu, Yonggang Li, and Zhuang Liu*. “Polydopmine Nanoparticles as a Versatile Molecular Loading Platform to Enhance Imaging-guided Cancer Therapy” Theranostics, 6(7), 1031 (2016)

[169] Liangzhu Feng, Min Gao, Danlei Tao, Qian Chen, Hairong Wang, Ziliang Dong, Meiwan Chen*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Cisplatin-prodrug-constructed Liposomes as A Versatile Theranostic Nano-platform for Bimodal Imaging Guided Combination Cancer Therapy” Adv. Funct. Mater., 26(13), 2207-2217 (2016)

[168] Yu Yang, Jingjing Liu, Chao Liang, Liangzhu Feng, Tingting Fu, Ziliang Dong, Yu Chao, Yonggang Li, Guang Lu*, Meiwan Chen*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Nanoscale Metal-Organic Particles with Rapid Clearance for Magnetic Resonance Imaging-Guided Photothermal Therapy” ACS Nano, 10(2), 2774-2781 (2016)

[167] Ligeng Xu, Jian Xiang, Ye Liu, Jun Xu, Yinchan Luo, Liangzhu Feng, Zhuang Liu*, and Rui Peng*. “Functionalized Graphene Oxide Serves as a Novel Vaccine Nano-adjuvant for Robust Stimulation of Cellular Immunity” Nanoscale, 8(6), 3785-3795 (2016)

[166] Yu Yang, Jingjing Liu, Xiaoqi Sun, Liangzhu Feng, Wenwen Zhu, Zhuang Liu*, and Meiwan Chen*. “Near-infrared Light-activated Cancer Cell Targeting and Drug Delivery with Aptamer-modified Nanostructures” Nano Res., 9(1), 139-148 (2016)

[165] Guosheng Song, Jiali Hao, Chao Liang, Teng Liu, Min Gao, Liang Cheng, Junqing Hu*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Degradable Molybdenum Oxide Nanosheets with Rapid Clearance and Efficient Tumor Homing Capabilities as A Novel Therapeutic Nano-platform” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55, 21222126 (2016)


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