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Azhar Ali Ayaz Pirzado、王超强博士在Nano Energy上发表论文“Room-temperature growth of perovskite single crystals via antisolvent-assisted confinement for high-performance electroluminescent devices”



Organic-inorganic halide perovskite single crystals (OIHP-SCs) are promising light-emitting materials for bright electroluminescence (EL) devices due to their superior optoelectronic properties and excellent stability. However, the conventional high-temperature growth methods will inevitably disturb the ordered growth and introduce massive defects in OIHP-SCs, leading to the degradation of device performance. The preparation of thin OIHP-SCs with low trap-state densities for high-performance EL devices remains a formidable challenge. Here, we develop an efficient antisolvent-assisted confined growth (AACG) method for the room-temperature growth of formamidinium lead bromide (FAPbBr3) perovskite SCs. An antisolvent vapour environment is intentionally introduced in the spatially confined growth process to lower the free energy barrier for nucleation, enabling the growth of high-quality FAPbBr3 SCs at room temperature. Consequently, FAPbBr3 SCs with ultralow trap-state density of 2.15 × 109 cm-3 and amplified spontaneous emission (ASE) threshold of 7.1 μJ cm2 could be achieved, representing the best results ever reported for FAPbBr3 SCs. By leveraging the high crystal quality of FAPbBr3 SCs, SC-based perovskite light-emitting diodes (PeLEDs) with a high luminance of over 26,000 cd m-2 and a peak current efficiency (CE) of 13.02 cd A-1 are demonstrated. Our work opens up new opportunities for the development of high-performance EL devices based on OIHP-SCs.

