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1.Zhibin Shao, Tianhao Jiang, Xiujuan Zhang,  Xiaohong Zhang*, Xiaofeng Wu, Feifei Xia, Shiyun Xiong, Shuit-Tong Lee* & Jiansheng Jie*, Memory phototransistors based on exponentialassociation photoelectric conversion law, Nat. Commun.  2019, 10, 1294
2.Wei Deng, Xiujuan Zhang, Huanli Dong, Jiansheng Jie*, Xiuzhen Xu, Jie Liu, LeHe, Lai Xu, Wenping Hu*, Xiaohong Zhang*, Channel-restricted Meniscus Self-assembly for Uniformly Aligned Growth of Single-Crystal Arrays of Organic Semiconductors, Mater. Today, 2019, 24, 17-25
3.Yao Jiarong, Zhang Yu, Tian Xinzi, Zhang Xiali, Zhao Huijuan, Zhang Xiaotao, Jie Jiansheng, Wang Xinran, Li Rongjin*, Hu Wenping*, Layer-Defining Strategy to Grow Two-Dimensional Molecular Crystals on a Liquid Surface down to the Monolayer Limit , Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2019, 58(45):16082-16086
4.Xiuzhen Xu, Wei Deng, Xiujuan Zhang*, Liming Huang, Wei Wang, Ruofei Jia, Di Wu, Xiaohong Zhang, Jiansheng Jie*, and Shuit-Tong Lee*, Dual-Band, High-Performance Phototransistors from Hybrid Perovskite and Organic Crystal Array for Secure Communication Applications, ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 5910−5919
5.Di Wu, Jiawen Guo, Juan Du, Congxin Xia, Longhui Zeng*, Yongzhi Tian, Zhifeng Shi, Yongtao Tian, Xin Jian Li, Yuen Hong Tsang*, Jiansheng Jie*, Highly Polarization-Sensitive, Broadband, Self-Powered Photodetector Based on Graphene/PdSe2/Germanium Heterojunction, ACS Nano, 2019, 13, 9, 9907-9917
6.Xiaofeng Wu, Ruofei Jia, Jiansheng Jie*, Mi Zhang, Jing Pan, Xiujuan Zhang, and Xiaohong Zhang*, Air Effect on the Ideality of p-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors: A Double-Edged Sword, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1906653  Materials Views Report
7.Ruofei Jia, Xiaofeng Wu, Wei Deng, Xiujuan Zhang*, Liming Huang, Kaifeng Niu, Lifeng Chi, Jiansheng Jie*, Unraveling the Mechanism of the Persistent Photoconductivity in Organic Phototransistors, Adv. Funct. Mater.  2019, 29, 1905657  Materials Views Report
8.Wei Deng, Xiangcheng Jin, You Lv, Xiujuan Zhang*, Xiaohong Zhang, Jiansheng Jie* , 2D Ruddlesden–Popper Perovskite Nanoplate Based Deep‐Blue Light‐Emitting Diodes for Light Communication, Adv. Funct. Mater.  2019, 29, 1903861  Materials Views Report
9.Wanqin Zhao, Jiansheng Jie*, Qi Wei, Zhengjun Lu, Ruofei Jia, Wei Deng, Xiujuan Zhang, and Xiaohong Zhang*, A Facile Method for the Growth of Organic Semiconductor Single Crystal Arrays on Polymer Dielectric Toward Flexible Field-Effect Transistors, Adv. Funct. Mater. 2019, 29, 1902494
10.Xiujuan Zhang, Wei Deng, Ruofei Jia, Xiaohong Zhang, and Jiansheng Jie*, Precise Patterning of Organic Semiconductor Crystals for Integrated Device Applications, Small, 2019, 15, 1900332
11.Yanling Xiao, Xiaochen Fang, Wei Deng, Xiujuan Zhang*, Jiansheng Jie*, Surficial Marangoni Flow‐Induced Growth of Ultrathin 2D Molecular Crystals on Target Substrates, Adv. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 7, 1901753
12.Wei Deng, Xiujuan Zhang, Ruofei Jia, Liming Huang, Xiaohong Zhang and Jiansheng Jie*, Organic Molecular Crystal-based Photosynaptic Devices for an Artificial Visual-perception System, NPG Asia Materials, 2019, 11, 77
13.Wei Deng, Bei Lu, Jian Mao, Zhengjun Lu, Xiujuan Zhang, Jiansheng Jie*, Precise Positioning of Organic Semiconductor Single Crystals with Two-Component Aligned Structure through 3D Wettability-Induced Sequential Assembly, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces,  2019, 11, 36205-36212
14.Jinwen Wang, Wei Deng, Wei Wang, Ruofei Jia, Xiuzhen Xu, Yanling Xiao, Xiujuan Zhang, Jiansheng Jie*, Xiaohong Zhang*, External-force-driven solution epitaxy of large-area 2D organic single crystals for high-performance field-effect transistors, Nano Res. 2019, 12, 2796–2801
15.Mi Zhang, Zhibin Shao*, Tianhao Jiang, Xiaofeng Wu, Bingchang Zhang, Xiujuan Zhang, Feifei Xia*, Jiansheng Jie*, Tuning Electrical and Raman Scattering Properties of Cadmium Sulfide Nanoribbons via Surface Charge Transfer Doping, J.Phys.Chem.C, 2019, 123, 15794-15801
16.Tianhao Jiang, Zhibin Shao*, Huan Fang, Wei Wang, Qiao Zhang, Di Wu, Xiujuan Zhang*, Jiansheng Jie*, High-performance Nano-floating Gate Memory Based on Lead Halide Perovskite Nanocrystals, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2019, 11, 24367−24376
17.Jing Pan, Wei Deng, Xiuzhen Xu, Tianhao Jiang, Xiujuan Zhang*, Jiansheng Jie*, Photodetectors based on small-molecule organic semiconductor crystals, Chinese. Phys. B. 2019, 28, 038102
18.Huan Fang, Wei Deng, Xiujuan Zhang*, Xiuzhen Xu, Meng Zhang, Jiansheng Jie, and Xiaohong Zhang*, Few-layer formamidinium lead bromide nanoplatelets for ultrapuregreen and high-efficiency light-emitting diodes, Nano Res. 2019, 12, 171–176