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[76] Xiaojun Diao, Wei Li, Jia Yu, Xiaojing Wang, Xiujuan Zhang*, Yinlong Yang, Feifei An, Zhuang Liu, and Xiaohong Zhang*. “Carrier-free, Water Dispersible and Highly Luminescent Dye Nanoparticles for Targeted Cell Imaging” Nanoscale, 4, 5373-5377 (2012) ☞

[75] Kai Yang, Huan Xu, Liang Cheng, Chunyang Sun, Jun Wang, and Zhuang Liu*. “In vitro and In vivo Near-infrared Photothermal Therapy of Cancer using Polypyrrole Organic Nanoparticles” Adv. Mater., 24, 5586-5592 (2012)

[74] Kai Yang, and Zhuang Liu*. “In vivo Biodistribution, Pharmacokinetics, and Toxicology of Carbon Nanotubes” Curr Drug Metab., 13, 1057-1067 (2012)

[73] Yinlong Yang, Feifei An, Zhuang Liu, Xiujuan Zhang*, Mengjiao Zhou, Wei Li, Xiaojun Hao, Chun-sing Lee, and Xiaohong Zhang*. “Ultrabright and Ultrastable Near-infrared Dye Nanoparticles for In Vitro and In Vivo Bioimaging” Biomaterials, 33, 7803-7809 (2012)

[72] Wei Li, Yinlong Yang, Chao Wang, Zhuang Liu, Xiujuan Zhang*, Feifei An, Xiaojun Diao, Xiaojun Hao, and Xiaohong Zhang*. “Carrier-free, Functionalized Drug Nanoparticles for Targeted Drug Delivery” Chem. Commun., 48, 8120-8122 (2012) ☞

[71] Bryan Ronain Smith, Paul Kempen, Donna Bouley, Alexander Xu, Zhuang Liu, Nicholas A Melosh, Hongjie Dai, Robert Sinclair, and Sanjiv S. Gambhir*. “Shape Matters: Intravital Microscopy Reveals Surprising Geometrical Dependence for Nanoparticles in Tumor Models of Extravasation” Nano Lett., 12, 33693377 (2012)

[70] Liang Cheng, Kai Yang, Qian Chen, and Zhuang Liu*. “Organic Stealth Nanoparticles for Highly Effective in Vivo Near-Infrared Photothermal Therapy of Cancer” ACS Nano, 6, 56055613 (2012) ☞

[69] Liling Jin, Kai Yang, Kai Yao, Shuai Zhang, Huiquan Tao, Shuit-Tong Lee, Zhuang Liu*, and Rui Peng*. “Functionalized Graphene Oxide in Enzyme Engineering: A Selective Modulator for Enzyme Activity and Thermostability” ACS Nano, 6, 48644875 (2012)

[68] Adam de la Zerda, Sunil Bodapati, Robert Teed, Salomón Y May, Scott M. Tabakman, Zhuang Liu, Butrus T Khuri-Yakub, Xiaoyuan Chen, Hongjie Dai, and Sanjiv S. Gambhir*. “Family of Enhanced Photoacoustic Imaging Agents for High Sensitivity and Multiplexing Studies in Living Mice” ACS Nano, 6, 46944701 (2012)

[67] Xiaojing Wang, Chao Wang, Liang Cheng, Shuit-Tong Lee, and Zhuang Liu*. “Noble Metal Coated Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Applications in Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Imaging and Photothermal Therapy” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 134, 74147422 (2012)

[66] Chao Wang, Liang Cheng, Huan Xu, and Zhuang Liu*. “Towards Whole-body Imaging at the Single Cell Level using Ultra-sensitive Stem Cell Labeling with Oligo-arginine Modified Upconversion Nanoparticles” Biomaterials, 33, 48724881 (2012)

[65] Bin Dong*, Baosheng Cao, Yangyang He, Zhuang Liu, Zhipeng Li*, and and Zhiqing Feng. “Temperature Sensing and In Vivo Imaging by Molybdenum Sensitized Visible Upconversion Luminescence of Rare-Earth Oxides” Adv. Mater., 24, 1987-1993 (2012)

[64] Zhuang Liu*and Xingjie Liang*. “Nano-Carbons as Theranostics” Theranostics, 2, 235-237 (2012) (Editorial)

[63] Hao Hong, Kai Yang, Yin Zhang, Jonathan Engle, Liangzhu Feng, Yunan Yang, Tapas Nayak, Shreya Goel, Jero Bean, Charles Theuer, Todd Barnhart, Zhuang Liu*, and Weibo Cai*. “In Vivo Targeting and Imaging of Tumor Vasculature with Radiolabeled, Antibody-Conjugated Nano-Graphene” ACS Nano, 6, 23612370 (2012) ☞

[62] Chao Wang, Xinxing Ma, Shouqi Ye, Liang Guo, Changhui Li, Yonggang Li*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Protamine Functionalized Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes for Stem Cell Labeling and in vivo Raman / Magnetic resonance / Photoacoustic Triple-modal Imaging” Adv. Funct. Mater., 22, 23632375 (2012)

[61] Kai Yang, Lilei Hu, Xingxing Ma, Shuoqi Ye, Liang Cheng, Xiaoze Shi, Changhui Li, Yonggang Li, and Zhuang Liu*. “Multimodal Imaging Guided Photothermal Therapy using Functionalized Graphene Nano-sheets Anchored with Magnetic Nanoparticles” Adv. Mater., 24, 1868-1872 (2012) (Frontispieces Feature)

[60] Xinxing Ma, Huiquan Tao, Kai Yang, Liangzhu Feng, Liang Cheng, Xiaoze Shi, Yonggang Li*, Liang Guo*, and Zhuang Liu*. “A Functionalized graphene oxide  Iron Oxide Nanocomposite for Magnetically targeted Drug Delivery, Photothermal Therapy, and Magnetic Resonance Imaging” Nano Res., 5, 199212 (2012)(Cover Article) ☞

[59] Yanmei Yang, Qing Shao, Renren Deng, Chao Wang, Xue Teng, Kai Cheng, Zhen Cheng, Ling Huang, Zhuang Liu, Xiaogang Liu*, and Bengang Xing*. “In Vitro and In Vivo Uncaging and Bioluminescence Imaging by Using Photocaged Upconversion Nanoparticles” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 51, 31253129 (2012)

[58] Liang Cheng, Kai Yang, Yonggang Li, Xiao Zeng, Mingwang Shao*, Shuit-Tong Lee, and Zhuang Liu*. “Multifunctional Nanoparticles for Upconversion Luminescence /MR Multimodal Imaging and Magnetically Targeted Photothermal Therapy” Biomaterials, 33, 22152222 (2012)

[57] Kai Yang, Jianmei Wan, Shuai Zhang, Bo Tian, Youjiu Zhang, and Zhuang Liu*. “The Influence of Surface Chemistry and Size of Nanoscale Graphene Oxide on Photothermal Therapy of Cancer using Ultra-low Laser Power” Biomaterials, 33, 22062214 (2012)

[56] Huiquan Tao, Kai Yang, Zhen Ma, Jianmei Wan, Youjiu Zhang*, Zhenhui Kang*, and Zhuang Liu*. “In vivo NIR Fluorescence Imaging, Biodistribution, and Toxicology of Photoluminescent Carbon Dots Produced from Carbon Nanotubes and Graphite” Small, 8, 281-290 (2012)

[55] Liang Cheng, Mingwang Shao*, Kui Yin, and Zhuang Liu*. “AgI modified Silicon Nanowires: Synthesis, Characterization and Properties of Ionic Conductivity and Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering” CrystEngComm, 14, 601-604 (2012)

[54] Xiaojing Wang, and Zhuang Liu*. “Carbon Nanotubes in Biology and Medicine: An Overview” Chinese Sci. Bull., 57, 167-180 (2012) (Invited Review)

[53] Jing Zhou, Zhuang Liu, and Fuyou Li*. “Upconversion nanophosphors for small-animal imaging” Chem. Soc. Rev., 41, 1323-1349 (2012)



[52] Liang Cheng, Kai Yang, Mingwang Shao, Xinhua Lu*, and Zhuang Liu*. “In vivo Pharmacokinetics, Long-term Biodistribution and Toxicology Study of Functionalized Upconversion Nanoparticles in Mice” Nanomedicine, 6, 1327-1340 (2011)

[51] Chao Wang, Liang Cheng, and Zhuang Liu*. “Upconversion Nanoparticles for Potential Cancer Theranostics” Therapeutic Delivery, 2, 1235-1239 (2011) (Invited Research Spotlight) ☞

[50] Liyong Chen, Mingzu Zhang, Zhuang Liu, Zixu Gu, Yingfeng Tu, and Peihong Ni*. “Fabrication of Gene Carrier via Self-assembly of Poly[(dimethylamino)ethyl Methacrylate] and Poly(aspartic acid)-grafted-Poly(ethylene glycol)” J. Macromol. Sci. A, 48(11), 862-871 (2011)

[49] Juan Wang, Feng Wang, Chao Wang, Zhuang Liu, and Xiaogang Liu*. “Single-Band Upconversion Emission in Lanthanide-Doped KMnF3 Nanocrystals” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 10369 10372 (2011)

[48] Huan Xu, Liang Cheng, Chao Wang, Xingxin Ma, Yonggang Li*, and Zhuang Liu*. “Polymer Encapsulated Upconversion Nanoparticle / Iron Oxide Nanocomposites for Multimodal Imaging and Magnetic targeted Drug Delivery” Biomaterials, 32, 9364-9373 (2011) ☞

[47] Bo Tian, Chao Wang, Shuai Zhang, Liangzhu Feng, and Zhuang Liu*. “Photothermally Enhanced Photodynamic Therapy Delivered by Nano-Graphene Oxide” ACS Nano, 5, 7000-7009 (2011)

[46] Liang Cheng, Kai Yang, Yonggang Li, Jianhua Chen, Chao Wang, Mingwang Shao*, Shuit-Tong Lee, and Zhuang Liu*. “Facile Preparation of Multifunctional Upconversion Nanoprobes for Multi-modal Imaging and Dual-targeted Photothermal Therapy” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 50, 7385-7390 (2011)

[45] Shuai Zhang, Kai Yang, Liangzhu Feng, and Zhuang Liu*. “In vitro and In vivo Behaviors of Dextran Functionalized Graphene” Carbon, 49, 4040-4049 (2011)

[44] Zhuang Liu*, Joshua T. Robinson, Scott M. Tabakman, Kai Yang, and Hongjie Dai*. “Carbon Nanotubes and Nano-Graphene for Drug Delivery and Cancer Therapy” Materials Today, 14, 316-323 (2011) (Invited Review)

[43] Chao Wang, Huiquan Tao, Liang Cheng, and Zhuang Liu*. “Near-infrared Light induced In Vivo Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer Based on Upconversion Nanoparticles” Biomaterials, 32, 6145-6154 (2011)

[42] Juan Xiong, Fenghua Meng, Chao Wang, Ru Cheng, Zhuang Liu, and Zhiyuan Zhong*. “Folate-conjugated Crosslinked Biodegradable Micelles for Receptor-mediated Delivery of Paclitaxel” J. Mater. Chem. 21, 5786-5794 (2011)

[41] Lei Zhou, Ru Cheng, Huiquan Tao, Shoubao Ma, Weiwei Guo, Fenghua Meng, Haiyan Liu, Zhuang Liu, and Zhiyuan Zhong*. “Endosomal pH-Activatable Poly(ethylene oxide)-graft- Doxorubicin Prodrugs: Synthesis, Drug Release, and Biodistribution in Tumor-Bearing Mice” Biomacromolecules, 12, 14601467 (2011)

[40] Liangzhu Feng, and Zhuang Liu*. “Graphene in Biomedicine: Opportunities and Challenges” Nanomedicine, 6, 317-324 (2011) (Invited Review)

[39] Liangzhu Feng, Shuai Zhang, and Zhuang Liu*. “Graphene Based Gene Transfection” Nanoscale, 3, 1252-1257 (2011)

[38] Liang Cheng, Kai Yang, Mingwang Shao, Shuit-Tong Lee, and Zhuang Liu*. “Multicolor in vivo Imaging of Upconversion Nanoparticles with Emissions Tuned by Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer” J. Phys. Chem. C, 115, 2686-2692 (2011)

[37] Kai Yang, Jianmei Wan, Shuai Zhang, Youjiu Zhang, Shuit-Tong Lee, and Zhuang Liu*. “In vivo Pharmacokinetics, Long-Term Biodistribution, and Toxicology of PEGylated Graphene in Mice” ACS Nano, 5, 516-522 (2011)

[36] Zhuang Liu*, Kai Yang, and Shuit-Tong Lee. “Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Biomedical Imaging” J. Mater. Chem., 21, 586-598 (2011) (Invited Review)

[35] Chao Wang, Liang Cheng, and Zhuang Liu*. “Drug Delivery with Upconversion Nanoparticles for Multi-Functional Targeted Cancer Cell Imaging and Therapy” Biomaterials., 32, 1110-1120 (2011)

[34] Xiaowen Liu, Huiquan Tao, Kai Yang, Shuit-Tong Lee and Zhuang Liu*. “Optimization of Surface Chemistry on Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes for in vivo Photothermal Ablation of Tumors” Biomaterials., 32, 144-151 (2011)


[33] Shuai Zhang, Kai Yang, and Zhuang Liu*. “Carbon Nanotubes for In Vivo Cancer Nanotechnology” Science China B: Chemistry, 53, 2217-2225 (2010) (Invited Review)

[32] Liang Cheng, Kai Yang, Shuai Zhang, Mingwang Shao, Shuit-Tong Lee, and Zhuang Liu*. “Highly-Sensitive Multiplexed in vivo Imaging Using PEGylated Upconversion Nanoparticles” Nano Res., 3, 722-732 (2010)

[31] Kai Yang, Shuai Zhang, Guoxin Zhang, Xiaoming Sun, Shuit-Tong Lee and Zhuang Liu*. “Graphene in Mice: Ultra-high in vivo Tumor Uptake and Highly Efficient Photothermal Therapy” Nano Lett., 10, 33183323 (2010) (Highlighted by Nature)

[30] Zhuang Liu*, and Rui Peng. “Inorganic Nanomaterials for Tumor Angiogenesis Imaging” Eur. J. Nucl. Med. Mol. Imaging, 37, 147-163 (2010) (Invited Review)

[29] Adam de la Zerda, Zhuang Liu, Sunil Bodapati, Cristina Zavaleta, Omer Oralkan, Hongjie Dai, Butrus T. Khuri-Yakub, and Sanjiv S. Gambhir. “Ultrahigh Sensitivity Carbon Nanotube Agents for Photoacoustic Molecular Imaging in Living Mice” Nano Lett., 10, 2168-2172 (2010) ☞

[28] Wenling Zhang, Jinlin He, Zhuang Liu, Peihong Ni, and Xiulin Zhu. “Biocompatible and pH-responsive Triblock Copolymer mPEG-b-PCL-b-PDMAEMA: Synthesis, Self-assembly, and Application” Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 48, 1079  1091 (2010)

[27] Zhuang Liu, Scott Takabman, Sarah Sherlock, Xiaolin Li, Zhuo Chen, Kaili Jiang, Shoushan Fan and Hongjie Dai. “Multiplexed Five-Color Molecular Imaging with Carbon Nanotube Raman Tags in the Near-Infrare” Nano Res., 3, 222-223 (2010)


[26] Jin Hyung Lee, Sarah Sherlock, Masahiro Terashima, Hisanori Kosuge, Yoriyasu Suzuki, Won-Seok Seo, Zhuang Liu, Michael V. McConnell, Dwight G. Nishimura, and Hongjie Dai*. “High-contrast In Vivo Visualization of Microvessels using Novel FeCo/GC Magnetic Nanocrystals”  Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 62, 1497-1509 (2009)

[25] Kevin Welsher, Zhuang Liu, Sarah Sherlock, Josh Robinson, Zhuo Chen, Dan Daranciang, and Hongjie Dai*. “A Route to Brightly Fluorescent Carbon Nanotubes for Near Infrared Imaging in Mice” Nature Nanotechnology, 4, 773-780 (2009)

[24] Zhuang Liu, Alice Fan, Kavya Rakhra, Sarah Sherlock, Andrew Goodwin, Xiaoyuan Chen, Qiwei Yang, Dean Felsher and Hongjie Dai*. “Supramolecular Stacking of Carbon Nanotubes Provides Efficient Delivery of High Dose Doxorubicin Enhancing Therapeutic Efficacy and Reducing Toxicity”   Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 48, 7668-7672 (2009)

[23] Zhuang Liu*, Scott Tabakman, Zhuo Chen and Hongjie Dai*. “Preparation of Carbon Nanotube Bioconjugates for Biomedical Applications” Nature Protocols, 4, 1372-1382 (2009)

[22] Giuseppe Prencipe, Scott M. Tabakman, Kevin Welsher, Zhuang Liu, Andrew P. Goodwin and Hongjie Dai. “PEG Branched Polymer Chains Functionalization of Nanomaterials for Biocompatibility and Ultralong Blood Circulation” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 4783-4787 (2009)

[21] Zhuang Liu, Scott M. Tabakman, Kevin Welsher and Hongjie Dai. “Carbon Nanotubes in Biology and Medicine: in vitro and in vivo Detection, Imaging and Drug delivery” Nano Res., 2, 85-175 (2009)


[20] Zhuo Chen, Scott M. Tabakman, Andrew P. Goodwin, Michael G. Kattah, Dan Daranciang, Xinran Wang, Guangyu Zhang, Xiaolin Li, Zhuang Liu, Paul J. Utz, Kaili Jiang, Shoushan Fan and Hongjie Dai. “Protein Microarrays with Carbon Nanotubes as Multi-Color Raman Labels” Nature Biotechnology, 26, 1285-1292 (2008)

[19] Zhuang Liu, Xiaolin Li, Scott Takabman, Kaili Jiang, Shoushan Fan and Hongjie Dai. “Multiplexed Multi-Color Raman Imaging of Live Cells with Isotopically Modified Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 1354013541 (2008) ☞

[18] Zavaleta C, Zerda A, Liu Z, Keren S, Cheng Z, Schipper M, Chen X, Dai H, and Gambhir S. “Non-invasive Raman Spectroscopy in Living Mice for Evaluation of Tumor Targeting with Carbon Nanotubes” Nano Lett., 8, 28002805 (2008)

[17] Xiaoming Sun, Zhuang Liu, Kevin Welsher, Joshua Tucker Robinson, Andrew Goodwin, Sasa Zaric and Hongjie Dai. “Nano-graphene Oxide for Cellular Imaging and Drug Delivery” Nano Res., 1, 203-212 (2008) cover article

[16] Zhuang Liu, Josher Robinson, Xiaoming Sun and Hongjie Dai. “PEGylated Nano-graphene Oxide for Delivery of Insoluble Cancer Drugs” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 10876-10877 (2008)

[15] Adam de la Zerda, Cristina Zavaleta, Shay Keren, Srikant Vaithilingam, Sunil Bodapati, Zhuang Liu, Jelena Levi, Bryan Smith, Te-Jen Ma, Omer Oralkan, Zhen Cheng, Xiaoyuan Chen, Hongjie Dai, Butrus P. Khuri-Yakub and Sanjiv S. Gambhir. “Carbon Nanotubes as Photoacoustic Molecular Imaging Agents in Living Mice” Nature Nanotechnology, 3, 557-562 (2008)

[14] Shanta Dhar, Zhuang Liu, Hongjie Dai and Stephen J. Lippard *. “Targeted Single Wall Carbon Nanotube Mediated Pt(IV) Prodrug Delivery Using Folate as a Homing Device” J. Am. Chem. Soc., 130, 11467-11476 (2008)

[13] Zhuang Liu, Kai Chen, Corrine Davis, Sarah Sherlock, Qizhen Cao, Xiaoyuan Chen and Honjige Dai*. “Drug Delivery with Carbon Nanotubes for in vivo Cancer Treatment” Cancer Res., 68, 6652-6660 (2008) cover article

[12] Islam Hamad, Christy Hunter, Kenneth Rutt, Zhuang Liu, Hongjie Dai and Moein Moghimi*. Complement Activation by PEGylated Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes is independent of C1q and Alternative Pathway Turnover Mol. Immunol. 45, 3797-3803 (2008)

[11] Meike L. Schipper, Nozomi Nakayama-Ratchford, Corrine R. Davis, Nadine Wong Shi Kam, Pauline Chu, Zhuang Liu, Xiaoming Sun, Hongjie Dai, and Sanjiv S. Gambhir*. “A Pilot Toxicology Study of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes in a Small Sample of Mice” Nature Nanotechnology, 3, 216-221 (2008)

[10] Kevin Welsher,Zhuang Liu, Dan Daranciang and Hongjie Dai*. “Selective Probing and Imaging of Cells with Single Walled Carbon Nanotubes as Near-Infrared Fluorescent Molecules” Nano Lett., 8, 586-590 (2008)

[9] Zhuang Liu, Corrine Davis, Weibo Cai, Lina He, Xiaoyuan Chen and Hongjie Dai*. “Circulation and Long-term Fate of Functionalized, Biocompatible Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes in Mice Probed by Raman Spectroscopy” Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U. S. A., 105, 1410-1415 (2008)

[8] Haiming Fan, Feng Han, Zhuang Liu, Lang Qin, Zichen Li, Dehai Liang, Fuyou Ke, Jianbin Huang, and Honglan Fu*. “Active Control of Surface Properties and Aggregation Behaviors in Amino Acid-Based Gemini Surfactant Systems” J. Colloid and Interface Sci., 321, 227234 (2008)


[7] Zhuang Liu, Xiaoming Sun, Nozomi Nakayama-Ratchford and Hongjie Dai*. “Supramolecular Chemistry on Water-Soluble Carbon Nanotubes for Drug Loading and Delivery” ACS Nano, 1, 50-56 (2007) The most cited article in ACS Nano

[6] Zhuang Liu, Weibo Cai, Lina He, Nozomi Nakayama, Kai Chen, Xiaoming Sun, Xiaoyuan Chen and Hongjie Dai*. “In-vivo Biodistribution and Highly Efficient Tumor Targeting of Carbon Nanotubes in Mice” Nature Nanotechnology, 2, 47-52 (2007)

[5] Zhuang Liu, Mark Winters, Mark Holodiney and Hongjie Dai*. “siRNA Delivery into Human T cells and Primary Cells with Carbon Nanotubes Transporters” Angew. Chem. Int. Ed, 46, 2023-2027 (2007)



[4] Won Seok Seo, Jin Hyung lee, Xiaoming Sun, Yoriyasu Suzuki, David Mann, Zhuang Liu, Masahiro Terashima, Philp C. Yang, Michael V. Mcconnell, Dwight G. Nishimura and Hongjie Dai*.FeCo/graphitic-shell Nanocrystals as Advanced Magnetic-resonance -imaging and Near-infrared Agents Nature Materials, 5, 971-976 (2006)

[3] Nadine Wong Shi Kam, Zhuang Liu, and Hongjie Dai*, Carbon Nanotubes as Intracellular Transporters for Proteins and DNA: An Investigation of the Uptake Mechanism and PathwayAngew. Chem. Int. Ed. 44, 1-6 (2006)





[2] Nadine Wong Shi Kam, Zhuang Liu, and Hongjie Dai*, Functionalization of Carbon Nanotubes via Cleavable Disulfide Bonds for Efficient Intracellular Delivery of siRNA and Potent Gene SilencingJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 12492-12493 (2005)


[1] Dunwei Wang, Ying-Lan Chang, Zhuang Liu, and Hongjie Dai*, Oxidation Resistant Germanium Nanowires: Bulk Synthesis, Long Chain Alkanethiol Functionalization, and Langmuir-Blodgett AssemblyJ. Am. Chem. Soc. 127, 11871-11875 (2005)

* corresponding authors



Book Chapters


[1] Zhuang Liu, Nanoplatforms for Raman Molecular Imaging in Biological Systems, Nanoplatform-Based Molecular Imaging (Edited by Xiaoyuan Chen), John Wiley & Sons, Part II, Chapter 9, 197-216


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